
Friday, July 17, 2015

Gone Girl

I forgot to post this back when I read the book about a year ago. I loved the book, obviously. I (like many others) thought that the film was oddly woman hating and relied much more on the trope of the psycho bitch than any honest attempt to depict a realistic sociopathic character.

Here are some quotes that I liked, regarding the odd obliviousness that sociopaths experience regarding reading people (considering they can be so oddly insightful), regarding the husbands desire to trick his sociopathic-ish wife into thinking she had won:

‘Go, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks, we need to remember that,’ I said. ‘What matters right now is what Amy is thinking. If she’s softening toward me.’

‘Nick. You really think she can go that fast from hating you so much to falling in love with you again?’

It was the fifth anniversary of our conversation on this topic.

‘Go, yeah, I do. Amy was never a person with any sort of bullshit detector. If you said she looked beautiful, she knew that was a fact. If you said she was brilliant, it wasn’t flattery, it was her due. So yeah, I think a good chunk of her truly believes that if I can only see the error of my ways, of course I’ll be in love with her again. Because why in God’s name wouldn’t I be?’

‘And if it turns out she’s developed a bullshit detector?’

‘You know Amy; she needs to win. She’s less pissed off that I cheated than that I picked someone else over her. She’ll want me back just to prove that she’s the winner. Don’t you agree? Just seeing me begging her to come back so I can worship her properly, it will be hard for her to resist. Don’t you think?’

And from our sociopathic character regarding what role she provides for her husband:

You think you can ever be a normal man again? You’ll find a nice girl, and you’ll still think of me, and you’ll be so completely dissatisfied, trapped in your boring, normal life with your regular wife and your two average kids. You’ll think of me and then you’ll look at your wife, and you’ll think: Dumb bitch. Just like your dad. We’re all bitches in the end, aren’t we, Nick? Dumb bitch, psycho bitch. I’m the bitch you makes you better, Nick. I’m the bitch who makes you a man.


  1. I actually really liked the movie, though I haven't read the book. It had just the right amount of suspension of disbelief that gave me the feeling I was watching real people and not just actors.

  2. Really? Love spam on a blog such as this?

  3. So r u saying that im one of u? Or r u talking bout someone else? Ie "he will realize what he tried to deny all along... that he is one of us"

  4. Watched the movie last night.
    Not bad.
    I love the way she set him up.

    But here is what I don't get:
    Amy is clearly highly intelligent and calculating.
    She resented the husband so much that she was willing to frame him and even considered killing herself to get to him. Fair enough.

    Then he goes on tv and does the whole bullshit "I love you so much. I've learned my lesson and want to be the man I promised you..." act and all of a sudden she throws all caution to the wind. Comes up with this ridiculous kidnapping plot, kills Desi and goes back to living with that sack of crap.

    She was smart enough to figure out that there were plenty of plot holes in her story that might lead to her downfall.
    She would have known that he would tell all to the sister, which left her as a bad loose end as well.
    The guy might be terrified of her, but he was too skittish. Could have snapped and turned on her at practically any time. Gone public. Contacted Desi's relatives with the story...whatever.

    What if she has the baby and he decides that he doesn't want a murderer raising his kid?

    Sure she had the admiration and attention from the public, but she lives in a house of cards with a man I highly doubt she has any warm and fuzzies towards.

    What the hell?

    Why didn't she contact Desi when she needed to run off? Feed him the big sob story about the husband wanting her dead. Stay with Desi the creepy dick and seduce him entirely. Not exactly difficult.
    Get him to use his money to set her up with a whole new identity. Maybe come up with more "evidence" of her murder to cement the case.
    Let the husband go through the courts and go to jail.

    Marry Desi, using the new identity of course. Sign all the prenups, whatever makes Desi happy. Stay with him for a year or two so she can establish a good base, maybe have his child.
    Then kill Desi, play bereaved widow for a little bit and get his money. Live in luxury for the rest of her life.

    Come visit hubby in jail and gloat.
    How pious he must be, spending his nights on his knees, the taste of Jesus in his mouth.
    Playing 'pin the tail on the donkey' with the lovely white supremacists. Except he always gets to be the donkey and those aren't exactly tails... ;)

    Sounds a hell of a lot more fun to me than what she got herself into.


    1. Another sick fuck! Manipulation, guile, deception. Complete coward!

    2. Lol!
      Bite me, you bravest and noblest of knights in shining armour.
      Or are you just another impotent douchebag in tinfoil, venting your frustrations? ;)



  5. I'm curious about the notion that the film was misogynistic. I didn't pick up on that at all, but maybe as a man, I wouldn't. There were only about three major women in the story- Amy, Margot, and the detective. I felt like Margot and the detective were well represented.

    I do agree that the movie glossed over some of the details in the book that showed how manipulative Amy was. I think that was probably necessary from a filmmaking standpoint.

  6. A long time ago I heard someone say - An average man is far smarter than a smart woman. In my experience I have found this to be very true. This movie is more like science fiction to me.

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  8. I didn't even know that this book exists when I went to the cinema and obviously it is not such interesting to read it now since I know the plot. But I have to say that it is one of the two movies I watched in 2014 and truly enjoyed it. 10/10. Recently I've read Dark Places but I find it really boring and poor written - I work at and many of my coworkers admitted that I had a clue. If anyone needs essay writing service help - just contact us.


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