
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Famous sociopaths? Gabriele d'Annunzio

From a reader:

Sociopath song?:

Historical sociopath?:

From the link, headlined under "THE SEX-OBSESSED POET WHO INVENTED FASCISM":

D'Annunzio was a thrill-seeking megalomaniac best described as a cross between the Marquis de Sade, Aaron Burr, Ayn Rand, and Madonna. He was wildly popular. And he wasn't like anyone who came before him.

“You must create your life, as you'd create a work of art. It's necessary that the life of an intellectual be artwork with him as the subject. True superiority is all here. At all costs, you must preserve liberty, to the point of intoxication," d’Annunzio writes in Il Piacere, an ambiguously autobiographical novel published in 1889. "The rule for an intellectual is this: own, don't be owned.”


  1. Ha! No rules for me, and liberty is not won at all costs - but my life as art, yes! Myriad colour-trails through the block universe; unpredictable unfoldings, vast and rich beyond comprehension.

  2. Anonymous December 7, 2015 at 8:59 PM wrote:

    A-Can I ask you a personal question? You don't need to respond, if you do not wish to. I was wondering-did you initially have lust for your partner? Or, are love and lust always seperate"

    I was not originally attracted to my husband. I was toying with a handful of other men, so when he first asked for my number, I refused him.

    He was the roommate of a friend, so I saw him a lot. What initially attracted him to me was his mind. He's brilliant. We soon discovered that we shared a morbid sense of humour. He has a strong antisocial streak, so we got into lots of trouble together. This cemented our friendship.

    But it was making out with him for the first time that finally did me in. He's amazing in bed.

    I have the highest sex drive of anyone I have ever known- and he is experimental and open. That was more important for me than virtually anything else. His only hard boundary to this day is a staunch insistence upon strict monogamy. I would prefer an open marriage. This remains a source of frustration for both of us.

    The sex is good in general, but when we both really have time to play (which is not as often these days), we have a sadomasochistic dynamic in the bedroom that is mind blowing. We engage in a lot of very risky edge play, which definitely helps to keep things interesting. At this juncture, no safe words or general precautions are necessary, because our non-verbal sexual trust and communication are exquisite. This allows us to take things to an extreme that few people experience or relate to, even within bdsm culture, which we do not participate in. You would never know what kind of a freak I am just by looking at me. :)

    So to answer your question: I love and lust my partner, but generally not at the same time. Our sex life is downright violent, and if most people knew the kinds of things we do, they would call us sick. And maybe we are. But the kind of intimacy engendered when someone offers themselves up to you, and willingly places their throbbing jugular under your blade, is indescribably delicious. That kind of power exchange is very exciting, heady stuff. But it most certainly isn't what anyone might call "making love".

    We fuck hard. It works. ;)

    1. “I was not originally attracted to my husband. I was toying with a handful of other men, so when he first asked for my number, I refused him.”

      While I understand your point, I have a few thoughts that might give you some ideas. based on what you’ve written in this post, I am inclined to believe that you could have been originally attracted to him. Could it have been an intense, “subterranean” attraction that brewed in there for a while? As it were, some things take a while to surface in full force. Sometimes, a specific reason for one’s behavior is “unknown” until the subterranean mesh or ensemble allows things to become full-fledged.

      “He was the roommate of a friend, so I saw him a lot. What initially attracted him to me was his mind. He's brilliant. We soon discovered that we shared a morbid sense of humour. He has a strong antisocial streak, so we got into lots of trouble together. This cemented our friendship.”

      True, I can see how a brilliant mind, a strong antisocial streak, and a morbid sense of humor can fortify a relationship. These qualities/traits are undoubtedly invaluable.

      “But it was making out with him for the first time that finally did me in. He's amazing in bed.”

      It sounds like a stunning and tightening first time. Having the effect of being “finally done in” conveys further cementation.

      “I have the highest sex drive of anyone I have ever known- and he is experimental and open. That was more important for me than virtually anything else. His only hard boundary to this day is a staunch insistence upon strict monogamy. I would prefer an open marriage. This remains a source of frustration for both of us.”

      I agree with the importance of having a high sex drive in the type of marriage and sexual-proclivities-setup that you’re describing. However, why do you prefer an open marriage? If you think about it, wouldn’t monogamy contribute to strengthening the “alloy” of the cement as the relationship rises to an even more intense level in all of the aspects that you’ve expressed so far?

      “The sex is good in general, but when we both really have time to play (which is not as often these days), we have a sadomasochistic dynamic in the bedroom that is mind blowing. We engage in a lot of very risky edge play, which definitely helps to keep things interesting. At this juncture, no safe words or general precautions are necessary, because our non-verbal sexual trust and communication are exquisite. This allows us to take things to an extreme that few people experience or relate to, even within bdsm culture, which we do not participate in. You would never know what kind of a freak I am just by looking at me. :)”

      This sounds perfect and enthralling, A. In addition to blades/knives, do you also engage in heated and “chancy” gunplay?

      “So to answer your question: I love and lust my partner, but generally not at the same time. Our sex life is downright violent, and if most people knew the kinds of things we do, they would call us sick. And maybe we are. But the kind of intimacy engendered when someone offers themselves up to you, and willingly places their throbbing jugular under your blade, is indescribably delicious. That kind of power exchange is very exciting, heady stuff. But it most certainly isn't what anyone might call "making love".”

      Yes, everything vibrates and echoes as “indescribably delicious.” Violent, throbbing and exhilarating.

      “We fuck hard. It works. ;)”

      Glorious! :)

    2. I have been thinking a bit more about your post. I believe that my questions to you about a monogamous marriage were, in essence and retrospect, statements on my part, which means that I do not really expect you to answer them. After all, you were discussing your situation in terms of “preference,” and there is another post wherein you’re stating that it is a “shared project." Clarifying things is my goal here. :)

      “At this juncture, no safe words or general precautions are necessary, because our non-verbal sexual trust and communication are exquisite. This allows us to take things to an extreme that few people experience or relate to, even within bdsm culture, which we do not participate in.”

      Non-verbal sexual trust and communication is so valuable to have in the relationship that you are defining in your post. Taking things to extreme levels can result in highly fulfilling experiences. In essence, a couple can do anything they desire, which most people would surely not understand.

      I did not mention in my prior comment that I agree with your view on love and lust, and having compartments for each one. As you mentioned above, what you do is not what ordinary or “normal” people might call “making love.”

      “Our sex life is downright violent, and if most people knew the kinds of things we do, they would call us sick. And maybe we are. But the kind of intimacy engendered when someone offers themselves up to you, and willingly places their throbbing jugular under your blade, is indescribably delicious.”

      Truth be told, I instinctively believe and feel that a blade can be more impacting than gunplay. I asked you about gunplay, because I, for one, find it appealing as well. All in all, I imagine the effect of the blade and upsurge of it as being no less than extraordinary.

    3. However, why do you prefer an open marriage? If you think about it, wouldn’t monogamy contribute to strengthening the “alloy” of the cement as the relationship rises to an even more intense level in all of the aspects that you’ve expressed so far?"

      Yes. That is his position. I find it difficult because there are things I would like to do that would hurt him emotionally. We are not wired in the same way, in *that* way. He also compartmentalizes love and lust- but he has no desire to be with anyone apart from me. He is incredibly devoted and loyal. I respect that. I respect *him*. So I honour him with physical exclusivity, at the expense of expressing certain facets of my lust. It is a worthwhile sacrifice.

      As for gunplay... That is something I would most definitely enjoy, but we have not explored it.... Yet. ;)

      That said, there is something much more intimate and visceral about knifeplay. It's my favorite kink amongst many.

    4. "A"-thank you so much for your candid response!!! I find a lot of similarities between you and your husband, and my husband and I. I believe he is an undiagnosed psychopath/sociopath. At first he seemed uninterested in me, and I chased him. He was friends with my sister and her husband, so I ran into him a lot. I think I am fairly intelligent. People have told me, that I can have a sick sense of humor. I don't know if I have an antisocial streak, but I am an introvert. I also have a higher sex drive, than any other woman I have ever known...

    5. I wonder if these similarities are common with couples consisting of a "psychopath/sociopath" and a "normal"? Anyone?

    6. True, it can be a worthwhile sacrifice, A.

      “That said, there is something much more intimate and visceral about knifeplay. It's my favorite kink amongst many.”

      The visceral quality and instinctual mark in the sphere and forte of knifeplay can lead to so many hidden aspects of one’s personality. As for its inherent intimacy, I believe that it can become illimitable.

      In reference to both knife and gunplay, what do you think about some of the scenes in the movie “Mr. and Mrs. Smith?” Have you seen it in its entirety?”

    7. We watched it a long time ago, so my recollection of specific scenes is poor, but I do remember that we both enjoyed it. :)

      Knife play is *very* intimate. A blade strikes me as much more personal than the barrel of a gun- although I've never engaged in gun play, so I have no first hand experience upon which to draw.

      Knife requires a level of reciprocity and mutual trust that demands intimacy. It is not the kind of play that you should engage in with anyone you do not literally trust with your life. I certainly wouldn't advise it within the context of more casual relationships.

      Have you ever experienced it?

    8. I was just thinking about this, and the rhythm of the soundtrack combines so well with the action in the movie, A.

      No, I have not experienced knifeplay or that inducing level of intense intimacy, but it appeals immensely. Truth be told, I have never literally trusted anyone with my life, or, more explicitly, I have never reached that high and unique point of being so intimately in synch with someone to actually engage in knife play. I believe that it would be a haunting experience for me.

      What type of knife do you prefer?

  3. "I agree with the importance of having a high sex drive in the type of marriage and sexual-proclivities-setup that you’re describing. However, why do you prefer an open marriage? If you think about it, wouldn’t monogamy contribute to strengthening the “alloy” of the cement as the relationship rises to an even more intense level in all of the aspects that you’ve expressed so far?"

    You ask a good question which really hits the nail on the head. Why do you think "lust" is a deadly sin? NOT because your private bedroom activities are inherently evil or dangerous (some can be of course). It's because they inevitably lead one to become a slave to their sexual appetite. No one is denying their "right" to do whatever they want in private but that's not enough for them once they have it. They want to caricature language first by calling it "love" in "their way." Next they make the whole concept of marriage a joke by having "open marriages." Why the hell did you get married if you wanted to keep it "open"? Marriage is a contract - imagine you made a business contract and agreed to sell your product exclusively to one company. Next thing you are all over the place and you say "why can't we just agree to keep it open?" You just butchered the terms "contract" and "responsibility" and "honor" and "trust" etc etc. WORSE still, they know what they're doing is wrong but instead of admitting it they want the world to conform to their behavior and change terms, laws and attitudes to conform to them. Instead of "promiscuity" and "cheating" it's just "open marriage."

    No one - NO ONE - who falls in actual love ever, EVER, desires anyone or anything other than their lover. They may if that love dies out for some reason but it while it's there, it is NOT mere lust. It is to actually care for the other person in every aspect, and it inevitably makes everything they do - including sex - better. My own philosophy used to be: everyone is different (sound familiar? the minions start like this). I'm a lover but others just need sex wherever they get it and that's all fine. I swear by God it's not all fine. These people end up becoming envious of those who don't need to copulate with everyone all the time to be happy. They become more arrogant and cannot possibly stick to one person. I promise this "relationship" will not last either unless it evolves into something real. In fact it never was a real one because of it's "open" and deceptive nature.

    One more thing I learned about God when it comes to sexuality: the emphasis has been on privacy and secrecy. If you have cravings that are not satiated by normal, loving relationships, do what you do and keep it private. Don't advertise your behavior, don't JUSTIFY it by twisting words and caricaturing language and don't ruin other people's lives by cheating on your own spouses and deceiving others into "relationships."

    Having said all that, this was not an attack on A. This was being blunt and factual. Of course he / she will take it as such because, as I've explained above, the TRUTH doesn't matter to enslaved people but rather they need others to see the world as they do (why I wonder? you'd think they'd be happy with all the wild sex they're getting).

    1. No one - NO ONE - who falls in actual love ever, EVER, desires anyone or anything other than their lover.


      the TRUTH doesn't matter to enslaved people but rather they need others to see the world as they do


      Yet more of your contradictory, self-righteous, self-centered crap.

      According to your OWN logic and definition, then, Mohammed never "loved" his child bride Aisha, considering the fact that he had while harems of sex slaves at his disposal. His marriage to her must have been a joke... Right?

      Your words, not mine. ;)

  4. Love grows with time. Lust requires more with time. Last time you needed to choke during orgasm. Eventually you'll need to get more "creative." Maybe add tow more partners. Then it's full on orgies. Do people use their reason? They are NEVER satiated, never content with all the "wild sex" - the more they do, the more they need. I know that "A" knows this to be true whether he / she admits it or not. They didn't start off all over - in the beginning it's "normal." Then they want more and more and will sell their soul for it.

    "Shut up you just don't get laid and you're lashing out"

    I'm sure you'll be more creative that that. Let's see. Attack away but you know what I said is true.

  5. I've come across several people inflicted with this disease...I mean "freedom." Only one managed to get me to almost crack and even that was because I ended up in a deep hole dug by my own family. I don't want to go into details - it doesn't hurt anymore but it does sadden me a little, mostly for them - but I mention this to say that A LOT more problems arise from this kind of behavior, not just what I've discussed in the above two posts.

  6. J.J said..." emphasis has been on privacy and secrecy. If you have cravings that are not satiated by normal, loving relationships, do what you do and keep it private."

    Don't fucking tell me how to live my life. I'll answer questions as I see fit.

    Yesterday you swore up and down you wouldn't address me again. I am too far beneath, you remember?

    But now you're back for more.

    That's ok, J.J. I aim to please. :)

  7. You're right I wasn't aiming to address you but I ended up doing so at the end of one of these posts. Sorry about that. Now that it's happened, here's my (hopefully for real this time) last comment:

    "A" I would say I KNOW who you are also but that's technically not 100% true and I don't knowingly lie anymore, thank God. You've always underestimated me because I've been putting up with your BS for a long time. I'd rather we both avoid each other - I don't want to say something which will hurt you.

    1. I'm just calling you on your own words, Jihadi. You can comment as much as you want. There is literally nothing you (or anyone, for that matter) can say here to hurt me. I have not accorded you that power. Say whatever you will.

      You can start by addressing my comment about how- according to your own words and definition of the term "love"- Mohammed's "marriage" to Aisha was a joke.

      Or is time to run away again, coward? XD

  8. M.E.

    If you haven't read about Caligula, the Roman Emperor, you should. This Dannunzio sounds like a mini version of him - or perhaps the same kind of person but with far less power. Reading this article I was wondering if this guy was psychopathic, sociopathic or narcissistic. I think he was almost certainly no psychopath - he wouldn't be so openly rebellious and creative if he was. He's almost certainly a narcissist and obviously has very many sociopathic traits. I suspect there's more to his history then we know.

  9. this blog's comment section is swarming with idiots nowdays... too bad

  10. ...^Comgratulations, anonymouse. You just upped the idiot count by one more. If you think it's "too bad", change the equation, since we're clearly missing out on your brilliance. Put out, or shut up.

  11. So I read the article and I must say this guy resonates with me quite a bit... :D

    "The rule for an intellectual is this: Own, don't be owned."

    ^I really like that.

    I also relate very much to the song "Bitch" by Meredith Brooks xD

    In all, a highly relatable post for me.

    Thanks for sharing, M.E


    I've been following this guy on and off for about 15 years now. He's a famous American convert (most Western muslims know him). I've heard this talk before but it's amazing how much it ALL makes sense and puts into words a lot of what I've been writing here for the past few weeks. I think M.E. and other sincere viewers might benefit from watching it.

  13. I used to hear him as an atheist and think "well he's obviously very intelligent and sincerely deluded." I was just way, way too ignorant - innocently ignorant but ignorant no less.

    Remember always to ask: why do serious, sincere and intelligent people take this "superstitious," "bronze age nonsense" etc seriously to this day. Maybe, just maybe, they know somethings we don't?

    1. Yeah, like how to most efficiently exert control over the masses by way of inciting terror through the widespread dissemination of vitriolic, fear mongering propaganda. :P

      You never did address my question about Mohammed and Aisha, Jonaid. How do you expect to convince anyone of your viewpoint if you won't even address valid criticism?

      You accuse everyone else of cowardice whilst avoiding important questions and deflecting all objections and literally demonizing those who disagree with you.

      We know some things you don't, alright.

  14. "The rule for an intellectual is this: Own, don't be owned."

    I wanted to comment on this yesterday but completely forgot. This would be laughably stupid if it wasn't sad & dangerous. The deceiver knows how to market better than anyone: put "intellectual" and "own, don't be owned" in the same sentence and let morons flock in thinking they're intelligent. Irony: some of these "intellectuals" would actually BE intellectuals if they didn't sell out.

    People are you still not noticing how all these tricks work? They put together two opposites to sell their agenda: want to sell lust? Say it's "love." Want to sell deviance, call it "creativity." Want to sell falsehoods, call it "science." Want to sell immorality, call it "humanism" or better "secular humanism." Bah how ignorant I was!

    1. ....Want to sell "morality"? Threaten to decapitate and crucify your dissenters. How ignorant you are, indeed.

  15. NOTE: I am NOT saying "science" = falsehoods. Let not the minions caricature my words. I'm saying the best way to sell bullshit is to use the language of science and empiricism.

  16. Irony: a deceiver deceives you to think you're so much more special than you are and much better than most of the people who are just idiots. You get happy because you're "in on it" and "on the top." The deceiver sits back and lets you handle his dirty work, throwing you bones here and there to keep you happy (sex, money, etc) but keeps laughing AT YOU for falling for it and loving it all the while. Then the deceiver satiates the bright ones who may be concerned by saying "the pious are the ones who are deluded." His evidence? They DON'T indulge and sell themselves.

    Go figure.

    1. "A deceiver deceives you to think you're so much more special than you are and much better than most of the people who are just idiots."

      What, you mean like how you were saved by God because you were so much more special than the depraved, filthy minions with whom you used to associate?

      You get happy because you're "in on it" and "on the top." The deceiver sits back and lets you handle his dirty work, throwing you bones here and there to keep you happy"

      You mean like how Islam strokes your ego by fueling your self-righteousness, deluding you into thinking that it is justifiable to commit atrocities in the name of a god who bears no resemblance in the Qu'ran and Hadith to the one YOU claim to serve- thereby laughing AT YOU for falling for it, and loving it all the while?


    2. ^There's irony, for ya.

      You are literally a walking poster child for the term, Jihadi.

  17. To the oft-used tactic called whining "you are mean," "you judge," "you don't listen to me," "you don't answer me," etc etc. I'm sorry I don't know how to explain things to people who are either incapable or unwilling to actually lend an ear.

    You need to learn civility before you can discuss serious matters with me. I've wasted too much time trying to put sense into self-obsessed "intellectuals."

  18. Oh and humility. Yuck, humility - I'm too smart for you. You think I don't know that? I know everything.

    Well, what can I add to your infinite wisdom?

  19. "What, you mean like how you were saved by God because you were so much more special than the depraved, filthy minions with whom you used to associate?"

    This one has to be addressed for the sincere readers. The difference between God and the envious coward is the former does NOT care if you're "special" according to the world. ANYONE who can be sincere and humbly ask Him for help will get it. The latter has a pyramid. He puts the bright minions on top and the pawns at the bottom. This is attractive for the someone intelligent minions. The irony is that EVERYONE is deceived in his pyramid. God is the Creator He has no need to deceive you.

    No I'm not "special" because I'm "in on it." I just did the simplest and He responded. ANYONE can do it. Really simple and easy to understand unless your mind has been swallowed up by your deceptive master.

  20. In the name of God, The All-Merciful, The Compassionate.

    "O Children of Adam! Let not Satan seduce you as he caused your (first) parents to go forth from the Garden and tore off from them their robe (of innocence) that he might manifest their shame to them. Lo! he seeth you, he and his tribe, from whence ye see him not. Lo! We have made the devils protecting friends for those who believe not."

    Qur'an 7:27

    There's "psychopathy" for you defined 1400 years ago. It says the grand psycho and his minions see you (non-psychos) while we can't see them.

  21. Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah , so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur'an. And who is truer to his covenant than Allah ? So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great attainment.

    Qu'ran 9: 111

    Psychopathic deception, indeed.

    Rest assured, I certainly *SEE* you.

    1. And you say that nothing in the Qu'ran contradicts the teachings of Jesus. Yet, according to this verse, it is ordained for believers to "kill and be killed". The text even has the audacity to state that this is what's in Gospels. Outright lies.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Do any movie have a scene where some guy gets lost in a big office building and suddenly, by mistake, enters a room where a meeting is interrupted; the guy sees old grannies, bus drivers, students, enemployed, old geezers, rich folks, all with that "peculiar dead stare", and they start asking why he´s come? How did he find his way there? Isn´t that a fine "opening" for a movie? It could "suck on" the tension for awile, letting some "alley wino" spin yarns about the street wisdom of not disturbing gatherings in room 114 & the (rumoured) consequences for doing so..with right (nasty) director surely this would be a film not for everybody, but for some?

    1. The director could put in a "movie-decoy" letting the audience be convinced that the meeting has to do with satanic practices, when in reality The Club in the film is FAR WORSE, gathering "specially gifted" folks from all walks of life, "people bored by limitations set by dullards.."

    2. Movie tag-line: "Are you a weeping dullard?"

  24. M.E. and sincere readers please confirm this on your own if you're intrigued:

    Speaking of movies, I recently watched "A Beautiful Mind" - incidentally when I was having a bad day with my new found "faith." I have no idea why I wanted to watch that and not something else (I've seen it before). So I watched it and noticed something was "off" (again, no idea why). It felt like the movie was "rigged." He was seeing people for years but it only turned into paranoia and schizophrenia after his new wife got pregnant. Then all of a sudden he started thinking he's being chased and he's admitted in psych ward. He starts medication and is relatively okay after because he also learns to avoid his "visions." Fast forward he wins Nobel prize and thanks his wife during the lecture. Now here is the interesting part:

    1) John Nash NEVER saw anyone or anything. He never had visual hallucinations.
    2) His "delusions" (auditory and perceptive) started AFTER he got married and his wife was pregnant. They never occurred before.
    3) He was put in psych ward and forced to take medication. He eventually stopped them altogether (I believe by 1970 he was completely medication free).
    4) His wife divorced him and left him in 1963 (3/4 years after he's diagnosed with schizophrenia) and remarries him in 2001 (7 years after he wins the Nobel prize). That's right - he gave no speech at the ceremony and did not thank anyone, including his wife.
    5) He actually thought he was being given messages & a mission by aliens from the sky. He thought it was similar to MUHAMMAD and actually started looking into Islam. Alas, the minions around him pinned him down. He was certainly no Muhammad.

  25. The director said they didn't want to "mislead" schizophrenia patients by showing them that John Nash living off-medication for almost his entire post-diagnosis life.

    Believe that if you will.

  26. And here is the lesson psychos-to-be should learn from John Nash:

    The movie does get him right when they portray him as utterly conceited and self-centered. He walked & talked like he was God. It's no wonder when he started getting delusional he went nuts and schizophrenic. Luckily though, he didn't (so it appears) sell himself to the devil outright so he ended up being plagued by "schizophrenia."

  27. The sinister grey office-club (in the movie) is in reality jaded psychopaths organizing/directing their own depraved sadean "holiday-daydreams", not everything is even illegal, but most involves "serious carnage" & orgies with few left alive in the end. A visual director may devise a "human shark attack", with some really rabid "psycho bithces" having been equipped with razor sharp "steel scissor-jaws" and is seen diving with delight into the water, just as the next flock of unsuspecting tourist dullards comes to sunbathe (in the movie, its just a description of a possible movie..of course!!)

  28. [WIRE IN THE BLOOD] Tony and Carol talk about dominance and submission in relationships.

    Have always thought this clip to be delicious.

    Maybe it's not just one person, you know. Maybe it's two.

    Is that possible? Could it be a couple?

    Well, when two people kill, they feed off each other. We'd see more of an escalation with each successive death. Here, there's minor escalation only. Within each death as well, we'd see an exploration of two different people.

    The foreplay.


    You'd see the person teasing the other to go further.

    And that's not here?

    Here, there's repression, our killer lives in a defined set of parameters. A dominant and subservient relationship.

    Dominance and submission.

    That's what makes the world go round, Carol, present in every relationship.

    Every relationship?

    In degrees, in light and shade.

    Even between you and your lawyer, one of you will be dominant and the other submissive.

    Which am I?

    Dominant. I suspect you hardly ever go to him; he always comes to you.
    I suspect you decide when you meet, when you don't meet, and eventually, you
    will decide the fate of that relationship.

    But you don't know that.

    No, but the manner of your denial has just confirmed it.

    Okay, then, so what about between us?

    You and me?

    Yeah. You said every relationship.

    It's a tough one.

    That's why I ask.

    Turmoil. Small turf wars. Each person fighting the other for submission. Or to be the most submissive.

    [nearly kiss]

    We're ruling out a couple, then?


    1. Yes, this is my fantasy. Someone to keep pace with me and challenge me. A match.

      I want to explore that.

      Really, I probably still think it's him.
      (It's layer after layer that needs peeling back. But it's worth the effort.)

  29. Did anyone else notice that the only thing the minions do here is 1) insult anyone who outs their tactics (i.e. yours truly), 2) talk about (often perverse) sexual fantasies, 3) on rare occasion they might actually contribute something accidentally. Just another unfortunate side effect of joining the losers' club.

    "Hey I have an idea guys, just because we've sold oursevles and are going to lose doesn't mean we can't lie to ourselves. I say we are the winners and they're the losers. Hey, I can actually believe that too. That's it! I'm going to make up my version of how the world works and ignore their reality. That's it!"

    If anyone ever wondered why the Devil would knowingly betray God there's your answer. He lost his own "mind" in his pride.

    1. Well done, good and faithful servant.

      I forgive you your persistent rabbiting on about your own homosexuality because you are not arrogant and completely innocent.

      I have saved you. Jonaid, you are my chosen one, the tool in my hand to spread the news of my compassion and mercy.

      Continue to bring my wrath on these unforgiveable minions and devils! Your courage and innocence is examplary. I hold you up as an example - the perfect martyr.

      You have earned the worthy name Jihadi.

  30. Free yourselves while you can. Why are you letting the charlatan laugh at your expense? Look at the world from a cosmic view and then find yourself on the planet. Look where you're headed. Don't let pride & fear of humiliation be the reason why you knowingly destroy yourselves and others.

    You'll realize you've been stuck in a horrible nightmare and the whole time you thought it was a pleasant dream. There is a whole real world out here and you've been trapped by the Joker. What agenda could I have to call you to God? How do I profit from it? How on Earth would you lose from it?

    1. Thankyou Jonaid!

      The citizens of planet earth salute you. We are awake now, our ears joyous at your words, our minds vibrating in tune with your saving speech.

      Jonaid is here! Rejoice, rejoice! This is the day of our salvation!

      Look up Sociopath World, look up! The soul of man has been given wings, and at last he is beginning to fly. He is flying into the rainbow -- into the light of hope, into the future, the glorious future that belongs to you, to me, and to all of us. Look up, Sociopath World. Look up.

    2. Please do share with us your humility Jonaid! Teach us how to be humble! Allah has anointed you and our ears are eager for your teaching!

      Save us! Jonaid, show us the path! We want to be humble like you, Jonaid! Teach us empathy, wise one! You have been martyred here enough. Our ears are open and we stand with you against the minions and imbeciles who reject your word. Dash them to pieces - it were better they were not born than to bring sin into this world.

  31. He thinks he's the Only Sane Man, but really he's just seeing Through The Eyes of Madness.

  32. I'm no prophet or any special chosen person but this sort of mockery and caricaturing of people who call to truth is the same strategy that we find sellouts & minions using throughout history to placate their master. Keep it up we'll see who gets the last laugh.

  33. In the name of God, the All-Merciful, the Compassionate.

    "By the declining day,
    Lo! man is in a state of loss,
    Save those who believe and do good works, and exhort one
    another to truth and exhort one another to endurance."

    Qur'an Chapter 103 - The Declining Day

    This small chapter is so profound. It can be taken to refer to the latter times of any particular civilization or the latter times of humanity as a whole. I submit our time would be included this.

    1. I'm offering you the complete and total relaxation Just tell me your wishes and fantasies

      I will make them come true for you together with me. No matter if you are top, bottom or versatile - I am very flexible, creative, with much power and energy. -

  34. My wish is for you to say with sincerity: God please forgive me and guide me. Much easier than your proposal and FAR FAR more beneficial for you.

    Good night.

    1. Do you love your nipples sucked? Please dream of me!

  35. At a certain point in time I didn't quite have the self awareness that I do have now. Sure, I was self aware of my own way of thinking but I wasn't aware that what I was came with the label "sociopath". I thought that since my thought process was like that that it was then the norm; that society as whole thought no differently then me because I was under the impression that I was normal. Normal to me was shallow affect and manipulation, opportunistic altruism with strings attached, a facade presentation of external body language that projected emotions that allowed me to use others. When I came to the realization that other people's realities where so different it was like a rude and disappointing awakening. It was like "Wow, I'm a sociopath." With this new found knowledge I realized I was fated to a lonely existence because knowing my difference, my sociopathy, set me worlds apart from normal people. They could never truly experience reality the way I see it from my perspective.


  36. I live in usa and life is worth living comfortably for me and my family now and really have never seen goodness shown to me this much in my life as I am a mother who struggles with three children and I have been going through a problem as seriously as my husband found a terrible accident last two weeks, and the doctors states that he needs to undergo a delicate surgery for him to be able to walk again and I could not pay the bills, then your surgery went to the bank to borrow and reject me saying that I have no credit card, from there i run to my father and he was not able to help, then when I was browsing through yahoo answers and i came across a loan lender MR TONY HARTON, offering loans at affordable interest rate and i have been hearing about so many scams on the internet but at this my desperate situation, I had no choice but to give it an attempt and surprisingly it was all like a dream, I got a loan of $ 50,000 and I paid for my husband surgery and thank God today is good and you can walk and is working and the burden is longer so much on me more and we can feed well and my family is happy today and i said to myself that I will mourn aloud in the world of the wonders of God to me through this lender GOD fearing MR TONY HARTON and I would advise anyone in genuine and serious need of loan to contact this God-fearing man on through .. and I want you all to pray for this man for me

    My name is Marina Williams, I am a UK citizen, 48 years Old. I reside here in London United Kingdom.My residential address is as follows, 43 Stephen Road, Bexleyheath DA7 6EF United Kingdom, I have been in bondage, passing through pains, sorrow, heart broke, ever since my Husband left me for another woman, It was really hell for me and everybody told me to forget about him but i could not because i love him so much,I cried and sobbed every day, until it got so bad that I reached out to the Internet for help. And i saw a testimony of a spell caster who help a girl called cynthia get her ex boyfriend back, and i said let me give it a try,but I never believe because i thought all spell caster are fake,so i decided to contact him for help and he cast a love spell for me which i use in getting my Husband back and now i am a happy woman. For what you have done for me,i will not stop to share your goodness to people out there for the good work you are doing. Once again thank you Dr Frank Ojo You are truly talented and gifted. If you need his help you can reach him on his email address: , i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my husband.Try the Dr Frank Ojo today he we be the key or answer to your problem. Here's his contact email address: { } Website address:, His Mobile number: +234)80- 7237-0762, i give you 100% guarantee that he will help you.!!


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