
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Famous sociopaths: competitive eater Jason “Crazy Legs” Conti

From a reader, with this update "FWIW, since sending this to you, I did a stint as a nude model. It allowed me to get over the idea that I - the thing emailing you now - am my body":

I was reading this article about competitive eaters:

Conti sounds remarkably talented, lazy, deviant, Machiavellian, charming and grandiose:

Conti is an eater with a background unlike any other. The 41-year-old Belmont, Mass., native graduated from John Hopkins University in 1993 as a three-sport athlete and went on to work an array of post-graduation jobs including bouncing at bars, window washing, donating sperm and posing as a nude model for art classes...

“Well, for one thing you get to live a bit of a rock-and-roll lifestyle,” Conti said. “Traveling, partying, groupies; it all comes with the territory.”

Wait, there are competitive eating groupies?

“Oh yeah,” Conti said. “It helps when you’re on television in a bar in a tiny four-antenna town.” Wisconsin, for example, is a great place for groupies, he said.


Conti shares this sentiment. “I’ve gotten to perform in front of troops stationed overseas and bring some amount of happiness to them,” he said. “I’ve seen the top 32 competitive eaters in the world shut down the all-you-can-eat buffet at the Luxor in Vegas. I’ve made a lifetime of memories through all of this. Auntie Mame once said, ‘Life is a banquet and most poor fools are starving to death.’ Well, if you’re a competitive eater that is far from the truth.”


  1. Well, if you really want to shed your masks for good, M.E., we must take more action to facilitate and create an environment where sociopaths do not get ostracized. Sociopaths need to be stepping forward and be willing to spread mental health awareness; if society is not willing to make this compromise, they are only making it all the more harder for sociopaths to shed their maladaptive coping mechanisms that are the real source of our own issues and antisocial behavior, and therefore creating the kind of environmental factors that create destructive sociopaths. Society fears us, and they need to be willing to overcome that fear if they want us to openly coexist in their society in a healthy manner.

    We can make that happen. I've started advocating for sociopath rights on through the Whisper phone app, trying to spread the good message. My whispers even have the cover of your book in them, as to hopefully get people reading your book to educate them and draw more people to the blog and the constructive conversations occuring in the comments section of your blog posts.

    Let's work together to make the kind of world we want to live in.

    ESTP Sociopath

    1. It's an important endeavour, in my opinion, to raise awareness of sociopathy. Awareness gives us all the opportunity to adapt better to the neurodiversity spectrum - both personally and within societal structures.

      I want to work at this from a philosophical perspective and am plotting my course to do this. I think this work is critical but it is by no means the fastest or most efficient way to raise awareness. Character studies on television and in movies are most likely to give people "access" to the sociopathic modes of operation; this will be something more tangible, that they can perhaps package and comprehend as we were discussing on the last post.

      Awareness will reduce fear and provide grounds for us all to develop more adaptive strategies and thus improve our quality of life.

      Making space for a sociopathic element in the collective consciousness is achievable. I think the most difficult aspect is what to do about those antisocial tendencies; the compromise from the sociopath camp will really have to be an acknowledgement that people *will not* tolerate abuse or intended harm. It's innate, this sense of ensuring and fighting for equitable treatment.

      That said, we are a collaborative species, and by collaboration I mean we seek to contribute to common goals. The human race is *not* one big love-in; it *is* competitive and negotiation to secure cooperation is expected. However, we are a successful species because of our collaborative prowess.

    2. "I think the most difficult aspect is what to do about those antisocial tendencies"

      Yes; what immediately comes to mind, what people who I've interacted with in the past, is objectification and discarding of them as soon as I've got what I wanted/they ceased to have any more utility in my eyes. I've had people who've been used come running back into my life to take back or inflict backlash onto me, so I'm not oblivious to what my game play maneuvers sometimes come out in the end as. I think it's a matter of letting them down softly, being able to leave a interaction still taking all the things I've wanted away from them without giving any reason to have them think any worse of me, or really like I've said before that I really have to see people more as living art exhibits worth respecting and appreciating and to let myself see more thrilling mysteries to unfold from within them.

      Violating people for some reason or another seems like a convenient short cut to me for getting what I want, but I think from now on if I want to cast aside that kind of ill informed adaptation I have to push myself to reflect more critically about the long term benefits of others means of doing all the same aquiring of direct benefits and furthering my own interests. It's somewhat unfamiliar territory for me, but I think it is essential to moving forward in my growth.

      ESTP Sociopath

    3. I think this quote on explains it quite nicely: 'The morality of predators is “exploit wherever possible whilst preventing reprisal”, the morality of prey is “do unto others as they do unto you”'.

      I don't really have anything to add to the comments at the moment, but these two articles might be of interest to you in your quest for self-improvement; - How to be happy - Monk mode

      Oh, and a good theme song never hurts :-)

    4. North I believe raising awareness is so important. I can't think of many things of more importance. Since my experience I have been able to identify and help guide others dealing with similar situations. Not only "normals" either. My child's friend has really struggled with rage. Her parents refuse to acknowledge the issue. She knew she was different and desperately wanted and needed help. She is thankful to understand herself a little better now. She is young and I hope she can learn better ways to deal with her rage. I think the most important yet most mind boggling fact is that inner species predators exist. That is very hard to understand. I said in an earlier thread if sociopaths can't control themselves who can. I think what I mean by that sociopaths tend to have delusions about slights they feel were committed against them. Many and I would argue most times these slights were unintentional but they still manifest the same way within the sociooath as an intentional slight or threat. That is very dangerous to me. Thoughts?

    5. "I think the most important yet most mind boggling fact is that inner species predators exist. That is very hard to understand."

      This is a really important point, that I would like to contrast with Socioempath's assertion that:

      "the morality of prey is “do unto others as they do unto you”'."

      which I think is a very misguided view of the human species. I actually think Socioempath knows better than this and perhaps hasn't found quite the words to express it.

      As I've been discussing with ESTP Sociopath, neurotypicals don't wander around on the look out for predators. We are equipped with NONE of the survival mechanisms to defend from intra-species predators. We therefore do not carry around a prey mindset.

      Rather, we are stunned to learn others prey on us. That they cheat patterns of behaviour that are so implicit to our operation we are unaware of them. As I mentioned in my earlier post, we are a collaborative species that successfully adapts to new contexts (environments, technologies, predators, markets, evolving or changing social institutions) through knowledge sharing and negotiation. The ability to convince is a *key* design characteristic of the human brain. Success within this species is NOT predicated on ability to manipulate; rather it is specifically predicated on ability to CONVINCE.
      Manipulation is a short-term strategy. But it is ALWAYS working against the grain of human sociality. We are wired to be PISSED at that sort of behaviour because it diminishes free-will in creating a false economy of information. This means people make resource allocation decisions they would not otherwise have made and WHEN this comes to light, the default reaction is vengeance - redistribution of resources/benefits/punishments in a more equitable manner. We're wired that way. (I did come across some excellent research on this topic when I was feeling powerful waves of retributive desires but I can no longer find them.)

      So I don't agree with the Illimitable Men philosophy. It works against the grain for me personally, not only because it encourages unnecessary social risks but because I disagree with the basic premises about human sociality and most of all...


      Why make things more complicated? M.E. herself has often stated she finds it far simpler to ask directly for the things she wants. Aside from the fun of the game itself (I don't deny psychopaths/sociopaths get that sort of pleasure), it's a hell load of unnecessary complication in life. **-* might well have actually achieved some of his fantasies had he been open and positive about them rather than trying to injure me into giving them to him. It's nutso. Sorry, but it is. Far better to CONVINCE than manipulate.

    6. Anon 6:58

      I'm getting a bit meta with your post, I hope you don't mind. It's simply the level I operate most naturally at and you've inspired some thoughts.

      My next point is that your ability and desire to help others from your experience goes to the very heart of social collaboration. It's the fabric of our success as a species - the sharing of experience, narrative, is so important to knowledge transfer and thus triumph over particular environmental characteristics.

      This is why raising awareness of sociopaths in the neurodiversity spectrum will assist all of us within it. It gives us the opportunity to encourage a mindset shift in the population - making neurotypicals better prepared for encounters with intra-species predators AND it gives the sociopathic element incentive and resources to find adaptive coping mechanisms that help them achieve good things with less risk to their social inclusion, the primary risk for sociopaths. I gather that although they do cope with blowing up their entire lives every few years that it's not super ideal - it is a massive resource overhead and I know because I just came through the same sort of self-induced life upheaval myself.

      There are *easier* ways to get good things.

      And I am confident that as a species we can find productive ways for sociopaths to live in accordance with their nature in less personally damaging ways, both for themselves and others.

    7. Anon 6:58,

      "I think what I mean by that sociopaths tend to have delusions about slights they feel were committed against them. Many and I would argue most times these slights were unintentional but they still manifest the same way within the sociooath as an intentional slight or threat. That is very dangerous to me"

      **-* was quite paranoid in many ways - thought people were trying to steal his macros, for example, and perhaps also in this way.

      Miscommunications can be dangerous, but particularly this type because it probably triggers their own innate drive for retribution.

    8. I also want to point out that I'm not discounting cheating and manipulation as a strategy. If one is prepared to accept the drawbacks and still finds it the desired path, go for it. This will doubtless always happen in human societies regardless. And there may be some short term benefits, which might be just the thing for capitalising on small windows of opportunity. I couldn't elucidate all the reasons it might or does work; only that I think the human species will be more effective and greater capable of individual quality of life if we all have better awareness of the fundamental operating principles within our natures.

    9. I've been very sick this week and the fog has lifted with a burst of mental energy this morning. I have a bunch of things I want to do for work now.

    10. I also think it's interesting that predators in the wild are not the ones constantly on edge. They are conserving energy. The prey are the ones constantly moving -looking over their shoulders. This gives me some insight on how a sociopath might indeed feel. But like you stated nons are not big cats. Despite sociopaths trying to one up using on the food chain they are still behaving like prey in many ways.

    11. North;
      You just got better... and I've just caught some kind of flu sickness today! Yum!
      I find it really funny for some reason :D

      Anyway, I was reading ESTP's comment, and thought the easiest way to explain the difference between socio/non-socio behavior (ie. why "normal" people sought revenge against him) was by that generalization. It might not be completely accurate, but that was the first and only thing on my mind, it just kept resurfacing.
      And I think that sometimes "labels" and "generalizations" can be useful to get us started (gotta start somewhere, right?) until the ideas and interest gets us motivated and we can refine and deepen our knowledge.

      I found your theories interesting. Keep writing!

    12. I think my post mysteriously disappeared, so I'll repost it:
      Yes, anonymous 6:58 am, we do tend to have delusions towards the slights that are done to us that in turn have us inclined to follow through with antisocial impulses.

      Just the other night my roommate and I were having a polite conversation, when suddenly he laughed in response to something I had said and I really thought it was an ugly sounding laugh I never wanted to hear again; nonchalantly, I considered walking out of the room to the kitchen to grab a large kitchen knife to drive into his throat. I dismissed the thought though, as cleaning up the mess afterwards and disposing of the body would be more of a real set back than just moving forward and manipulating my roommate's mentality and thus his behavior patterns into something more appealing and useful to me.

      Raising awareness is very important; how else will we dispell the toxicity in society that sociopaths, as they are born into the world, soak in like sponges and become the very destructive sociopaths that society fears so much?

      ESTP Sociopath

    13. "This is why raising awareness of sociopaths in the neurodiversity spectrum will assist all of us within it. It gives us the opportunity to encourage a mindset shift in the population - making neurotypicals better prepared for encounters with intra-species predators AND it gives the sociopathic element incentive and resources to find adaptive coping mechanisms that help them achieve good things with less risk to their social inclusion, the primary risk for sociopaths."

      Excellently worded, North. This is the kind of message we need to be spreading, if we want to truly have us sociopaths operating in society that suits both the best interests of sociopaths and society.

      ESTP Sociopath

    14. The retribution towards unintentional slights-it is very troubling to me as I have been on the receiving end-and I can assure you it was unintentional. It was more that they didn't get their way and they assumed I was manipulating them. I wasn't. They carried it around for years like a brooding child. If ever there is a reason to avoid retribution-on my part-it is to ascend above the cycle they intend to pull me into.

    15. And I'm glad to hear your feeling better north. :-)

    16. Psychopaths/Sociopaths: Regarding ESTP's post @ 12:47-how often do you think about harming people, and for what reasons?


    17. It is my opinion that a predator-at least in the wild-doesnt need to see the world with a kill or be killed attitude. Maybe that is something subtle sociopaths sense in normals. Maybe they feel the need to flip the roles.

    18. Anon 12:21 That's an astute observation.

      Sorry to hear you are now unwell! I feel very refreshed after a couple of visits to the hospital/clinic and a week on the couch :p
      Yes, I very much agree categories and labels provide good starting points. They are useful precisely for this purpose; an efficiency of communication. I hope you keep writing too - you are challenging and you refine and nuance my thinking.

      ESTP Sociopath,

      I do hope you see some of the delicious irony in your post of 12:47 :p

      Thankyou for your 1:01pm post. I would be happy to add my particular voice to any of your campaigns. I will shortly start my own blog, with a somewhat different focus, but I'm sure I will touch on these themes.

      Anon at 1:45 (and 7:49) I think sociopaths can project their own motivations onto us. **-* definitely did of me. And I agree - the last thing we should do is get trapped in retribution cycles! Thanks for the reminder and the well wishes.

    19. Don't worry, I'll get better. It's just a matter of time. Well, now I'm free to read and ponder :-)

      I was reading about the Milgram experiment, and it got me thinking...
      Even when we know what to do, in theory, the real reasons, and the like, it still doesn't mean we will do what's required when "push comes to shove". Even if somebody knows someone's a sociopath, and what that entails, it doesn't mean he will be magically "immune" to his manipulations, unless that someone practiced for a good amount of time (doesn't apply to absolutely everyone, of course).

      So I got an idea. The sociopaths/psychopaths are already master psyhologists. And they are the minority.
      So, one of the solutions could be having a sociopathic professor teaching people how to defend themselves to a degree (along with a very high salary, of course, due to the relative rarity of sociopaths, I'm pretty sure the sociopath won't have problems negotiating a high salary), he will be molding his students to his will to a degree, and they will be under his control, thus satisfying his instincts to manipulate and gain power, and his reputation as a professor will be high, while the "normal" people will be intrigued by the prospect of learning about sociopathy, maybe even get some insights about how their mind works, all from relative safety.

      That way, it could promote understanding, prepare "normals" to better defend themselves from manipulations, while the sociopaths satisfy their destructive instincs in healthy ways. The sociopath could also be in danger of having his position replaced by a "better" sociopath so that could keep him on edge, adding another element of excitement, as he will have to defend against others of his kind from taking over his position.

    20. An interesting possibility. I agree, there's plenty to offer in this type of training, particularly in a practical sense. I can see it being a most useful lens. A few new tools for the kitbag, so to speak.

      My feeling is that sociopaths are reverse-engineers and have figured if I do X, y will happen. It doesn't necessarily mean they understand the mechanisms in play. It's real muscle-and-neuron learning; a degree of mastery but as I say, not necessarily the highest unless they've specifically invested effort. There's plenty they miss. This is simply because they are not native to the neurotypical mode of operation. There are lots of examples in the stories of people such as myself sprinkled throughout the comments on this blog.

      There's so much sociopaths and neurotypicals can learn from each other, as you know, picking the best from each mode. So my preference is to consider each mode as holding a stark mirror to the other, sharply highlighting contrasting assumptions and opening new paths for each other. As ME and ESTP say, mutual adaptation. And how that actually plays out will depend on negotiation, competition for resources and of course heart- and- mindshare of the general public.

      IAW my previous comment, if psychopaths use their talents to convince rather than manipulate, eg simply by maintaining an unsullied information economy, the potential avenues, careers, possibilities, short- and long-term benefits increase exponentially with good outcomes for the psychopath themselves and the community.

      Example: in my line of work, we need gun salesman to win multi-million dollar engagements. Everyone kinda expects the salesman to oversell and there are mechanisms in place to ensure this doesn't go to the extreme such that the engagement cannot be delivered per the contract. Likely those gun salespeople can also create and set a vision for the delivery team too, who can find innovative and efficient ways of meeting expectations. Then that pressure is a good thing for the company - if *managed well* it can create a high performance culture and snowballing success. It requires structural changes and cultural changes. And adequate, functioning risk management. I'm sure you guys can draw appropriate analogies without my being explicit.

    21. Oh, and good to hear you're enjoying your convalescence ;)

    22. But yeah, i don't want to prescribe or even put forward my ideas; it's not an area I have any confidence in as I have fuck-all data.

      On the neurotypical side, though, I'm sure awareness will be beneficial and not just as pertains to psychopathy. These investigations have so many implications for understanding our own selves; this is something that endlessly fascinates me, thrills me and draws me on to unending adventures.

    23. Yeah, nobody knows what the result of sociopath "coming out" will be. That's why we are discussing and changing ideas here.

      Well, somebody's gotta mention the bad things that might happen, so it might at well be me :-)

      Once somebody is aware of something, but is unprepared, it might be (temporarily?) worse compared to somebody living in ignorance, as the mind and the body haven't yet had the time to "syncronize".
      For example, when somebody just starts to learn a martial art, his fighting will be worse compared to somebody just fighting on instinct until he puts in the practice, as he will be more prone to "paralysis by analysis". Similarly, when somebody is aware that somebody is a sociopath (I can already see why telling somebody you're a sociopath might be useful in a "bad way"), he may get "mental tunnel vision", as he gets paranoid, anxious, with too much information leaving him stumped and unable to think clearly, which the sociopath can pick up on and use it to his advantage (say, by making it look like his "target" is irrational, lead him to make false accusations and act rashly, lead him to make wrong conclusions thus sending him on a "wild goose chase"...).

      By getting the "word out", how sociopaths walk among us normally, and shifting the attention of the public towards sociopaths, it may make a number of people start paranoidly investingating and accusing other people of sociopathic behavior, and I can even see some sociopaths doing the same to protect or advance themselves. The "coming out" might be interpeted as "them trying to lower our guard, to look like victims, to absolve them of responsibility". The bad response could "prove" to the "bad" sociopath that he was "right", and can even lead "neutral" and "good" ones to the same conclusions, which would further exarcebate the problems - I'm sure you can imagine what would come next if it was "proven" that the public wants to hang the sociopaths, so the sociopaths now have even more reason to behave "badly".

      But it's all just a speculation. I believe it's best to look at both the goos and bad side of something, from multiple angles, so that we can refine the theory.
      I suspect, that a "trickle" can be the solution;
      Maybe there is a good movie, a game, or something else, and it becomes popular. In the movie, the most popular actor could be a sociopath, with an agenda to spread sociopathic rights, while the game could take place from a "sociopathic point of view". Of course, the public is unaware that the actor or the game has anything to do with sociopathy. After quite a few instances of popular products and entertainment, a surge in popularity, and a lot of accolades, after the public unwittingly "gets it", the truth comes slowly comes out, making people accustomed at a comfortable pace. After that, there could be game shows (beat the socio), training camps, or whatever else that could make people more comfortable, yet prepared to defend themselves.

    24. North I agree with You-we have no prey response-because we are not prey. We are at the top of the food chain for a reason. The reason being our minds have evolved over time. What is it that sociopaths fear from us? Is it that they truly think they are superior or do they have good reason to be nervous like a gazelle. Meanwhile the tiger is oblivious to the gazelles anxiety.

    25. And my statement "if a sociopath can't control themselves who can? ' I think can be improved by saying if a sociopath can not or will not control their own impulses who can? I have personally come to the decision that I will endure everything I can that was dished out by the sociopath until it comes to a point where I know they intend physical harm to others. I believe that is why we have laws in place and then it is out of my hands and is not a matter of retribution. It is a consequence.

    26. At the same time I refuse to be in silence or fear and I will always use my experience to help others.

  2. Do socios really need acceptance? Zodiac scorpios generally DO NOT need acceptance, they are not asking for any. Both groups likely see themselves as a "human elite". And often they are right: they many times are people that can endure what others cannot. I think Scorpio despises "human accolades" like diplomas & medals. It means zero to the scorp.

    1. I think it's more a question of "tolerance" than "acceptance". While I've found a way to prosper, it took a lot of work, discipline and time; not everyone can cope with ostracization and prejudices in healthy ways, which can lead them on a path of self-destruction which can ultimately make them miserable and restless.

      Anyway, if either "acceptance" or "tolerance" increases the number of high-functioning responsible disciplined sociopaths from, let's say, 2-5% to 15-25% (still a small number compared to the total number of sociopaths, but it's still at least a threefold increase), isn't it still worth it?

    2. Special people often develop when there is "resistance" & hardship. Scorpio may need "herd-people" surrounding him to "bloom into" his extreme outcast-position? Socios may need to "be sectretive" about their condition, this may develop them.

    3. correction: socios may need to be "secretive"

    4. I don't doubt at all that hardships are necessary for someone to maximize his potential.
      But "tolerance" (not blind "acceptance") might be more beneficial in the long term than constant negative toxic influences. Being constantly criticised and discriminated against can have a bad effect on someone's psyche, lead them on a "dark path", stifling their progress and growth.
      Even "normal" people have to keep their "unpopular" opinions to themselves, lest they be struck down.

      Tolerance does not mean that the sociopathic condition will excuse a person from commiting "bad" things (like murder or robbery). It simply means there will be less of an "allergic reaction" upon finding out someone is sociopathic, and it will help curb the instinct to lie and manipulate consummately. The sociopath will still need to be secretive if he wants to succeed more in life - anyone who wants a promotion, to generally get ahead, not just a sociopath, needs to manipulate, be secretive, and be competetive...

    5. SE: "The sociopath will still need to be secretive if he wants to succeed more in life - anyone who wants a promotion, to generally get ahead, not just a sociopath, needs to manipulate, be secretive, and be competitive...


      I will shortly state, in historical context, why this is an obvious fallacy. Right now I have company and thus can't fully respond.

      In short, however, I can say that I know numerous folk who have been promoted precisely because they don't manipulate, are secretive or competitive in a way that excludes the goals and well being of others.

      Mr. Hyde

    6. Mr. Hyde-I completely agree with you!!! Enjoy your company, and give BB a kiss from me!!!

      ~Vegas (aka "Musical Anon")

    7. PS Mr. Hyde-Try to keep BB away from the balcony!!! Cat's only have 9 lives, and I don't know how many he's used already!!!


    8. I never said that their actions have to hurt those around them. It's still possible to "be secretive, manipulative, and be competetive" in a "good way" (after all, if you're timid, can't hold your frame, reveal all of your secrets, let people push you around, I don't think that will get you very far).
      It is better to be on good terms with people, win their "hearts" over, than to needlessly create enemies and sow the seeds of your own demise.

      But I will await your reply. I'm always willing to listen...

    9. SE: "But I will await your reply. I'm always willing to listen..."

      Thanks. Tomorrow.

      Meanwhile: Christ, the Buddha, may strike you as relevant embodiments of those whom have walked their talk.

      The Buddha admittedly had a weakness for testing his celibate strength by sleeping naked with young girls. Which I consider abusive; but he was so old and wrinkled that in his mind, they would not be sexually attracted to his person. For Gandi, it was a selfish matter of testing his own power and self-will. Far as I am aware, he passed by not succumbing to physical touching. Which is not to downplay the trauma the experience of the young women.

      "It is better to be on good terms with people, win their "hearts" over, than to needlessly create enemies and sow the seeds of your own demise."

      Yes, it is better to find a way to co-habit. Earth is small and growing smaller. Perseverance, understanding and building bridges furthers us All.

      I don't believe in genocide. All species exist for a reason.

      Back to my wolf pack.

      Mr. Hyde

    10. Correction: _Gandhi_ admittedly had a weakness for testing his celibacy . . ."

      Mr. Hyde

    11. Mr Hyde, I was very surprised there for a second!

      Enjoy your tribe time :)

    12. North-Why were you surprised, about Mr. Hyde?

      Just curious.:)


    13. Thanks for your thoughts, Mr. Hyde. I appreciate them :-)

    14. Hi Vegas,

      I was surprised about the Buddha's "weakness" - but less surprised it turned out to be Gandhi's.

  3. Socioempath-Absolutely!!!


  4. I've always loved Lana Del Rey's music, her artistic vision, her poetic expression. Something about her music speaks to me, especially "Shades of Cool", "Blue Jeans" (the music video especially), and now "Freak".

    Flames so hot that they turn blue
    Palms reflecting in your eyes, like an endless summer
    That's the way I feel for you
    If time stood still I'd take this moment
    Make it last forever

    Your head lies, full of fire
    I'm risin' up, risin up
    My heart loves, full of fire
    Love's full of fire, love

    Baby if you wanna leave
    Come to California, be a freak like me, too
    Screw your anonymity
    Loving me is all you need to feel
    Like I do
    We could slow dance to rock music
    Kiss while we do it
    Talk till we both turn blue
    Baby, if you wanna leave
    Come to California, be a freak like me, too

    Leather black and eyes of blue (blue, blue, blue, blue, blue)
    Sun reflecting in your eyes, like an easy rider
    Life makes sense when I'm with you
    Looking back, my past
    It all seems stranger than a stranger

    So let's dance in slow motion
    Turn it up, turn it up
    And let's dance by the ocean, ooh-ooh

    Baby, if you wanna leave
    Come to California, be a freak like me, too
    Screw your anonymity
    Loving me is all you need to feel
    Like I do
    We could slow dance to rock music
    Kiss while we do it
    Talk till we both turn blue
    Baby, if you wanna leave
    Come to California, be a freak like me, too

    Oh, you're cold as ice, baby
    But when you're on ice, baby
    It's so amazing in every way
    Oh, you're cold as ice, baby
    I don't wanna fight, baby
    It's like I told you
    If you stay, I'll stay, yeah

    Baby, if you wanna leave
    Come to California, be a freak like me, too
    Screw your anonymity
    Loving me is all you need to feel
    Like I do
    We could slow dance to rock music
    Kiss while we do it
    Talk till we both turn blue
    Baby, if you wanna leave
    Come to California, be a freak like me, too

    ESTP Sociopath

  5. How To Get Your Ex Back After a Divorce or Breakup.! Am giving this testimony cos am so happy, I want to thank Dr Frank Ojo for the great thing he has done in my life , he brought happiness to my life .! A very big problem occurred in my Marriage seven months ago,between me and my husband .so terrible that he took the case to court for a divorce. he said that he never wanted to stay with me again,and that he didn't love me anymore.So he packed out of the house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get him back,after much begging,but all to no avail.and he confirmed it that he has made his decision,and he never wanted to see me again. So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my husband .So i explained every thing to him,so he told me that the only way i can get my husband back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for him too.So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow his advice. Then he gave me the email address of the spell caster whom he visited. TEMPLEOFLOVEANDPROSPERITY@GMAIL.COM. So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address he gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my husband back the next day. What an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me, and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my husband who didn't call me for the past 7 months, gave me a call to inform me that he was coming back. So Amazing!! So that was how he came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and he apologized for his mistake,and for the pain he caused me and my children. Then from that day,our relationship was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster. So, i will advice you out there if you have any problem contact Dr Frank Ojo, i give you 100% guarantee that he will help you.. Email him at: . My name is Amanda Bryan, me & my family live in Toronto, Canada. Thanks for reading, and best of luck!

  6. i am so happy today because of what dr saviour did for me,my fiance broke up with me last three month because he thought i was cheating on him,so for the past three
    month now in have trying to plead to him but he still say the same thing that he does not want us to come back again that he can not trust me so i came in contact with
    dr saviour who told me that my lover is going to come back to me if i work with him so i did what he ask me to do,after that he call me that within 24hours that my
    lover is going to come back to me,can you believe that my lover is back to me ,he now love me more than before i am so happy spell is good when you meet dr saviour if
    you need his help contact him {} or call +2348028017156 call or email and i promise that he is going to help you with any problem // my name is

  7. My life became devastated when my husband sent me packing, after 8 years that we have been together. I was lost and helpless after trying so many ways to make my husband take me back. One day at work, i was absent minded not knowing that my boss was calling me, so he sat and asked me what its was all about i told him and he smiled and said that it was not a problem. I never understand what he meant by it wasn't a problem getting my husband back, he said he used a spell to get his wife back when she left him for another man and now they are together till date and at first i was shocked hearing such thing from my boss. He gave me an email address of the great spell caster who helped him get his wife back, i never believed this would work but i had no choice that to get in contact with the spell caster which i did, and he requested for my information and that of my husband to enable him cast the spell and i sent him the details, but after two days, my mom called me that my husband came pleading that he wants me back, i never believed it because it was just like a dream and i had to rush down to my mothers place and to my greatest surprise, my husband was kneeling before me pleading for forgiveness that he wants me and the kid back home, then i gave Happy a call regarding sudden change of my husband and he made it clear to me that my husband will love me till the end of the world, that he will never leave my sight. Now me and my husband is back together again and has started doing pleasant things he hasn't done before, he makes me happy and do what he is suppose to do as a man without nagging. Please if you need help of any kind, kindly contact Happy for help and you can reach him via email:

  8. My husband is back!!! I had a problem with my husband 2 months ago,which lead to us apart. When he broke up with me,i was no longer myself,i felt so empty inside me. Until a friend of mine told me about one of her spells that helped her in same problem too that she found on a television program. I emailed the spell caster and I told him my problem and I did what he asked me. To cut the long story short,before I knew what was happening,not up to 48 hours,my husband gave me a call and he come back to me and told me he was sorry about what has happened, I'm so grateful to this spell caster and i will not stop publishing his name on the internet just for the good work he has done for me.If you need his help,you can email him at ( he will also help you.


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