
Saturday, July 9, 2016

Who can shoot to kill?

A reader sent me this interesting video (a little bit timely) about what type of motivations (or what type of person) you need to be to shoot to kill, at least in war. I would like to see a similar explanation of what it takes to kill outside of a wartime, soldier situation.

My thoughts on the video:
1% of fighter pilots accounted for 50% of kills
of people who shot to kill, 2%

Most men can't make good snipers because most men cannot kill someone who is not trying to kill him.

I love the part at 8:40 about Che Guevara being a really nasty, brutal person, and why people are executed from behind. If you doubt this a little, you should read about what he did in Africa. Why is Che such an acceptable person nowadays?

10:30 are the people who can shoot to kill, either because they're psychopaths and don't recognize fear in others, or because (according to this guy) out of love and the desire to protect the people you love. I think that may be true, but I think there might actually be a bit of an overlap between the two groups.


  1. Replies
    1. M.E.-

      The "Song of the Day", is for you!!!




    2. M.E.-

      "I would like to see a similar explanation of what it takes to kill outside of a wartime, soldier situation."

      I think that would be interesting, as well...


    3. Psychopaths/Sociopaths-

      Is it true, that you do not recognize fear???


    4. "I would like to see a similar explanation of what it takes to kill outside of a wartime, soldier situation."

      Shouldnt that be pretty easy to imagine?
      The easiest situation imaginable is somewhat similiar to the danger described in the video: You recognize a threat to your life or your family, and you react with killing whoever this comes from. For example you experience a bank heist and kill the robber. Out of fear, because you dont see any other way out of this. For you and whoever is with you. Besides, if you watch those "street fight" videos you can fight a lot of in youtube, the people in normal shops usually fight the robbers off without even hurting them seriously. It seems to apply everywhere: People dont want to hurt each other.

      If you think about the cases where american police kills unarmed people. May thats this pulling the trigger as a normal reaction and not after thinking about it. Having guns as childs already or at least as a teenager is something that seems to be pretty common in the US and if you are used to shoot you will might do that faster than anybody else. And that is probably why the police is pretty aggressive.

      A propos aggression. I would consider this as beeing one of the most interesting cases. Pure aggression which might be uncontrollable. Killing somebody, most people who are doing that are close to each other. And beeing close to each other often leads to aggression from time to time. Sometimes you are not able to control this aggression. May it does not even come from your relationship to each other. May its origin is from somewhere else. But still it is pure aggression which needs to be acted out. But thats not the aggression a soldier might act out.

      "Is it true, that you do not recognize fear???"

      Im not one, but since fear is obvious wouldnt that be dumb? Since they seem to be able to read your emotions so well in some cases wouldnt that be kind of a paradoxon?
      And even if they are like autists, not able to read the subtle signs of emotions, fear is considered as beeing one of the basic emotions that every culture has without any difference. Shouldnt we consider every human beeing to able to recognize this emotions? If somebody pisses in pants isnt that plain obvious that he is terrified?
      I mean even if your brain is differently wired and you are not able to learn anything new about emotions, current science seems to tell us, that anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness and surprise are recognized even by somebody of a not neurotypical spectrum who lacks empathy.

      I think this note by the speaker in the video was just a sign thats he lacks some deeper knowledge considering the topic of human psychology which goes further than reacting to a war. (No offense though, I enjoyed the video, it was a good explanation.)

    5. Psychopaths don't have a problem recognizing fear. They have a problem feeling fear.

    6. Damaged-

      I thought psychopaths could recognize fear-thanks for responding.:)


    7. Damaged-

      PS-Hemingway House 6-Toed Cat Count: -14


    8. I can recognize fear. I love that feeling when I am in a aggressive physical situation and I drop the mask and the other person realizes that they are not in a fight but an execution. That look on their face of dawning horror it makes me feel all gooey and happy inside. Side note they usually run like a bunny at this point so I have yet to finish one off but it still gives me a happy. So in answer to the question yeah I can see it in other people. Does it give me pause before destroying them, nope. It makes me want to take them out for their weakness. Usually when it has gotten to the point that I am getting physical with someone I decided before hand that they needed to be culled so there is that. No I have not actually killed anyone (did some bad damage) They have run or someone else stepped in to protect them, and I have not had a rage incident in years so maybe I am beyond that now.

      What I found interesting is the fact that normal people shut down in a fear situation. I always wondered why norms became so absolutely useless in dangerous situations. I go straight into super Adrenalin take charge and save the day mode.

    9. yeah right your virgin ass couldn't even take charge of your bowels let alone save the day.

  2. Excellent video. I think he's right on about everything. War brings out the best & the worst in people at the same time. The psychopathic killer vs the "lover" killer observation was brilliant. Those are your "good" vs "evil" right there. Real psychopaths can pick up on fear right away so I think he's wrong on that one. They don't kill because they didn't know...they just didn't care. Those who kill out of love go into a "psychopathic" mindset WHEN NECESSARY to prevent greater harm. The distinction between the two is simple: one is offensive, the other is defensive. One is apathetic and cowardly (since they'll kill indiscriminately), the other is empathetic & heroic.

    Skinnerian psychology in war leads to PTSD. People say war & conflict has always existed but they forget that there was something called chivalry once upon a time. Armies on both sides were NOT trained to be blind killing machines. They engaged each other in an "honorable" & "civilized" (in quotes because it may sound ironic considering it's war) way. There were agreed upon rules of war and it would be dishonorable to kill an unarmed man, or a man who wasn't able to engage you fair & square. You don't hear about PTSD or anything related to it in the pre-modern world and this is precisely why.

    It's amazing to me that we keep discussing psychopathy as merely a result of different wiring, as if psychopaths are robots who have no intentions, no will, no control whatsoever over their decisions. Let me try to highlight the difference here:

    Sociopath: predisposed to psychopathic behavior without necessarily intending to do harm. The opposite of the sociopath is the "empath." The empath is predisposed to behave in the opposite ways without necessarily intending to do good. Both are responding primarily to their wiring.

    Psychopath: Make clearly thought, well-rehearsed, intentional choices to behave in psychopathic ways. He knows what he's doing is wrong, evil and unwarranted but his interests trump everything. The opposite of this person is the one who wins the Victoria Cross (I'll call them "VC" for now). VC's make conscience choices to do good, heroic & self-sacrificial acts despite having the ability to do the opposite (and often the temptation). The key distinction in the end is intention. The brain wiring of these people would be nearly identical - they may both be labelled psychopaths but one uses their true reasoning faculties to control their "wiring" and choose to do what is objectively right or wrong.

    Once you have a spiritual awakening you understand this key distinction.

    1. Well said Jonaid. I'm intuned.

    2. A "spiritual awakening" is needed? Dude, u r funny :D You obviously didnt have one tho, if you consider those killing things as beeing "good".

      War is an unneeded pretty useless waste of time. Nobody needs it. Its a destructive variable. All this honoring of it... propaganda. Like your religious stuff. You consider things as beeing the truth. Thats okay. But you didnt have any true enlightenment within it.

      Having an "awakening" has to come with finding out the truth for yourself. You have to fight against your self-imposed immaturity.

      "Meditation brings wisdom; lack of meditation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back."

      Thinking about war as something that leads you forward means beeing ignorant. You prevent useful potential and instead destroy it, only because somebody else convinced you to do so with hiding the complete information about the actual situation. That has nothing to do with a spiritual awakening and is aswell objectively wrong.

      Instead of taking the good things of a person and neutralize the negative sides you just kill him as a whole. What a waste of potential. Instead of running forward you decide to take the way backwards.

      You cant fight the wind with blowing at it. That doesnt work and there is nothing useful with it. And it aswell is not honorable. Just cuz some idiot finds that honorable that doesnt mean you should follow him. Humans are idiots. Think for yourself because thats the only way you can find any real truth.

    3. Thanks Super!


      It seems you misunderstood what I said. I'm not advocating war nor am I suggesting that it is anything but a "destructive variable." What you realize when you have a true spiritual awakening (you can have a pseudo "spiritual" awakening from the wrong side) is that it is an inevitability. There are forces at work in the world who will resort to violence if need be. THAT is when the one who kills for love plays his defend the Truth, justice, morality, himself, his family, etc. etc.

      Something interesting but unrelated to the post that I thought I'd share:

      I decided to take a course in Quranic Arabic and today was my first day. With my sexual orientation & empathy-deficiency, I realized how uncomfortable & out of place I felt. For the first time in my life I actually realized I was fighting the urge to aggrandize myself and put down everyone around me. Objectively speaking I have no clue who's the smartest person in the room. Everyone was nice & courteous, no one seems judgmental yet for some reason I was constantly struggling against myself to keep focused & not fall prey to a false pride I so vehemently criticize here & elsewhere. Strangely enough my criticism of others has helped me keep myself in check. Don't get me wrong I don't think I'm like this most of the time but it sometimes it happens and unlike what sociopaths claim, it is an EMOTIONAL reaction, not a rational or logical one.

    4. Hey Jonaid I do like your explanation and I hope the class goes well for you. The way I dealt with my irrational self aggrandizement is to remember that everyone is good at something and that being the smartest person does not mean I am the best person. I also try to visualize myself standing on the planet, zoom out and then the planet in relationship to the galaxy, then the galaxy in relationship universe over the entire course of time. We are specks of dust on a speck of dust hurtling through a void. It gives me some perspective.

      Oh Jon there has been cases, many in fact in previous wars of PSTD they just called it other things, Shell Shock in the first two world wars and other names before that. Humans were not designed for war itself though we seem to create it with abundance. Funny how the people who declare war are never the ones to actually fight...

  3. Hi everyone!..Getting my ex Husband back after a breakup Testimony..
    I am Raina Connor by name,a citizen of USA,I'm so excited my husband is back after a break up..When my husband broke up with me i was so frustrated and i could not know what next to do again, i love my husband so much but he was cheating on me with another woman and this makes him broke up with me so that he can be able to get marry to the other lady and this lady i think use witchcraft on my husband to make him hate me and my kids and this was so critical and uncalled-for,I cry all day and night for God to send me a helper to get back my man until i went to NY to see a friend and who was having the same problem with me but she latter got her Husband back and i asked her how she was able to get her husband back and she told me that their was a powerful spell caster called Dr.Unity that he help with love spell in getting back lost lover back, and i decided to contacted the same Dr.Unity and he told me what is needed to be done for me to have my man back and i did it although i doubted it but i did it and the Dr told me that i will get the result after 28hours, and he told me that my husband was going to call me by 9pm in my time and i still doubted his word, to my surprise my husband really called me and told me that he miss me so much, Oh My God! i was so happy, and today i am happy with my man again and we are joyfully living together as one good family and i thank the powerful spell caster Dr.Unity of, he is so powerful and i decided to share my story on the internet that good spell casters still exist and Dr.Unity is one of the good spell caster who i will always pray to live long to help his children in the time of trouble, if you are there and your lover is turning you down, or your husband moved to another woman, do not cry anymore, contact this powerful spell caster Dr.Unity on his email: or call him on +2348072370762..


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  7. "I would like to see a similar explanation of what it takes to kill outside of a wartime, soldier situation . . . Most men can't make good snipers because most men cannot kill someone who is not trying to kill him."

    It's true most people are repelled by the thought of killing. Many people who love eating meat are repulsed by the act of slaughtering an animal. They prefer to leave the bloody side of the carnivore business to others.

    Killing people outside of wartime happens for various reasons. Most murderous acts that I've read about are driven by greed or passion. To kill someone you don't know, for money, like the Iceman, is rare: for him and those like him it's a simple cost-benefit analysis.

    I found it interesting that today on social media some friends of mine were agonizing (rightfully, in my view) about the obscene number of police shooting black folk in America. The fact was pointed out that all of the victims were shot multiple times, because police are trained to pop off 4 rounds dead center. It's a perfect example of Skinnerism conditioning, a murderous reflex that's being used against a very specific minority. Obviously, if Hillary Clinton's daughter got pulled over for a broken tail-light, this type of Skinner conditioned, cop reflex would not have been triggered.

    As for myself, I believed for most of my life that I was incapable of any kind of violence. I have always preferred to bend over backwards to accommodate others. ;) If I don't like the scene I find myself in, I leave, conceding the territory. There are very 'things' I will fight for, and none of them are material, in the sense of being my personal possessions.

    There's a glitch to this pacifism, however. Besides family and friends, I happen to identify with all living things. So that poses a bit of problem, because I sometimes find myself quite angry that some people simply want to control, devour and destroy every living thing, for their own gratification, wealth and power. It feels like a personal threat when your own government sanctions corporations to poison and drug the people, pollute their water, air, destroy their livelihoods, etc., etc.

    So, could I kill someone that I 'judged' was killing the biosphere, African-Americans or polar bears?

    I don't think so. Things would have to become a hell of a lot worse to reach that point. Besides that I prefer the pen. The pen is not just mightier than the sword, it's lighter to wield and I don't have to worry about accidentally cutting myself.

    Mr. Hyde

    1. I'm not sure how any real psychopath could truly believe in all this dogmatic crap you just spewed.

      Why do you believe the black dudes girlfriend, at face-value? Just because she claims that he was pulled over because of a broken tail-light, doesn't mean it's true. Actually, according to the cops, he was pulled over for suspected armed robbery...

      Moreover, according to the cops, the reason why he was shot was because part of his weapon was visible, and he didn't comply with instructions to keep his hands up.

      All that being said, I'm not taking any sides, because we don't yet know if the cops or girlfriend is lying. On the other hand, you know for a fact that the cops are lying. How?

    2. Anon, I read that the victim had told the officer that he was carrying a gun and HAD A PERMIT, and was reaching for the permit to show the officer.

      In any case, statistics regarding cops shooting blacks favor the girlfriend's version of the event. No doubt blacks are at higher risk for being shot by the police than whites. And one third of those black folk shot were unarmed, some of them young kids.

      When the pitchforks are aimed at psychopaths, you won't find any of what I've said dogmatic.

      But you will howl.

      Mr. Hyde

    3. You're again spewing dogmas... how do you know that the reason for the killing of blacks is racial prejudice, and not due to the exponentionally higher rate of black criminals in relation to the anglo-sexons?

      Btw, I appriciate you bringing forth actual arguments. Unlike some here (narcissists), who resort to name calling and personality attacks, because they don't want their arguments challanged.

    4. Anon, I hate to say this, but you're beginning to sound rather racist. I don't know how much you read, but if you do, you should know that black people are no more likely to be born criminals than whites. They are more often arrested, but that's because they are targeted, and most often the arrest is due to drugs or unpaid fines. If whites were stopped by cops as often as blacks and drug possession ruled out, I'm quite sure that you would see that skin color does not dictate a propensity for criminality.

      Thank you for appreciating the fact that I brought forth an actual argument. I hereby request that you please do the same. Please post some kind of proof that blacks are more likely to be criminals -- no Nazi-like materials/studies will count with me, btw.

      Mr. Hyde

    5. Minorities in general are profiled as well as people who fit a certain "type". Any guy with hair past his shoulders will tell you he gets shook down for walking while being a hippy and if he has his hair short he is left alone (if white). Happens to my roommate all the time. As a Mulatto I have both black, Mexican, Indian and white relatives. Guess who gets hassled on a regular basis. One guy I worked with gets arrested at least three times a month for shit that white person would be let go with a warning about. He works a minimum wage job so he can't pay the fines so there is always a warrant out for his arrest. As long as we have a cash incentiveized system for arrest and prosecution we are going to see more poor people in jail. Poor neighborhoods are policed less efficiently so crime blossoms there. Add to that the people don't trust the cops so there is less neighborhood out reach and the militarized way we train our cops (see above) and you have a recipe for disaster. Jails are now suing states for not providing them with enough inmates (slave labor). The jails are almost all now for profit. Most police departments are funded on forfeiture and a good deal of city revenue comes from tickets and other "criminal revenue". Also Anglo-Saxon (sorry not usually a grammar nazi but that was crackin me up.

      Watch the show Cops for a while until you see the police technique of hanging outside a dealers house an pulling people over for visiting them and searching the car for drugs, white of black, does not matter for this experiment. Now the police will keep doing this over and over NEVER ARRESTING THE DEALER because they can generate more income by busting his customers repeatedly and confiscating their cars.

      Cops Vegas for instance using arrests as a tax on prostitutes. They don't try to stop it. They just use it to generate revenue. The higher class the ladies with the celebrity Johns are immune to this.

      If you site the study that whites are killed at a higher rate by cops than blacks than you need to consider that most of the whites killed had mental problems. People with mental diseases are killed at much higher rate than anyone else. Mostly because if you don't know how to approach them you will escalate the situation and they cannot be talked down. Most have problems with authorities too so sending uniformed officers to deal with them is kinda stupid in my opinion.

      Now anon I am going to ask you the same thing I asked my white husband. If your people (whites) were treated like black people are, and you know how black people get treated don't fucking lie to yourself, and then had your every complaint about it dismissed like you are doing now by black people and told that every time you get angry about it you are at fault. What would you do? I made my husband thin about it. Really think about it. You take a moment and do that now, be honest. My hubby said he would not shoot street officers, he would be aiming higher up the food chain. But he would be shooting. How about you?
      The marches are not working, social media won't work, the nly way to et real change is to elect more black people which won't work because poor neighborhoods are the most gerrymandered and white people won't vote for black candidates if they have another choice for the most part. so truthfully what would you do?

  8. As soon as I saw this post, this song came to mind. The "Iron Man 2" video, is pretty cool.:)




    1. I like this "Dukes of Hazzard" version, too.:)




  9. I never understood why my commander sent me to sniper course, I never expressed any desire for the job. Now I understand that he probebly saw a lack of empathy in me.

    Thanks M.E.

    1. Fuck of idiot, the army would kick you out in no time if suspected of aspd. You special loser you.

    2. Do you always hallucinate, or it's a one time thing? I said nothing about being suspected of ASPD; I was talking about empathy you dumb fuck

    3. Lack of empathy is a very important trait of aspd you dumb bitch. They dont allow crazy fucks in the army. Keep that shit to yourself you pathetic whore.

    4. As a proud sexually-active man I appreciate you calling me a whore; thanks for the compliment... Since your understanding of soldiers and the military seems to derive from movies, you wouldn't understand that virtually everyone in the army, starting at officers level, is psychopath. To succeed In the army empathy is a negative not a positive.

    5. The cure to such disaccord would be that you both start aggressively start fucking one another

    6. Anon @ 6:48-

      Are you really a sniper?


    7. abc-

      Does the military really kick aspd people out?


    8. Anon @ 9:07-

      Is everyone in the military, from officers up, really psychopathic?


    9. I still need to see "American Sniper"-I've heard it's an awesome movie, plus I like Bradley Cooper, and I LOVE Sienna Miller.:)


    10. Still haven't learned to spell then Fitzgibbon?

    11. Hey Swop!!!

      Missed you.:)


    12. abc why are you so irrational? You attack almost everyone for no logical reason.

  10. That dude in the video is so fucking ignorant. the real reason for the difference between training and battlefield shooting success is because in battlefield the targets are moving versus training where they're not.

    1. crazy as it seems moving targets are used and moving at running speed no less

  11. Myth: gangs of psychopaths are responsible for dirty deeds in wars. Reality: ordinary men do such dirtywork, and peer-pressure seems to be the main reason. Socios care little about such "group-attitudes". Normal men hunt, not because they must but because they like to kill things from a safe distance, like a pathetic deities..

  12. Yeah, murdering is psychopathic. It's not normal at all. Wars are not normal at all. People do not wish to kill.

    This is why you should never join the army.

    1. yes and let those that do over run your country and subjugate you all

  13. There is a great war documentary, called "First Kill".

    It has some parts about the people who cleared vietcong tunnels. A shit job, but some people found they were good at it. And liked it.

    It's narrated by Michael Herr, a war correspondent. Person who wanted to see war.

  14. In the end of this clip, the person speaks about people who are conditioned to kill. And yes, it's not easy to uncondition it. As its fear based programming.

    Here is one ex soldier that is currently in jail:

    Your time in Iraq makes you a threat to society: Andrew Chambers at TEDxMarionCorrectionalSalon 2013

    It's about PTSD. Which is probably something that many people thinking they are sociopaths, actually have.

  15. "Why is Che such an acceptable person nowadays?"

    Because college students are idiots.

    I've read that when a prisoner in Russia is sentenced to death, they're executed by a bullet behind their ear. What does killing someone from the side say?

    1. Maybe you have the same problem, as capital punishment is " indefinitely suspended" in Russia. So they do not have capital punishments.

      "Russia has not executed anyone since 1996"

      Good thing to read about things, not just believe everything you like.

      You should really stat reading when you hear something as stupid as "executed by a bullet behind their ear". As it does not make sense at all.

    2. Well shit, I read something from before 1996. I'll check the expiration date next time.

      From Wikipedia:

      "On 14 February 1994, Chikatilo was taken from his death row cell to a soundproofed room in Novocherkassk prison and executed with a single gunshot behind the right ear.[180][181]"

    3. Damaged-

      I like the way you speak.:)


    4. You all do realize why doctors are the preferred executioners in the US? Not because they have knowledge of the drugs but because most of the ones who volunteer for that position are socio/psychopaths

  16. Hi everyone,
    I'm so excited my husband is back after he have left me for another woman.
    My husband and I have been married for about 7 yrs now. We were happily married with two kids, a boy and a girl. 3 months ago, I started to notice some strange behavior from him and a few weeks later I found out that my husband is seeing someone. He started coming home late from work, he hardly care about me or the kids anymore, Sometimes he goes out and doesn't even come back home for about 2-3 days. I did all I could to rectify this problem but all to no avail. I became very worried and needed help. As I was browsing through the internet one day, I came across a website that suggested that Dr Unity can help solve marital problems, restore broken relationships and so on. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and and told him my problems and he told me what to do and i did it and he did a spell for me. 24 hours later, my husband came to me and apologized for the wrongs he did and promise never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. I and my family are living together happily again.. All thanks to Dr Unity.If you have any problem contact him and i guarantee you that he will help you. He will not disappoint you. Email him at: or call him on: +2348072370762..I am Donna Murray by name and I reside here in United States..Contact Dr.Unity for help via email: .

  17. HOW TO GET YOUR EX BACK═══►Best online spell caster Reviews??
    I'm a citizen of UK, I'm so excited my husband is back after a break up.. When my husband broke up with me i was so frustrated and i could not know what next to do again, i love my husband so much but he was cheating on me with another woman and this makes him break up with me so that he can be able to get marry to the other lady and this lady i think use witchcraft on my husband to make him hate me and my kids and this was so critical and uncalled-for,I cry all day and night for God to send me a helper to get back my man until i went to London to see a friend and who was having the same problem with me but she latter got her Husband back and i asked her how she was able to get her husband back and she told me that their was a powerful spell caster called Dr.Unity that he help with love spell in getting back lost lover back, and i decided to contact the same Dr.Unity and he told me what is needed to be done for me to have my man back and i did it although i doubted it but i did it and the Dr told me that i will get the result after 28hours, and he told me that my husband was going to call me by 9pm in my time and i still doubted his word, to my surprise my husband really called me and told me that he miss me so much, Oh My God! i was so happy, and today i am happy with my man again and we are joyfully living together as one good family and i thank the powerful spell caster Dr.Unity of, he is so powerful and i decided to share my story on the internet that good spell casters still exist and Dr.Unity is one of the good spell caster who i will always pray to live long to help his children in the time of trouble, if you are there and your lover is turning you down, or your husband moved to another woman, do not cry anymore, contact this powerful spell caster Dr.Unity on his email: or call him on +2348072370762..

  18. Hi my naam is Hayley Marie ek is van New York is 35 jaar
    ou ek getroud is op die ouderdom van 23 Ek het net een kind en ek
    was gelukkig leef .Na 'n jaar van my huwelik my
    man gedrag was so vreemd en ek het nie regtig
    verstaan ​​wat aan die gang was, gepak hy uit die huis
    na 'n ander vrou wat ek is lief vir hom so baie dat ek nooit se droom
    van hom verloor, ek probeer my moontlik die beste om seker te maak dat my
    man kom terug na my, maar al tevergeefs, ek huil en huil
    op soek na hulp, ek bespreek dit met my beste vriend Laura en
    Sy belowe om my te help. Sy het vir my gesê 'n man met die naam
    Uzoigwe, het sy my vertel hy is 'n baie groot man en 'n ware
    man wat vertrou kan word en daar is niks met betrekking tot
    liefde kwessies wat hy kan nie los en sy het my vertel hoe hy
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    e-pos adres by ( Ek
    verduidelik al my probleem vir hom vir my gesê hy dat ek nie
    bekommerd dat al my probleme onmiddellik opgelos sal word. hy
    vertel my wat om te doen om my man terug te kry en ek het, het hy
    gesê nadat 2days my man terug sal kom na my toe en begin
    bedel, en dit is werklik gebeur soos hy gesê, was ek baie verras,
    Dit is so amazing. Aan God al die eer ons verhouding is nie
    nou baie streng en ons albei leef gelukkig weer. As jy '
    soortgelyke probleem, gekontak hom nou ( en kry jou probleem op te los vir eens en
    vir alle. Ek is 'n lewende getuienis om dit te. (1) As jy wil hê dat jou ex
    terug. (2) As jy nog altyd slegte drome. (3) Jy wil wees
    bevorder in jou kantoor. (4) Jy wil vroue / mans uit te voer
    na jou. (5) As jy wil 'n kind. (6) Jy wil bind jou
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    jou wense te verleen (12) As jy 'n kuur vir MIV nodig. weereens
    die e-posadres is (
    onmiddellik ..... hy is altyd gereed !!!!!


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