
Monday, January 18, 2016

Evil wants an evil response

One of my mantras for the past year or so is evil wants an evil response (see here). But let me back up. One thing that has always bothered me about having my particular brain wiring is that despite craving power and control, it has traditionally been so easy to push me over the edge, lose my temper, make me angry. I get caught up in power struggles sometimes and make a bigger deal out of things than they warrant because I get ego hurt or my mind just seems to crave that particular stimulus.

But in the past couple of years of trying to find a better balance in my psychological and emotional life, the mantra helps me to understand that in having that reaction of anger against something that rankles me, I am at worst playing into my opponent's hands and at best losing control and perspective. There's actually a sort of suggestion in Mormon theology that enmity is its own sort of currency -- that you can stir up and use enmity to do plenty of momentous things that not even mountains of gold would do (think French Revolution or Hitler). And so our enmity often makes us pawns as well, and in fighting people that are filled with enmity, we're often just fighting pawns. (For some of you nerdier types, it's like when I tried to explain to my little relatives that Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars was leading both sides of the clone wars, but they couldn't understand how a war (every war?) could really just be fought completely by pawns against pawns, and of the same man.)

Martin Luther King Jr. (happy MLK Jr Day U.S.!) put it this way:

"The attack is directed against forces of evil rather than against persons who happen to be doing the evil. It is the evil that the nonviolent resister seeks to defeat, not the persons victimized by the evil. If he is opposing racial injustice, the nonviolent resister has the vision to see that the basic tension is not between the races… The tension is, at bottom, between justice and injustice, between the forces of light and the forces of darkness…. We are out to defeat injustice and not white persons who may be unjust."

Or Marcus Aurelius:

"When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: The people I deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous, and surly. They are like this because they can’t tell good from evil. But I have seen the beauty of good, and the ugliness of evil, and have recognized that the wrongdoer has a nature related to my own — not of the same blood or birth, but of the same mind, and possessing a share of the divine. And so none of them can hurt me. No one can implicate me in ugliness. Nor can I feel angry at my relative, or hate him. We were born to work together like feet, hands, and eyes, like the two rows of teeth, upper and lower. To obstruct each other is unnatural. To feel anger at someone, to turn your back on him: these are obstructions."


  1. I am Hwa Jurong, a Reputable, Legitimate & an accredited money Lender. I provide all kind of loans locally & internationally to individual and companies. We offer loans at 2% interest rate annually without stress of securing the loan! E-mail: { or

    1. Really? A 2% loan??? Without the stress of securing the loan???? My god! What a bargain mister Hwa Jurong! You sure seem like a trustworthy strapping young lad!
      How did you know that all my life, all I ever wanted was a 2% loan, without the stress of securing the loan? All I ever had was 3% loans, with the stress of securing the loan! I was so depressed, I almost killed myself by jumping in front of a moving wheelchair! But thanks to Hwa Jurong, a Reputable, Legitimate & an accredited money Lender, I went to the WC instead and took the biggest shit in my life!
      Finally, my life has a purpose! No more 3% loans with the stress of securing the loan. From now on, I will only have 2% loans without the stress of securing the loan!
      You should all follow my example and get yourselves some juicy 2% loans without the stress of securing the loan! It's the steal of a century!

    2. Anon 2:49-You crack me up!!!

    3. PS-Is that you, NM???

    4. Note, not me, Anon. Funny read nonetheless.

    5. Rejoice, comrades!

      It is I, the destroyer of "helpers", the mocker of posers!

      I bring you meaningless uncontrollable laughter! For I am... Blogger Boy! Annoyer of the concerned! Mocker of the religious!
      I must make haste now, for my work here is done!

      But, fear not! For I shall return, when the time is right...

      Until then, I say to thee; farewell!
      Blogger Boy, AWAYYYYYYY!

    6. NM-There you are.:) I didn't realize, you had your own blog.:) YOUR DOG IS THE CUTEST!!!

    7. PS NM-I haven't read your blog, yet.:) What's your dog's name? I came across my favorite "Klimt" picture online the other day, and thought of you.:) I know you're not "into that", but it made me think of you, anyway.:)

    8. PSS NM-Where have you been???

    9. Hello, dear readers!
      Welcome back to our show, "Guess the Poster"! Where our contestant get toooooo...


      Last time, we had two players, Anonymous One and Anonymous Two, try their luck with the infamous "2%-er".

      Unfortunately for them, they got the answer wrong: the poster was not NM! Ouch! We wish you all better luck next time!

      I hope you are all ready, as the new episode will rock you right out of your seats!

      This week, we have a new contender.
      Say. Hello. To. Blogger Boyyyyy!!

      Stakes are high, as Anonymous One, Anonymous Two and Anonymous Three try to win the main prize, Satisfaction, aaaaand...


      First up, we have Anonymous One! And the answer is...
      Anonymous One made a bold move, but will it pay off? Is Blogger Boy really NM?

      Moving on, we have the second contestant, Anonymous Two, who chose...
      Looks like NM is gaining some real traction, ladies and gentlemen! Could it really be NM? Are we any close to solving the mistery of Blogger Boy?

      Here we have the last contestant for tonight, Anonymous Threeeeee!
      Let's see the answeeeeer...
      Ladies and gentlemen, can you believe it? NM is becoming a real star of the show!

      Will we ever find out the real identity of the mysterious Blogger Boy? Is NM behind it all?
      Find out next time, when we uncover the answer and see if our contentants were any close to solving this mystery!
      Thanks for watching, and remember to tune in for the next episode of our show, "Guess the Poster", where our contestants try to...

      Thank you, and good night!


    10. Anon@☻6:59am,
      The profile photo is not my own dog, changed profile background so it's her at about 5 months. Her name is quite extraordinary (or so I've been told), hence not an information I feel comfortable to share on the web. (Or on a blog called ...) Tho I can tell you her nickname: Monster (That's also what is written on her k9-harness.)

      You thought about me? Interesting :)

      I don't really have time currently, tons of exams - but I didn't stop reading this blog.

      Greetings ;)

    11. NM-Your dog is TOO CUTE, to have the name "Monster"!!! She looks like an "Angel".:) When I see "Klimt", I think of you.:) Good luck on your exams!!!

  2. "I get caught up in power struggles sometimes and make a bigger deal out of things than they warrant because I get ego hurt or my mind just seems to crave that particular stimulus."

    I can relate to this quite well. After certain events in which things don't go in my favor, a certain thirst for mental stimulation goes on within my mind. It's the kind of moments that make me want to brew a hot cup of black tea to sip while I plot and scheme how to ruin all the people who have been getting in my way in life. Of course I tend pattern of doing that anyways even when rage isn't simmering under the surface, but the itch to do so seems to persist the most when I'm allowing anger to brew. I can't allow that kind of emotional state to remain stable though, and choose to compartmentalize it within my mind as to not sabotage my ability to remain calm and composed in order to facilitate a state of mind that allows me to instead show the kind of warmth, charm, and politeness people who have seemingly wronged me in some way. To react with anger, especially anger that clouds the mind enough to let irrational behavior happen, is to let the situation fall out of your control and into the hands of the people who are angry enough to obviously not care enough how their behavior aggravates the situation.

    I wouldn't always douse the flames on anger though; I might just allow it to flow out from it's compartment, and with a certain tunnel vision like way, combine it with also in a sense of unfocusing my perception of reality in a way which divorces me from any fear. It provides a way of doing something, what I believe to be "prosocial" according to my independently defined internal moral code, in dire circumstances, like fighting for my life or protecting someone I've decided to value more than others.

    Sometimes impulses get the better of me and I snap, the anger getting the better of me and letting myself cave to destructive behavior. It has happened, and to my detriment. People have been hurt by it and I have "burned bridges" with it. I don't like anger that is pointless and will never have any real applied use, it is time and energy wasted. I might entertain the emotion of anger within my mind, but I do not have to sustain it or feed it in any way. I allow myself to either forgive myself or others, even if I never end of explicitly communicating that directly to them. I move on quickly, or I compartmentalize until I can address the issue or use it to my advantage.

    ESTP Sociopath

    1. *I can't allow that kind of emotional state to remain stable though, and choose to compartmentalize it within my mind as to not sabotage my ability to remain calm and composed in order to facilitate a state of mind that allows me to instead show the kind of warmth, charm, and politeness to people who have seemingly wronged me in some way so I can be diplomatic enough to starve off the anger of those people.

      ESTP Sociopath

  3. I loved M.E.'s link to "An Experiment In Love: Martin Luther King, Jr. on The Six Pillars of Nonviolent Resistance and the Ancient Greek Notion of 'Agape'"!!! After reading the article, this John Lennon song line, came to my mind: "Love is the answer and you know that for sure"...

    "Mind Games"

    We're playing those mind games together
    Pushing the barriers planting seeds
    Playing the mind guerrilla
    Chanting the Mantra peace on earth
    We all been playing those mind games forever
    Some kinda druid dudes lifting the veil
    Doing the mind guerrilla
    Some call it magic the search for the grail

    Love is the answer and you know that for sure
    Love is a flower you got to let it grow

    So keep on playing those mind games together
    Faith in the future out of the now
    You just can't beat on those mind guerrillas
    Absolute elsewhere in the stones of your mind
    Yeah we're playing those mind games forever
    Projecting our images in space and in time

    Yes is the answer and you know that for sure
    Yes is surrender you got to let it go

    So keep on playing those mind games together
    Doing the ritual dance in the sun
    Millions of mind guerrillas
    Putting their soul power to the karmic wheel
    Keep on playing those mind games forever
    Raising the spirit of peace and love
    (I want you to make love, not war
    I know you've heard it before)

    ...I also like the line "I want you to make love, not war"'s a "motto" of mine.:)

    1. PS-"Peace and Love" everyone!!!

    2. ESTP-Are those your "mottos", too???

  4. PSS-Here's a link, if you'd like to listen:

    1. PSSS-It's ironic that both Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and John Lennon, were both murdered/assassinated...

    2. PSSSS-...ironic because it is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, which made me think of the line from the John Lennon song-both men were proponents of "love, not war", and they were both murdered/assassinated...

  5. Without evil, there is no good. Is this the evil headquarters of the world? You are necessary. I am easily bored. If everything was good, the world would end.

    1. The evil headquarters of the world. That's funny

    2. Radical Agnostic-Why would the world end, if everything was good???

    3. Boredom. Lack of incentive. Lazyness. No self-improvement. Et cetera. Capiche?

      There can be no yin without yang. If I was content with everything, why would I change anything? For to get good, one must experience bad, get motivated by bad, have the incentive and will to acquire good, otherwise, what's the point of doing anything? Let's say you had everything you ever wanted in your life, whatever you wish is granted to you, nothing is left to chance, you cannot be surprised... How would that feel after a year? Two years? Ten? Remember: no surprises. No new things. No excitement. Everything is the same. Everything is good. Forever. And that's bad. Get it now?

    4. The most dangerous myth that we all indulge in to some extent is that goodness needs evil. They are in no way related. The ancient battle that we all fight in one way or another does nothing but distract us. It is the ultimate fairy tale that we all have been taught.

    5. I agree. But in my opinion, bad is distinct from evil. Good needs bad, and vice versa. Doing bad things doesn't neccessarily translate to being evil.

    6. I agree. I do think good and bad are meaningless and distract us from our own personal truth that we all have. It is very close to some and a very faint memory to others. But I think it is what we all are reaching for.

    7. Radical Agnostic-I don't think the world would end, if everything was good. There would be peace, and we could all drink, have sex, and listen to music!!! ESTP might be willing, to grow us some cannabis.:) I don't think, that would be boring.:) No incentives would be necessary.:) We could be lazy, and that would be FUN!!!

    8. Anon 12:44;
      I urge you to watch a Twilight zone episode, A nice place to visit, if you find the time. The episode should convey why I consider the idea, of having nothing but good, as not as glamorous as you think it might be...

      You are entitled to your own opinion, of course, as are we all. I just hope you will come to an understanding, why having nothing but "good luck" is not neccessarily the "El Dorado" you think it is.
      If it works for you, fine! I don't agree with a lot of people, but nevertheless, I like to hear their opinions and understand their position and worldview. If they are willing to rationally debate their opinions, arguments, for the sake of debate, as in not to "win", I respect them and will stand behind their right for freedom of speech (free will?), even if I don't agree with 90% of what they have to say.
      Take care, and I wish you all the best :-)

  6. "...the mantra helps me to understand that in having that reaction of anger against something that rankles me, I am at worst playing into my opponent's hands and at best losing control and perspective."

    If the mantra makes you not have a reaction of anger, aren't you denying your natural emotions? Or does it redirect your anger?

  7. Not only your contents but also the way you present the issue is awesome. Particularly this one is articulating the sense of the discussion. Your word power is awesome. Keep it up.

  8. I also like the line "I want you to make love, not war"'s a "motto" of mine.:)
    automatic motion sensor trash cans

    1. M.E. you seem to be channeling so many of the same ideas I am now. Your bravery to push boundaries is very inspirational to me. Thank you.

  9. 13 O, my son, this is not the case; but the meaning of the word restoration is to bring back again evil for evil, or carnal for carnal, or devilish for devilish—good for that which is good; righteous for that which is righteous; just for that which is just; merciful for that which is merciful; Alma 41:13

  10. As an NT/Empath I do not enjoy receiving or giving compliments, and those among my close friends tend to similar.

    In the past with others I have to remain in contact with i.e. relatives etc I would try to find something positive about them and say it in passing, but even that felt somehow insincere. Now I see it as a form of manipulation by needy people, and refuse to play their game. Amazing (and relieving) how quickly their compliments run out, and if they like me less for this perceived 'failure' they have every right to do so - we don't all have to be fans of each interact civilly.

    I do however give and value respect. - Frith

  11. ***fans of each other to interact civilly***


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