
Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Sociopath on a bicycle: Lance Armstrong

Not hurting anybody... Didn't do anything to me...


  1. "Everyone turn in your yachts!"

    Says it all :p

    1. Hey, North-


      You beat me!!!

      On Valentine's Day, too!!!



    2. Hey, Vegas-

      You jealous, tartish little creep. Lay off the caffeine and the booze. Step awaaaay from the gun. XD

      PS-Your Botox is showing.


    3. Hey, A-

      "My Angel"...



    4. Hey, A-

      "My Cupid"...



    5. Hey, A-

      Vegas: "Have I ever told you I love you"???

      A: No.

      Vegas: I do.

      A: Still???

      Vegas: Always.



    6. If you want to endear yourself to me, you'll get much farther quoting Fightclub than Indecent Proposal. ;)

    7. Hey, A-

      Unfortunately, I've never seen Fight Club.:(

      It's one of those movies I've always wanted to see, but never have.:(

      I didn't realize, that Ed Kowalczyk from the band "Live", is in that movie!!!

      My song for you, is Live's "I Alone"...



    8. Hey, A-




    9. Hey, A-

      The whole "Throwing Copper" album ROCKS!!!






  3. Hey, M.E.!!!

    Happy Valentine's Day!!!






    1. Hey, M.E.!!!

      PS-You always know, just how to make me laugh!!!




    2. Hey, M.E.!!!

      PPS-Will you be "My Valentine"???



    3. Hey, M.E.!!!




  4. I just saw this quote, that I love:

    "Nevertheless, She Persisted"



    1. I need to get one of those T-Shirts!!!



  5. Hey, M.E.!!!

    Any thoughts on the Elizabeth Warren/"Nevertheless, She Persisted" Campaign???


  6. I'm listening to Blink 182's "She's Out Of Her Mind"...


    1. I like the video, too...



  7. I just heard someone say, that all you need for "love", is to like the same pizza toppings and the same music...

    I agree.



  8. Did someone just mention "A" fight club, followed by a Vegan pizza with a side of word salad?

    Anyway, Happy Valentine's, SW! May all your black hearts shine twice bright.

    Mr. Hyde

    PS to Spook. My computer is down again. :\ Bloody-hearted smooches.

  9. I am curious about something Ukan. How do you find contentment while being filled with contempt? I'm not judging you, btw. At present, with the world going to shit, I have a lot of contempt, too; I don't like feeling that way and find it counterproductive.

    that's an interesting contrast. i was confused by the question at first, but i tried to see it from your angle.

    its easier to be content while looking down at the rest of the people in the world. i suppose it would be difficult if you wanted others to hold your world view, or you carry some moral sense of justice on your back like a weight.

    my contempt for people isn't hatred. i love people. i love how fucking stupid they are and im content that they will usually do what i want them to. i love their predictability.

    you don't like feeling that way, yes. that is what i was saying about being jaded. theres two ways to go from there. depression or understanding the game and how it works.

    im not pulling this out of my hat this is actually a step in self actualization. it is when you accept the flaws in yourself, the people around you, and in human nature. you accept the flaws and laugh at it all.

    1. Do physical things (like money) make a difference if you're content or not? Or do only people matter?

    2. the only thing that matters is the game. people and money, they are just things. both will flock to you if you play the game right, and you play the game right when you enjoy every moment of it.

    3. Hey Damaged-

      I like what Suze Orman would say, at the end of her show, when she had one:

      People First
      Then Money
      Then Things...

      Now, you stay safe!!!



  10. Its easier to be content while looking down at the rest of the people in the world

    Yes. Contentment is compatible with contempt when you derive narcissistic supply, disguised as genuine satisfaction, from a sense of superiority to the people around you, which is reinforced by your ability to manipulate them into doing your bidding. This is easy to accomplish when you misrepresent your greatest strengths as weaknesses, and your greatest weaknesses as strengths.

    This core inversion is actually a revelation of your self-loathing, because it entails openly embracing the contemptible within yourself, and rejecting the noble.

    But hey! At least you can accept your flaws, and laugh at it all.

    1. sounds difficult for you to comprehend A.

      in order for you to deflect people from attacking you where you are weak, you have to know where you are weak. you have to know where you are strong. masking self loathing with false confidence doesn't allow that.

    2. I guess that went over your head.

      I was quoting a strategy you recommended some time ago, juxtaposed with your repeated insistence that weakness disgusts you.

      In order for what you said to be true (your despising weakness) and your approach to be effective (misrepresenting your weaknesses as strengths, and vice-versa), you must both know and loathe your weaknesses, and seek to deflect from them by projecting false confidence. Otherwise, what you are saying is logically inconsistent.

      It isn't a poor strategy-- just a revealing one.

    3. no falter,

      being weak and having weaknesses are not the same.

      everyone has weaknesses, not everyone is weak. you dont get this because you spend most of your time here trying to prove yourself.

      in order for you to leverage your weaknesses you have to be comfortable with them.

      in order for you to leverage your strengths and display them as a weakenesses you need to be comfortable with looking weak in areas of your life where that is not the case.

      someone who constantly needs peoples approval are incapable of doing this. they will constantly flaunt their strengths and cover up their faults. the objective is their need to feel superior which will never be satisfied, because it cant be done externally. like a sailor drinking salt water to quench his thirst.

    4. You're funny. You're the one who presents himself as uber-confident and has been on this site, off and on, for how many years?

      Don't usually engage in this sort of thing cause it's pointless. But, what the hell, I'm bored.

      I don't think I present myself as tough as much as having resilience. I laugh at my weaknesses all the time. I have exposed my 'vulnerabilities, far more than you have here, except for those narcissistic toughman fantasies of yours that leak all over the place.

      What he hell, it's your life.

      I come here because I learn stuff and enjoy the posts and comments. I don't need to prove anything to anyone but myself, since the proofs of anyone's life, including mine, is in the streaming pudding we eat for breakfast every day. Oatmeal, the humblest of foods, is the breakfast of champions. :))

      I agree with your last statement, that feeling superior, in and of itself, never promotes true and lasting satisfaction. One must play the game knowing that accidents, especially shooting yourself in the foot, happen all the time.

      No foul, no harm.

      Mr. Hyde

    5. Portraying yourself as weak... Or kissing ass. Newsflash-your still kissing ass. That must be hard to deal with. But I guess to a sociopath the end always justifies the means. Like an addict turning tricks to pay for their habit. Justify it any way you want. Your still just an addict.

    6. No, Ukant.

      You're comfortable misrepresenting yourself as one who possesses the weaknesses you purportedly loathe, in order to fuck the easily duped over, prior to acting upon your true intentions. This is why you repeatedly mistake authenticity and a commitment to moral integrity with a desire to "prove oneself". Since you harbour such contempt for kindness, altruism, and mercy, ukant be truly comfortable
      with a manifestation of anything truly noble within yourself. So you deride these strengths as weaknesses-- to laugh in your sleeve at others, in order to prop up your own contemptible self, is "strength", in your inverted view.

      The truth is that you are just an empty husk. There is nothing authentic about you- and your confidence is based entirely upon an external locus of control: how you might deceive and con the people in your environment.

      That is why you've repeatedly created transparent little puppets on this site, in order to puff yourself up, bolster your reputation, and prove yourself through direct and indirect means. The only way you know how to gain credibility is through deception and subterfuge. That is why you'll only ever amount to a cheap con man with a lamentable amount of wasted potential, as opposed to a true leader.

      A pity, really.

    7. That is why you've repeatedly created transparent little puppets on this site, in order to puff yourself up, bolster your reputation, and prove yourself through direct and indirect means.

      right. i created sock puppets to promote myself so i can appear years later with credibility. even in your desperate bid for attention here you wouldnt go to that length.

      and of course,ever the projection artist, it is you who stand in plain sight with your name changed accusing others of having sock puppets for purposes of vanity.

      The truth is that you are just an empty husk. There is nothing authentic about you- and your confidence is based entirely upon an external locus of control: how you might deceive and con the people in your environment.

      this makes no sense. even if i was a con artist, which im not, they dont con people to validate themselves. they con people because it amuses them. its a game.

      im sure you wouldnt understand because the only con you try to pull on people is proving that you arent completely worthless. if you could ever succeed i might congratulate you, because thats a tough job.

    8. I have exposed my 'vulnerabilities, far more than you have here, except for those narcissistic toughman fantasies of yours that leak all over the place.

      Hahaha, yes. Speaking of constantly needing people's approval... Adam the Great UK ambassador is a case in point.

      Better watch it, UK. You're bleeding everywhere. Wouldn't want to get that expensive, fashionable shirt all bloody, now would you?

      We kan all see you. The emperor wears no clothes. ;)

    9. Portraying yourself as weak... Or kissing ass

      theres nothing more annoying than having to explain a simple concept over and over like to a child.

      you dont get it. thats ok. continue your loop of dating people that fuck you over.

    10. right. i created sock puppets to promote myself so i can appear years later with credibility. even in your desperate bid for attention here you wouldnt go to that length.

      Um. "Desperate bid for attention"? That would be you, generating hype around the mythos of greatness you think you've created surrounding yourself, with self-congratulating sock puppets. I've exposed you before- and on at least one occasion, you haven't even tried to deny it.

      and of course,ever the projection artist, it is you who stand in plain sight with your name changed accusing others of having sock puppets for purposes of vanity.

      I abbreviated my name after leaving here for a year or so and coming back, but everyone knows it's me. I haven't tried to conceal that at all. I don't use puppets, Adam.

      But nice try. ;)

      this makes no sense. even if i was a con artist, which im not, they dont con people to validate themselves. they con people because it amuses them. its a game.

      ...A game you've oft stated you enjoy playing. You go on at length about how you misrepresent yourself. You brag about how you dupe people. That makes you a con artist. Duh.

      Your sword's getting a bit dull for lack of use, UK. You were once a much better debater. You disappoint me.

      im sure you wouldnt understand because the only con you try to pull on people is proving that you arent completely worthless. if you could ever succeed i might congratulate you, because thats a tough job.

      Don't bother. I define my own successes, and I don't want your approval.

    11. "they dont con people to validate themselves. they con people because it amuses them. its a game."

      People con to gain something, win the game. Amusement or not comes with the territory. You do seem to enjoy playing the game simply to feed your ego. Ergo, "your confidence is based entirely upon an external locus of control." The antithesis of a true hero, whom must always face both external and his inner demons. Skywalker you are not. Except the scene where he's fighting Darth Vader and thrusts his hand into Vader's black, empty helmet.

      A - 4
      Ukan - 0

      And please put some decent clothes on, Ukan. You need to work out more.

      Mr. Hyde

    12. sure falter. this has been the plan, years in the making in order to impress people on a site i seldom visit with people i care nothing for. years of work for this one moment to explain to some anonymous twat why being jaded is a step up from being a complete sucker.

      only you could have exposed the truth.

    13. Mhmm. Ok there, Adam. Keep trying to convince everyone you aren't so desperate for the attention and adulation of admirers that you wouldn't bother popping in here every few months, preceding your "grand arrival" with a dirty sock parade. We all totally believe you. Because we've never seen you do *that* before. It's ever so much "work". Lol.


      I guess that's part of being a con artist. You don't the meaning of the term. XD

      only you could have exposed the truth

      Um, no. Are you so self-absorbed and enamoured by the sound of your own voice that you don't even read people's comments-- or are you just a lot more stupid than I remember you?

      Let me say it again, for emphasis.

      *WE ALL SEE YOU*.

      Didn't I tell you long ago that your chronic underestimation of people would be one day be your downfall?


      I see you haven't taken my advice.

      You really do need to work out more. :P

      Hyde, perhaps you should play this pointless little game more often. You aren't half bad at it, you know.

    14. falter you never cease to embarrass yourself here. i like how you say we as in you speak for some crowd.

      youve always been a punchline here with your sociopaths for jesus nonsense. nothings changed. youre still the same idiot who think shes bending the rules because you threw a rock through a window when you were a teen. how do you think i could tell it was you. you are still the raging narcissist who cant see past motives that have nothing to do with with self promotion and masking your own insecurities. still trying to feel good enough for your father who didnt give a toss about you.

    15. Sorry to burst your bubble, A, but Adam is GRK. Some obnoxious Irish or Welsh kid who first turned up here long before you arrived. His myspace page was leaked onto the the comment section and he was torn pieces by every regular on the site, UKan included.

    16. You knew it was me because I haven't tried to mask my identity, moron. Fuck, you're slow.

      And yet- *you're* the raging narc masquerading as a loser who photographs strangers' dicks in toilet stalls, just so that you have an easy target to publicly lash, thereby misrepresenting yourself in order to gain the praise of strangers you purportedly "don't give a toss about". Funny how that works, isn't it?

      My father and I are close. Unlike you, I understand the terms "forgiveness" and "reconciliation".

      It could have something to do with the Jesus thing. Or maybe it's just because I don't have a personality disorder, unlike the label you're proud to brandish as though it were a crown. But the sad truth is that you're just a naked con who thinks he's a king.

      By all means, keep crowing. Revealing your true colours is my pleasure, pea-cock.

    17. I know the history. I also know that UK has appropriated his identity on more than one occasion.

      It's no happy coincidence that the two often come in pairs.

      Keep trying, Ukant. It only shows how desperate you are to prove yourself.

    18. U need to get some fresh air, A. I think I unintentionally fucked your(< gold star?) brain up when I was last trolling here. Or just carry on, it'll be fun to see what clownfuck insane conspiracy theory ur mind concocts next.

    19. Hahahahaaa!

      And so, there we have it.

      U just kant. XD

    20. Grk, that makes sense. i actually came on here several months fucking with that idiot adam making fun of him living with his mum and how he thinks hes a con artist for getting her to cop for pizza. it figures he would start promoting me just like you were running around here with my cock sticking out of your mouth after i slapped you around. its like stolkholm syndrome with you narcissists. you love the abuse. in that same logic maybe you are my sock puppet.

      if i wanted to promote my amazingness why would i create such a fucktard to do it. its like showing up to a murder trial with ted bundy as my character witness.

      you are so fucking dense falter. you and david used to think the entire comment section was me after you lost your minds flailing around here getting fucked by everyone.

    21. Ok I'm just gonna ask. Who do you think I am, UKan?

    22. Stop talking about yourself that way, A:
      “It only shows how desperate you are to prove yourself.”
      “moron. Fuck, you're slow. Revealing your true colours is my pleasure, pea-hen...... you're just a naked con who thinks she's The Queen.”

      “You really do need to work out more.”
      Did anyone ever reply to your request of an exercise plan BTW?

      “Didn't I tell you long ago that your chronic underestimation of people would be one day be your downfall?
      I see you haven't taken my advice.”

      Mirror mirror on the wall and all that.......

      Take your own advice, finally. Get lost. Your audience has gone. Reduced to you and ‘Vegas’ whispering inanities at each other, with a side chorus of Mr Hyde, who’s so obtuse he can’t join two dots together – moaning about Trump on the one hand and worshiping at Alter the Narc’s feet in public, on the other - in a really squirmy sick kind of a way 8-).

      “You do seem to enjoy playing the game simply to feed your ego. Ergo, "your confidence is based entirely upon an external locus of control."”

      Absolutely right Alter. You just can’t give it up, even for a few months. You are, after all, the Absolute Arbiter of Fashion’ on here. It’s your destiny, Luke.

      “Or maybe it's just because I don't have a personality disorder, “

      !!!!!!?????sorry? LOL what was that again? You don’t have a personality disorder??
      Say it is not so, Trumpette! ROFL

      So all that past garbage about you being a ‘sociopath’? It wasn’t [gulp] lies, was it? Was it?
      That will be so disappointing to all these earnest readers of SW, hanging on to [you hope] every pronouncement with bated breath! What will they all do now you’ve 'fessed up? You have no personality disorder! You are in fact just a church-going Desperate Housewife, with her long dark hair past her butt, her penchant for ‘extreme water sports’ and her consistent fear of the flab and encroaching age; with insufficient guts to get clinical help for the anger management problem.

      The more you argue, the more it's obvious. You don't have the self-awareness to even realise he's being tactful in his critique of you.
      Poor, poor Alter. Not. LOL

    23. Ok I'm just gonna ask. Who do you think I am, UKan?

      another sock puppet of mine obviously. anyone here that doesnt have their nose in falters cunt while she attempts to reinvent herself here is UKan.

    24. I also know that UK has appropriated his identity on more than one occasion.

      really? do you care to tell us when and who?

    25. UKant, U lost Ur head up blow-up-doll, UKunt's ass again?


      OK. Here's some toilet paper. Be sure to wipe your mouth of cum before you speak again.


      Mr. Hyde

    26. There, there, Spaztikat. I know you're still butthurt after I chased you away, and repeatedly reduced you to a stuttering, triggered, frothing militant lesbian with Tourette's, but I've been saying for years that I inherited some callous traits from daddy dearest, without being pathologically disordered.

      Why are you here, again? Did your cirkle jerk peter out? Did you run out of people interested in listening to your ascerbic nihlism, smug self-importance, and witheringly
      boring blather?

      But hey! If you want it, the platform's all yours. I'm not sticking around much longer. My busy season is coming
      up, and I can't get too embroiled in the antics here (*waves at UKunt*) without fucking up at work.

    27. Ukanatclubworkwithdesperate@katFebruary 16, 2017 at 10:52 AM

    28. "I'm not sticking around much longer."

      That's probably best, A. You're getting repetitive again. The personal insults and 'I'm so aggressive none of you can get at me' stuff again. With the usual 'I'm too good for all this stuff - it's beneath me' flounce at the end: "I can't get too embroiled in the antics here without fucking up at work."

      Of course, of course. LOL
      I notice you're no better at guesswork than you ever were. Comes from only being focused on yourself all the time. 8-)

      "My father and I are close... I understand the terms "forgiveness" and reconciliation".

      Sure you do. Attacking assertive guys online isn't a tell *at all*. Course not. Off you go then sweetie. Back to the forgiveness and reconciliation irl. ROFL

    29. Since you claim I'm redundant, I'll indulge you and repeat myself:

      You're not a sociopath. You're not witty. You're not even interesting. You're just an uptight, priggish bore, pretending to be something you're not.

      You criticize me for being "aggressive"... You get on my case for swearing and being vulgar, yet you fall all over yourself trying to impress a man who jokes about raping women up the ass, and who would just as soon claim to want to spit in your face, and kick you in the mouth, right before raping you bloody. A guy who gets his jollies trying unsuccessfully to persuade weak, depressed women into committing suicide- including his own ex wife.

      What does that say about the kind of woman *you* are, Spaz? Hmm?

      Let me help you out, since you're obviously an awkward autist, without an inkling as to how to read people, as evidenced by what a spectacularly poor judge of character you are. It makes you a pathetically ingratiating, self-loathing hypocritical cunt.

      So why don't you go and knit yourself a vagina, so that ukan wear it on your head while you protest alongside screeching Sharia supporters who call themselves feminists?

      You'll fit right in, you clueless twat.

    30. Nothing new from you then. Not a surprise. Must be very difficult to dream up any new shit after your three? four? years worth of same old same old.
      Your comment above should be titled 'Still Ranting After All These Years'.
      And *why* are you so obsessed with sexualised insults? Were you raped as a child? Is this why all the verbal impotent rage - 'cause you never had the guts for payback irl?

      As for this outraged morality shit:
      "unsuccessfully to persuade weak, depressed women into committing suicide- including his own ex wife. What does that say about the kind of woman *you* are"

      ROFL what do you *think* it says, dipshit? Oh. Let's see: 'autistic'. 'Falling over myself'. 'Ingratiating'. Etc. 8-) Astute as ever then.

      Here's what it says. I told you. I don't care enough. Why are *you* not detached about rape or the rest of this crap you moralistically get outraged about? You stupid wannabee whatever.
      Join those dots you moron. Your self-righteous over-sexualised garbage is laughable and a source of contempt. You are defensive and you are weak. You are the abused pretending to be able to abuse.

      And the odd fool listens to you as if you know, well, something.

      Give it up. Get a life.
      Stop with the pointless accusatory outrage. Truth is, you need to rant about anything, about anyone, in SW, to get your cheap proxy-aggro thrills. And it's been so quiet in here for you for months. Now it's early Christmas for A. You're real easy to bait. Cause you know you love being bated. LOL

      Just be quiet and get therapy. If not for yourself, do your children the favour.
      What's the betting your compulsive need for your aggression fix outweighs their welfare.

      BTW why is it a poor judge of character to like UKan's mindset.....?
      [yeah OK that was another wind-up.....ROTFL]
      Off you go again. Once more round the block........8-)

      I dare you to shut up. 8-) I dare you. LOL.

    31. No kat. That went right over your paltry little pea brain, didn't it?

      I'll break it down a bit more simply for you, since you are even less capable of grasping nuance than I thought.

      I said: You get on my case for swearing and being vulgar, yet you fall all over yourself trying to impress a man who jokes about raping women up the ass, and who would just as soon claim to want to spit in your face, and kick you in the mouth, right before raping you bloody. A guy who gets his jollies trying unsuccessfully to persuade weak, depressed women into committing suicide- including his own ex wife.

      That wasn't an expression of "moral outrage"- although I do find your over-eager willingness to fawn over such a person weak and revolting.

      That was my laughing at you for getting all self-righteous and uppity about the fact that *I* use crass language and behave aggressively, whilst *you* spread your virtual peg-legs for a man whose aggression and use of sexual degradation far exceeds anything that I've ever written here.

      Which essentially translates to:

      Ohhh, ohhh UK! Pick me! Pick me!! Please kum stroke my ego in my cickle jerk! Im sooo desperate for attention, UK. Just a little skrap? Kum rape *my* ass bloody instead. Puh-leeeeaze??

      You're a self contradicting joke, Spaz. And you're the only one here who doesn't see it.

    32. See, that's why you're frigid, kat.

      Externally, you like to present yourself as the ice queen, but deep down inside, you want nothing more than for a man to hold you down, spread your legs apart, and fuck you violently. But nobody has ever wanted you that way.

      Isn't that right, sweetheart?

  11. Neytiri-

    It's all good!!!

    I'm just looking 4 my oxygen mask.:)


  12. Last comment was meant for you, A.

  13. U just Kant: "if i wanted to promote my amazingness why would i create such a fucktard to do it."

    Simple. Because you're a fucktard.

    "its like showing up to a murder trial with ted bundy as my character witness."

    Yawn. Do you never stop self-aggrandizing? Dream on. Bundy would
    rather be dead in hell than hang out with you, someone who actually can't read or write well enough to carry on a decent conversation. Bundy was smart, remember?

    And no, fuckhead, I'm not A, Luke or any other alter. You're pathetically confused Son. You've lost your head -- fucking too many blow-up dolls again? A real woman wouldn't eat you (too greasy) so much as use you to pick her teeth.

    "A" can't help that she's smarter and wittier than you. That's just who she is. Get over it and make a decent argument or get lost.

    A - 9
    UK - 0

    Mr. Hyde

    1. And no, fuckhead, I'm not A, Luke or any other alter. You're pathetically confused Son. You've lost your head -- fucking too many blow-up dolls again? A real woman wouldn't eat you (too greasy) so much as use you to pick her teeth.

      nobody is accusing you, and nobody cares who you are.

    2. "A" can't help that she's smarter and wittier than you. That's just who she is. Get over it and make a decent argument or get lost

      ha ha ha. i didnt see this before.

      you fucking idiot. take a search on her name and ukan. she worships the ground i walk on until i slap her around. and like an abused housewife she comes back and does it again and again. this has happened for years. she even pretended to like the same extreme sports as i did to win my approval, its pathetic.

      i can see your retardation in the way you write. the fact that you think pig face is actually out smarting people here only shows how much of a imbecile you actually are.

    3. Hahahahaa! What? Dramatic, much? I worship the ground that you walk on, now? LOL.

      Any search of you and I here will turn up plenty of episodes of Bible Wars, but absolutely no Ukan worship. Anyone with half a brain who might bother will ascertain that pretty quickly.

      "Battered housewife". Ha! Nice try, but your predictable tactics are now transparent to me.

      If the hours of time I admittedly wasted arguing with you count as worship, then the "worship" was decidedly mutual.

      Oh, but riiight. Silly me. I forgot I was talking to a god! A god who listens to Anthony Robbins, creates puppets and wingmen to generate interest in himself (lol), was stupid enough to get arrested (lol) and who put a gun in his girlfriend's pathetic, suicidal, self-loathing, co-dependent hands. (Just ugh.)

      So *OF COURSE* the worship is directed at *you*!

      But before we get involved in some heavy duty mutual adulation, you're going to have to tell me... How's the middle-aged spread, chubs? Have you tightened up a bit since you graced the forum with your flabby belly and bandana-covered mug?

      Cause if I'm going to worship you, you'd better look good.

      Speaking of which, how is Poptart, these days?

      Lemme guess. You broke up.

      Because you just kouldn't. :D

    4. i kan see your retardation in the way you write. the fact that you think you're actually out smarting people here only shows how much of a imbecile you actually are. XD

    5. Wait wait wait. I just caught that. I "pretended" to like extreme sports, like you *did*, in order to gain your approval? Hahahaaa!

      I take it you're too pudgy and out of shape to keep up, these days?

      What extreme sports do you do? Motocross? Pft.

      That doesn't count, retard. A machine is doing all the work for you. It's a thrill, but it's not a sport.

      You don't even drive because you're too much of a narc to stay focused on the road, ffs.

      "I'm a shitty driver because I almost crashed my vehicle because I couldn't resist swooning over my own reflection in the rear-view mirror. Aren't I charming? Har-har-har."

      You don't do any extreme sports.

      You live in fucking Ireland.

      Drinking is not an extreme sport.

    6. Ukanary, you sure do like to cheep.

      "ha ha ha. i didnt see this before."

      I know. Took you twenty minutes to 'See' and even then you're blind. Blinded by your inability to accept the fact that you're utterly without power -- if you had it, you wouldn't need to brag, dipshit. What god would crash his car because he's gazing into a mirror? If that really happened, you are one sorry loser asshole. Get over yourself before somebody, somewhere, sometime, rakes you over your split entrails in the real world for killing someone over your silly, self-infatuation.

      And if you really gave some poor suicidal person a gun, well, all I can say is, you don't deserve to walk the earth. It's people like you that killed my mom, who shot herself in the head. You don't have the guts to pull the trigger on your own life, so you get others to take theirs.

      Some fucking god. Picking on depressed, frail people. Even a lowly mortal like me doesn't resort to driving desperate people to kill themselves just to feel superior.

      Nuff said.

      Mr. Hyde

    7. Way to expose your sore spots, Mr Hyde. Are there any more completely irrelevant yet hilarious details of your pathetic life you'd like to share? It's ok, let it all out.

    8. Boom.

      Well-stated, Jekyll. ;)

      I'm sorry to hear about your mom.

    9. Hey Mr. Hyde

      Long time. Remember Jacky boy's horoscope you sent me? It's now vanished from my mailbox and from the other psycho site we used to visit. Guess Jack got smart, decided to take it down. Dammit, I so wanted to analyze his chart. Oh well. Maybe one day. As I recall, jacky's got some real interesting times (Pluto transits to his Libra Moon) coming up. Let the Scorpio era commence!

      Anyway, If you do see Jack, please tell him from me that he's been a very naughty boy. I forgive him this time, but only this once. He scared even my cat last time he came here for dinner, dressed as the Ripper.

      As for you Mr. Hyde, the hairy flights you took me last year were a blast. That final landing was a bit bumpy but well worth it. My fear of flying is gone!

      btw, Everyone joked about my buying that special 'transparency' helmet, when I said I was flying solo with you. In a way I can never explain, it actually helped a lot. At least you could see the horror on my face in the moment before we crashed. ;))

      I'm also sorry to hear about your mom, too. She was a stellar lady. I also hope her twin in Europe is doing better.

      When you return from France, gimme a ring if you feel it. My number's still the same.


    10. "You don't do any extreme sports.

      You live in fucking Ireland."

      you trying to say those two things are related? XD

    11. Only wherein Ukant is concerned.

      His involvement in "extreme sports" is limited to drinking until he blacks out, pissing and puking all over himself, and occasionally crashing into parked cars, apparently.

      But I'm "pretending" to like the same extreme sports as him in order win his approval-- because the scent of cheap cologne, whiskey and stale urine is such a heady, irresistible mix... How could anyone not go crazy with desire and wish to emulate that? XD

      I don't think there are many ski resorts in Ireland.

      No disrespect intended to the Irish, of course. I'm a Scottish/Irish hybrid myself.

    12. I'll have you know that you haven't lived till you've been snow tubing with santa at the islands largest artificial ski slopes (slash golf course). It gets a little tricky to arrange once you're past the age of 11, but then Ukan seems like the sort of fella who wouldn't let that get in the way of a good time XD

    13. Hahahaaaaa! Omg. Is that comment as klever as I think it is- given his recent fascination with cuckold anal rape fantasies and incest?

      Ukan pedo too! XD

  14. I don't think I've seen Conan go to pieces like that for anyone else. Bill Burr should be a household name.

  15. Yes, fear and disgust or repulsion are very close in the primal mind. the disgust that sociopaths have towards weakness is much like the repulsion I feel towards the sociopath. No one wants to admit they are scared. Somehow our minds won't even let us go there.

    1. hey anon, how do you know the repulsion you feel towards sociopaths is the same sociopaths feel towards weakness? and why do you think sociopaths disgust weakness? I mean the weakness of others is what they use to achieve their goals...
      "No one wants to admit they are scared." I think it's on the contrary. If you admit you are scared of something, you are better able to cope with the fear. if you know what scares you, you can rationalise it and overcome the fear. but first you need to accept it... so i guess it's completely the wrong approach to cover one's fears


  16. Alice hi. I think I mean sociopaths are disgusted by their own weaknesses. I don't know it's the same but I do feel it's something more different or primal that I feel.

    1. ohh ok hahaha... makes more sense now. maybe you are right and they disgust there own weakness which makes them even weaker... ironic isn't it?

      the feeling you have, what is it like? can you describe it? just curious...


    2. Alice it's a completely overwhelming and irrational feeling coupled with feeling sick and loss of appetite. I guess like being near something gross. My mind can't seem to get past it. That's why I equate it with fear. I'm wondering Alice do you ever have difficulty judging

    3. Alice I'm sorry;-) do you ever have difficulty recognizing fear or disgust in others? Or do you think you know it but just process it differently than non-sociopaths?

    4. Alice it's a completely overwhelming and irrational feeling coupled with feeling sick and loss of appetite. I guess like being near something gross. My mind can't seem to get past it. That's why I equate it with fear. I'm wondering Alice do you ever have difficulty judging

      yet you dated a sociopath and you frequent a sociopath blog. your masochism is fucking breath taking

    5. Why are you so obsessed with something you claim to loathe?

      You comment smacks disingenuity, anon.

      If the revolt you harbour for sociopaths is so pervasive and visceral, why were you attracted enough to a sociopath to date one? And why are you here?

      I don't think it is masochism, so much as a primal attraction to these personality types, offset by your having been deeply wounded and victimized by such a person.

      You are offloading your disappointment, frustration, anger and pain here by "attacking" sociopaths (who are standing in for the sociopath who victimized you) in a passive-aggressive manner, by insulting them, and characterizing them as sub-human.

    6. Hi A,

      "Why are you so obsessed with something you claim to loathe?"

      This is a good question that can be applied pretty generally across the human population - its a common behavioural response to demonise / monsterise / mythologise that which we are yet to understand.

      It's for safety and adaptation.

      I'm the first to admit it's very easy to over-generalise in response to a newly encountered phenomenon.

      The reality is that each observation here - for the mind open to data - helps us refine our understanding and excise unnecessary generalisations. It's something I've appreciated immensely. I'm sure I've said many unfounded things, taken reactionary and ultimately poorly grounded swipes. I've probably also been overly generous.

      I guess a lot of neurotypicals come through insulting psychopaths in their woundedness. I don't think anon is one of these. I think anon is genuinely trying to understand.

    7. I think we demonize the things that hurt us, unless we allow them to make us stronger. There be monsters, here- and heroes are only forged in confronting them.

      I don't doubt that anon is "genuinely trying to understand". I merely wish to draw her attention to the fact that she is behaving in a transparent and self-contradictory fashion.

      She wants to "understand", because she is internally conflicted, and somewhat repelled, by her visceral attraction towards us. She knows that she is like to a moth being inorexably drawn towards a flame.

      "it's a completely overwhelming and irrational feeling coupled with feeling sick and loss of appetite. I guess like being near something gross."


      "I feel sick around sociopaths because of how I was abused by someone who took advantage of me. "


      "The disgust that sociopaths have towards weakness is much like the repulsion I feel towards the sociopath. No one wants to admit they are scared. Somehow our minds won't even let us go there."


      I am scared of, yet magnetically attracted to, these individuals, whose qualities I admire because I lack them. But I am conflicted, because I was deeply hurt by someone exhibiting these qualities.

      So I fear them. As such, I feel compulsively driven to attack them, albeit indirectly, because I do not possess this aggreassive nature. So I rationalize my fear as revulsion- and I am at least partially aware that I am doing so.

    8. unless that's obvious

    9. hey anon, "do you ever have difficulty recognizing fear or disgust in others? Or do you think you know it but just process it differently than non-sociopaths?" no I'm pretty good in recognizing such things in other people (if I care about this is an other question), but I don't know if i process it in a different way...I have no comparsion (i don't even know if I'm a sociopath or not... the are similarities but also differences and so maybe I just process it the same way you do)


    10. " do you ever have difficulty recognizing fear or disgust in others?" It's recognising the cause of the disgust that's what most people seem to struggle with, and fear's one reason but it's not the only one. I mean it's not like I'm afraid of fat ppl or noisy eaters or ppl who wash their dirty knickers in with their tea towels.

  17. Hey, M.E.!!!

    My song for you, is Live's "The Dolphins Cry", off "The Distance To Here" album!!!



  18. Some fucking god. Picking on depressed, frail people. Even a lowly mortal like me doesn't resort to driving desperate people to kill themselves just to feel superior.

    thats more for the lulz. trolling suicide sites is more fun than running into someone with crutches on a staircase. dont be such a boring twat.

    What god would crash his car because he's gazing into a mirror?

    i didnt crash my car. i almost went off a cliff. i put the story up here for self deprecating humour. unfortunately it doesnt compute with falters narcissist mind why someone would make fun of themselves, so she thinks its a sore spot.

    ill give you some better ammunition. i crashed my car six months ago into three parked cars black out drunk after taking an uber to my car. ha ha ha. i blacked out in the bar and came to with half my car missing and the fucking police lights flashing. i wrote that in the insurance report and for some reason those fuckers still bought me a new car.

    drunk driving after ubering to your car now thats fucking dense

    1. Did U mean 2 drive off a cliff?

    2. "drunk driving after ubering to your car now thats fucking dense"

      this is a story that you should share

    3. Drunktard probably rushed off to do it, too XD

    4. OMG this truly stands out as something that would be a great story in The Mask of Sanity as part of their psychopathic "career" as Cleckley would say.

      "ill give you some better ammunition. i crashed my car six months ago into three parked cars black out drunk after taking an uber to my car. ha ha ha. i blacked out in the bar and came to with half my car missing and the fucking police lights flashing. i wrote that in the insurance report and for some reason those fuckers still bought me a new car. "

    5. I enjoyed that book, someone needs to write one for the 21st century with anecdotes like this

    6. Hell yes! In that same detailed and novelistic descriptions with current "Psychopaths" of this time in history would be a fantastic read!

  19. LOL. No, you twat. I've done it myself, putting on lipstick, like a right proper narc. It's just *revealing*. So is the fact that you still drink to the point of blacking out.

    And yeah. That is fucking dense. What's the matter with you?

    Pull yourself together, ffs.

  20. Hey, M.E.!!!

    It's FTF (Funny Tweet Friday)!!!



  21. LOL. No, you twat. I've done it myself, putting on lipstick, like a right proper narc. It's just *revealing*. So is the fact that you still drink to the point of blacking out.

    go big or go home falter. drink to excess, fight till you are bloody, only commit major crimes, and fuck like a pervert.

    i saw your pink pork face by the way, you are a 5 at best. but no worry. ill still stick my cock up your arse in front of your cuck husband. i know he gets off on that type of shite

    1. Wow! Now these are some words to live by

      "go big or go home falter. drink to excess, fight till you are bloody, only commit major crimes, and fuck like a pervert."

      LMAO HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Hilarious

    2. Wow! Now these are some words to live by

      Live by the spirit of the words? No question.

      Live by them literally? Maybe not all of them.

    3. Very true there Damaged! I sure dont wanna fight anyone until bloody, Iam good with all the rest!


  22. Spaz Kat you're a dork rallying against A to impress this Adam Ukan fellow.

    His cock hasn't grown much for you. You try too hard.

    1. "Spaz Kat you're a dork rallying against A to impress this Adam Ukan fellow."

      In the spirit of altruism, for old time's sake:
      While it may seem a natural thing to assume that a psychopath would be impressed by someone 'rallying' to him, it's not actually the case. You would know this fact if you were psychopathic.

      'Rallying against A' might have been a unexplainable compulsion to waste time in SW for some obscure reason [well I'm now writing a response in SW to an utter idiot no less, so there could be something to that .....].

      Perhaps you assume I 'feel' [*such* a nice word 8-)] I could bask in UKan's 'manly and aggressive glory'. Uhuh. Much more likely. Sounds spot on, that one. Only if you confuse a blog with real life and start having pretend 'relationships' online. Hmm. OK well some of you do seem to be doing that in SW but then you're wack.
      I like how UKan thinks and how he writes. He is extremely good at making fun of people. He's direct and uncompromising. Is this a problem for you? Why dat? His mindset is understandable and soothing. Well. Maybe to some. Or...a few. or two ........LOL. You all love it really.

      "His cock hasn't grown much for you. You try too hard."

      I'm desolated to read this, of course. My level of self-confidence has taken a *huge* tumble. Down from extremely high to....extremely high.
      Silly Person - are you suggesting I have a Vegas-like fascination for UKan? Do grow up. Or were you sexualised early in life, and can only assume a sexual context re all interactions between human beings? Suffering from complex PTSD maybe? OK, got it.

      Moving on. Re the 'rallying'. Apologies for having the inability to succumb to the SW pretentious groupthink. Must be a personality difference. Oh; wait.....!

      UKan's ability to provoke unwittingly self-referential responses from A kept me chuckling for a whole day yesterday [I know, I know - I should get out more]. And A's ability to construct her 'alternative facts' regarding her SW past appears to be truly remarkable. Keep up keeping on A; you have nothing to lose but the last shreds of your credibility! Which for such as you, is minimal anyway. LOL

      Hope all the above helps in the SW onward quest for Very Useful Information about psychopaths. You know you love them really.
      Just, too much.

    2. You keep shooting your self in the foot spaz @ I'm having trouble following your sentiments about A. You're all over the place.

      I don't rally with any type of coward online unlike you because " you think this fellow put A in her place and spend all day laughing over it." But that's because you lack etiquettes. It's not our fault really. :) They do say you do attract what you are inside. That's why you find his sentiments over A irresistible and laughable.

      Pathetic. You have no back bone.

      I don't like you spazzy cause you seem to keep displaying cowardly behaviour every fucken time you post. If I recall and not mistaken you're in a position of authority at work. You showed a perfect example of how you exhort your falsified power over vulnerable individuals you seem to think you take care of and help. If you ever worked with me in one of my homes you'd be out on your ass so fast I'd never tolerate your shit. Id be a steps ahead of your game.

      You suck in my books and just left a bad taste when you posted that. You're just a bully.

      At least bully the bullies and put them in their rightful place with all your feistiness you fester up inside on on this blog. Redirection.

      But you're just a silly girl to me ;)

    3. Ooh Spazzy. :)

      You make this so easy.

      You have repeatedly come here and berated me for swearing, and being vulgar. In your outrage, you refused to accept or believe that I'm even a woman. You've erroneously accused me of being everyone who ever spoke in my favour. And when the entire forum collectively handed you your ass, you spazzed out like a rabid, kornered animal, and ran away with your tailed tucked in between your legs like a whipped dog- only to kum krawling back out again to sniff UK's balls, for behaviour you attempt to korrect in others. Could you possibly get more desperate for scraps of his attention? It's pathetic.

      Now, you're chiding me for "moral outrage" about rape - claiming that it makes me oh-so-very-unpsychopathic, whilst getting uptight about the fact I make sexualized jokes - when I have in fact been the *target* of UK's repeated sexual innuendoes and disgusting anal rape fantasies.

      You're an autistic kunt because you actually fail to see the contradictory nature of your position- which also makes you plain old stupid. Duh.

      You're a jealous. Ukant play this game. You always lose. You've demonstrated that time and time again, here.

      You dare me to shut up? No thanks.

      I'd advise you to krawl back to your circkle jerk for special snowflakes and wannabes, and lick your wounds, but your initiative was a failure. Just like everything else about you.

      No wonder you want so badly to spread your frigid legs for UK. His attention would validate your existence, so desperate are you for the male approval and attention you were never able to solicit, and thus klaim to disdain.

      By all means, keep writing paragraph after paragraph in order to justify yourself. You provide more ammo with every keystroke.

    4. ME - at least make some pretense that this blog is open to all. I wrote a response to A&SC two days ago.
      You know..the 'two in one, time is running on' comment? You are a gutless wonder ME. Your 'moderation' is as pathetic as this ridiculous blog.
      Get a life and put this blog out of its misery.

  23. Vegas, put a sock in it.

    1. Silly girl-

      I like the word "silly".:)


    2. Lol. That's rich, coming from a middle aged, tubby has-been like you.

      You can't “fuck like a pervert.” Washed up drunkards like you can't even get it up, let alone perform in the bedroom.

      Im monogamous. My husband and I are still happy together after over a decade of marriage. He's a smart, successful, upstanding man. You're just a small time ex-drug dealer who was too stupid to even stay out of jail… A petty, whining, self-aggrandizing brat, who can't even stop drinking before blacking out, puking all over yourself, spreading your stench, vomitus and bile everywhere you go.

      So no. Ukouldnt fuck me. Not under any circumstances, ever- even if you *weren't* impotent.

      I used to think you were an asshole, yet clever and quick. But I really see you for what you are now.

      You're a failure, and you disgust me.

    3. your inferiority doesn't stop me wanting your attention

    4. ha ha ha ha, fucking you would be a pitty fuck at best falter. ill tell you what, since the smell of vomit and whiskey isnt apparently a turn on for you, what cologne did your father wear?

    5. Why do keep talking about fucking me, UK? Obsessed much?

      What part of "you revolt me" do you not comprehend, you pathetic failure?

      Are you really so thick as to think those stupid, transparent little tactics will work on me?

      My father didn't drink. Don't project your penchant for whiskey and cheap cologne onto him. XD

    6. You're losing the game UKan

    7. My father didn't drink. Don't project your penchant for whiskey and cheap cologne onto him. XD

      i never said he did.

      quick question, how often have you fantasized about fucking your father, falterego? did you feel ashamed?

    8. Ew. A better question might be why continue to imagine me within the context of increasingly depraved and disgusting scenarios. Is that what you meant when you said "fuck like a pervert", Ukreep?

      Mommy didn't show you enough love, did she?

    9. Ew. A better question might be why continue to imagine me within the context of increasingly depraved and disgusting scenarios

      its ok in a freudian sort of way i suppose, falter, to be obsessed with your father. to want to be him. im sure trying to win his approval and validation all your youth became habitual, didnt it? is that why you do it here? is that why you spent years trying to prove to people you are a sociopath on here?

    10. I said years ago that I figured out I wasn't a sociopath. You're literally the only one who cares.

      Your obsession with me, as evidenced by your desire to sexually degrade me, are a window into your depraved mind. Incest, anal rape, cuckold fanatsies... Is that your "love language", Ucuck? XD

      I can't help you. But maybe Spaz can relieve all of that pent up frustration. She's sexually awkward and repressed, just like you... and she's *very* eager for your attention.

      Why don't you take your little pea-cock over to her pea-brain, so the two of you can indulge in some mutual masturbation? She even has a circkle jerk set up, just for you. ;)

    11. Haha, and the Lord Adam is one of his mates in the circle jerk. Adam has mentioned he doesn't like women and only hangs out with boys.

    12. forget etiquette this is just too screamingly hilarious to pass up:

      "Your obsession with me, as evidenced by your desire to sexually degrade me, are a window into your depraved mind. Incest, anal rape, cuckold fanatsies... Is that your "love language", "

      ROTFL well it sure is yours A.........ROTFL it sure is yours. 8-) 8-)

      'Window into your depraved mind'??? ROTFL 'cuckold fanatasies'?? "pent up frustration...sexually awkward and repressed" ???? OMG. Classic! LOL

      You been reading those ladies soft-porn romance novels under the bedcovers again A? You gonna mention the heaving breasts and the swooning as well? 8-) 8-) Go know you want to! ROTFL

      "he doesn't like women and only hangs out with boys."

      Well you two aren't exactly a recommendation...... 8-) 8-).


    14. If you want heaving breasts, you'll have to ask the man you idolize so much- if you can get a hold of yourself for long enough to stop your exaggerated show of fake cackling, that is. Because I'm just repeating his words.

      Hmm. Gee. I wonder why you don't pretend to laugh so uproariously when he writes them?

      Where is the fabled etiquette you take such pride in, Spazzy?

      Ooh. Right. You must have lost it, swooning over UrKcuck. :D

      There's a ROLF for ya, you fucking joke.

      You should simmer down, Kat. You're working yourself into a histrionic frenzy and embarrassing yourself, again.

    15. That vid was hilarious and apropos.

      A tip of my hat to whoever posted that. Thanks for the chuckle. :)

    16. I said years ago that I figured out I wasn't a sociopath. You're literally the only one who cares

      you can take me off that list. literally nobody cares about you falter. you shat all over yourself "for years" trying hard to prove you are just like your father. i kept telling you but you just continued to write your five page responses defending your misguided view of yourself.

      Your obsession with me, as evidenced by your desire to sexually degrade me, are a window into your depraved mind. Incest, anal rape, cuckold fanatsies... Is that your "love language", Ucuck? XD

      obsession with you, ha ha ha. you dillusional cunt. you are entertainment when i get up in the middle of the night to take a dump.

      i know you well falter. i know what goes on in that little damaged mind of yours. how moist you get for your daddy, wanting to be him. wanting him inside you. you worshipped him. thats why you spent years on this blog trying to emulate him with all of us trying to tell you its not so. its good you finally wised up.

      does it feel disappointing that your pathetic husband isnt half the man your father was or is that a safety net for you? that you can dominate the man that's fucking you, unlike when you were a little girl.

    17. There you go again, projecting your elaborate, disgusting, incestual fantasies onto me.

      What did your father do to you that you should have such a deranged view of how others relate to theirs? Do you hear yourself? You're fucking revolting.

      I know he abandoned and abused you when you were small and powerless. That's why you have a need to sexually degrade others in the way that you yourself were, in order to feel power over them.

      I didn't worship my father. We fought constantly. I hated and rejected him growing up. But at least mine was strong. At least mine didn't molest me.

      You also rejected and hated your father, because he was a weak, pathetic drunkard who stumbled into your room late at night with the stench of cheap cologne and whiskey on his breath, to do unspeakable things to you while in a blacked out stupor, so he didnt have to face the disgusting reality of what he was. And guess who is following right in his footsteps?

      Ukan too.


    18. Cheers A, I thought so too! But inspired by you, I'm afraid ;)

    19. What did your father do to you that you should have such a deranged view of how others relate to theirs? Do you hear yourself? You're fucking revolting.

      ha ha ha, yes i hear myself. im fucking spitting on my cock rubbing one out to the thought of you sitting there staring blankly at the ceiling while your father pounds the fuck out of you. not because i have any lust for you, just because i like to see christians get nailed just like their weak god.

      I know he abandoned and abused you when you were small and powerless. That's why you have a need to sexually degrade others in the way that you yourself were, in order to feel power over them.


      I didn't worship my father. We fought constantly. I hated and rejected him growing up. But at least mine was strong. At least mine didn't molest me.

      you spent everyday hero worshipping him here. how long have you been sitting on a site that reminds you of him? at least five years now? how long did you pretend you were like him? four of those five you say? hardly hate there, falter. sounds more like an obsession to me.

      You also rejected and hated your father, because he was a weak, pathetic drunkard who stumbled into your room late at night with the stench of cheap cologne and whiskey on his breath


      You live in fucking Ireland.


      shots in the dark as usual falter.

      im just an internet troll you know nothing about. if you are looking for the concoction that made me look no further than a website full of confused imbeciles that are easy targets.

    20. Yes, I know you're afraid. But I do like to give kredit where it's due- and there's no denying your vast mental repertoire of incredibly shitty music that you enjoy regaling us with whenever you start to go all spaztastik. 8-)

      No, no. Of kourse it's not you. I mean, why on earth would anyone associate you frigid ol' you with robots donning plastic sex organs? Amirite? ;)

    21. I come and go. But you've been here even longer than me, crowing about what a badass you are.

      I said I inherited some traits from my father. That's it... But it was enought to throw you into a fucking tailspin, now wasn't it?

      I know who you are. I know your identity. It was revealed years ago. You tried to cover it up by bombing the site with spam, so that nobody would know that you're just a small time drug dealer who got caught smuggling heroin up his ass. LOL. And yeah. You bragged about doing the jail time. Ukan deny it just like you deny that you were molested by the father who abandoned you, but you and I both know the dirty, sorry truth, don't we? It's obvious by the way you conduct yourself, and your obsession with sexually degrading women in order to prop yourself up and feel superior.

      You're pathetic, rubbing one off to me because you can't get a proper lay. And no wonder, you disgusting piece of shit. Who would have you?

    22. Oh yeah. The suicidal, emotionally unstable ex-wife you handed a gun to in an effort to convince her to blow her brains out, that's who. Ha ha ha.~

      Silly me. XD

    23. I know who you are. I know your identity. It was revealed years ago. You tried to cover it up by bombing the site with spam, so that nobody would know that you're just a small time drug dealer who got caught smuggling heroin up his ass. LOL.

      sure falter. everyone on the site who routinely exposes people just passed that one over because of a spammer, but you knew it was true. good thing we have someone here to crack the case.

      your obsession with sexually degrading women in order to prop yourself up and feel superior.

      oh no, falter, lets not leave out men. i degrade everyone. you know years ago you hens were accusing me of only going after men i thought were competition. now its degrading women. you just dont get it, theres no rhyme or reason.

      i like how you over use the term obsession. everything action you dont like is an obsession. use it correctly like when you frequent a site for years because you think your father fits the personality profile thats displayed there.

      The suicidal, emotionally unstable ex-wife you handed a gun to in an effort to convince her to blow her brains out, that's who. Ha ha ha.~

      click click bang bang. sometimes you have to test someones will.

    24. No, it was "passed over" because it came through someone you had attempted to thoroughly discredit and drag through the mud. After that information came out, you spammed the SHIT out of the forum. Coincidence? I think not. 1 + 1 = 2, moron. Simple deduction.

      I am using the term correctly. An obsession is defined as an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person's mind. Wherein women are concerned, your go-to strategy is to use sexual degradation and humiliation. You're like a broken record. It's the only tactic you *ever* use. That's because you were yourself molested by the father who abused and abandoned you.

      And don't lump me in with your fucking "hens". Eliminate what "competition"? All you ever did was disrespect, insult and degrade the women here: every single one of them, every single time. I know you're a bit confused as to how to show affection, but surely even you know that this tactic only works on weak women with pathetically low self-esteem.

      This is getting tiresome, Ubore. You're a loathesome, redundant piece of shit, and you aren't worth my time.

      So go rub one off as you whisper revolting, degrading things into your pillow, while you fantasize about my father banging me, since that seems to excite you so much, Uperv. It's all the excitement you're likely to get, drunktard.

    25. No, it was "passed over" because it came through someone you had attempted to thoroughly discredit and drag through the mud.

      it got passed over because i attempted to discredit him? makes a lot of sense. its like when your father raped you by attempting to stick his cock in you.

      tell you what falter, put the blokes name on here front page and let everyone have a go at him. thats what we actually did here before this turned into a therapy session for depressed cunts.

      All you ever did was disrespect, insult and degrade the women here

      NotAble, David the male prostitute, Luke the pathetic narcissist, Zwang (well we found out he was a she). the narrative before for you was i sought out male targets. now its females. so im spamming to distract people, but really manipulating people into discrediting someone to hide my identity, and assuming the identities of people that i fuck with like adam so i can appear years later to tell some twat that shes damaged goods. you are flailing all over the place, falter. its like watching a monkey try to figure out how to drive a car.

      this tactic only works on weak women with pathetically low self-esteem.

      now you solved the riddle on why i keep fucking with you

    26. now you solved the riddle on why i keep fucking with you

      It's so obvious that you are obsessed with her. You want to dominate her but you can't. You keep responding to her because you can't let it go. You have a bad case of oneitis.

      Damaged put it succinctly. You're losing the game.

    27. No fuckwit. You were doxed, and you made that oh-so-bloody-obvious for anyone with more than 3 brain cells when you spammed the forum non-stop for days. Someone with an ego as huge as yours certainly couldn't risk getting caught with his pants down and heroin stuffed up his ass. XD

      Now you're enumerating a list of your so-called "conquests" years later, as though you were taking pride in a worthy accomplishment. You're a flaming fucking narcissist, UK. That you should create self-promoting wingmen to prop yourself up and announce your arrival- as though you were some sort of Grand fucking Mufti- is a GIVEN for someone like you.

      It isn't very complicated, because you aren't very smart. A god has to have worshipers, and he'll create them when he's in short supply.

      “You're fucking with me”. Hm? And yet, here you are, on the defensive, dancing around, justifying yourself, struggling to maintain your alpha shit. XD

      Damaged and Anon are right. You're losing.

      To me. :)

      Click click bang bang.

      Dance, motherfucker, dance!


    28. really now falter? what is my name and where do i live? and what ties me to it?

      declaring yourself a winner through anonymous accounts is pretty sad and claiming someones doxed but you dont know their name is laughable. you are still the same dillusional imbecile that thought she was a christian sociopath with a moral code.

    29. Eh. I can't remember. Tbh I didn't give much of a shit at the time. James Mannion? I can't be arsed to research it, but the record *is* available for those curious enough to do so. Anyone who wants to look it up should be prepared to slug through a shitload of comments dating to way back to 2011 or 2012.

      A lot of people get doxed. You're not special. You're not remarkable it any way, Ukant. The fact is, you wouldn't have been sussed out if you hadn't over-reacted like a complete moron. Live and learn.

      Oh. Oops! That's right. I forgot. You can't. You're a "sociopath". You lose. ;)

    30. right.......real sleuth work there falter. good thing you discovered the real identity of ukan. cant believe everyone missed this nugget for years. of course people passed it up because nobody really cared about exposing me. you were the real mischief.

      fortunately all the easily deceived have left and you, damaged, vegas, and mr hyde are here to turn this ship around.

      i wonder how many people have gotten exposed since we all left with such a perceptive hawk like yourself on watch. it must be a regular slaughterhouse.

    31. you're sounding like a teenage girl that's just *SO* over all of this

    32. Looking up this fella on Facebook outa curiosity seems to have had an effect on the 'people you may know' algorithm similar to what happened on Amazon suggested items when I had to buy nine novelty dildos for a hen night. Thanks a lot, A! XD

    33. Omg. You just don't get it, do you, you pathetic has-been?

      Nobody cares! Why the fuck would I waste my time digging up the identity of a small time heroin dealer with an anal fixation, whose idea of "accomplishment" amounts to listing all the people he's trolled in the comment section of a blog? Lol.

      You act as though a few doxes make you some kind of legend. You even refer to yourself in the third person. It's hilarious! You're a fucking joke, James. Everyone is laughing at you up their sleeve. You just don't see it because you're too dense to float above the hot air generated by all your loud, stinky flatulence. :D

      Look. I know your online reputation is very important to you, because it's all you have, since you have no successes to speak of in the real world. But those of us who *actually* have lives can think of much better ways to spend it than digging up dirt on an inconsequential little blow hard with a bad case of penis envy.

      Seriously. Allow me to repeat myself, to cut through those “dillusions” (lol) of grandeur: NOBODY GIVES A FUCK ABOUT YOU.

      You're just a washed up drunkard with a big mouth, to overcompensate for your small penis. Go stroke it some more as you fantasize about me, you flaccid fuck.

      And you're most welcome, Anon.

      Say! Perhaps you can help James find some dildos to fill the gaping, hole in his arse left by those heroin baggies. XD

    34. Nice A, I'm all over his facebook right now messaging everyone he knows about what he said on the site.

      It's time to give Ukan't a taste of his own medicine.

    35. Does anyone have an address on him?

    36. Don't act twelve years old by posting messages to random people on Facebook Anonymous. Leave it alone.

      Why would you even want an address on him, no offence but it makes u look childish

      Let them hash it out on there own.

      I have a dinner to tend to now I expect more juicy comments when I return ......


      sounds good. i wonder what youve spent the last several days yammering about then.

      im going to wait until everyone is done here sending dildos and facebooking my friends.

      ill admit, its me. i spammed the site and people passed up my real identity. you know A, you are smarter than i thought figuring all this out.

      its unfortunate that i cant delete my posts about the incest rape. but after doxing the other blokes on here i guess i have to face my own demise. no regrets.

      superchick, let them do what they do. at least i know i was taken out by the best of the best. lets bring sw back to the depravity it was, starting with me being exposed to all my people.

    38. Ukan, I don't like you, I think you're a Jerk to be honest, but that's bang out of order, in fairness, A just sussed you, she can't be blamed for her cunning...but the ones hitting your Facebook? What the fucking fuck? If the man, simpering cunt as he may be, can't go here and give you wretches the abuse you crave, without you running into his real life affairs and crucifying him, then what the fuck is the point of having an anonymous blog site?
      You're fucking awful, whatever you or I think of Ukan, you're lower than any Incestual rape.
      Fucking assholes.
      Ukan, you're a twat, but dammit, you stumpy little anons and wannabes have taken the fucking biscuit.
      Fuck off this site and leave it to those who can hold their own in a fight on here without that level of underhandednessfication.

      Hey Vegas ;)

    39. Ukant is full of shit, Swop. XD

    40. He was doxed without a doubt, but UK would rather swallow a pile of cow dung laced with fire ants before admitting that I'm right about anything, or that he lost this game to me. :P

    41. UKanalysePeopleWell.

      Expediency time huh? 8-)

      Shame and embarrassment is overwhelming you at present no doubt.....8-)

      Didn't you mention you know what AlterEgo looks like? T/F?

      UKanBe so helpful an' all.

      A's SW comments during,hmm, April/May 2016 Bible Wars. Streams of repeated rants about the Prophet Muhammad being a pedophile with teenage brides ......

      And so many Daesh supporters online, and them being so tech savvy an' all.

      Ah well. No matter. 8-)

      SW "turned into a therapy session for depressed cunts."

      anonymous, useless, trash.

      "click click bang bang. sometimes you have to test someones will."

      not sometimes. always.

      gone, babies, gone.

    42. What the fuck is this now, ukuck?

      All of a sudden you're rolling over like a whipped dog, baring your yellow underbelly, admitting defeat? Excuse me while I kick a bit more dirt in your face while you're down.

      We're not "your people", you sad fuck.

      I don't yet know what card you're trying to play, but it sure isn't doing much to restore your self-described "legendary badass" image, that much is clear.

    43. you know i almost thought you caught on or you were bluffing falter. when you said i was full of shit. especially since you already fell for this before.

      james right now is getting all these little surprises. all from the retard parade that visit this blog to post their youtube songs since they have nothing to say.

      they needed to get back in the game and what better way than following you dancing along to my tune.

      what entertaining reactions i see here. the moral crusaders, the cheerleader, the sycophantic apolagist, and of course the blind narcissist who thinks she has it all figured out.

      tell me, what would your god say about you taking part in some trolls game on ruining some poor mans reputation?

    44. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy, and it ain't exactly a potatoe famine, so he'll get over it.
      Karmas a bitch Ukan.
      I still think you cretins are scum though.

      Fancy popping round and staring blankly at the ceiling whilst I get my jollies off on you A?

      Hey Vegas ;)

    45. I'll take it I'm the sycophant? Get over yourself Paddy, I think you're a cunt

      Hey Vegas ;)

    46. Mɵᴅʊsa May 30, 2012 at 5:15 PM
      Otherwise, I am amused that Alterego felt the need to come out of the woodwork because she was name-checked; and she saw an opportunity to hop on the bandwagon and have ready-made support. She's trying to be the leader now, to show Jose the way and the 'real' truth.

      And James Mannion? That whole thing was me throwing around red-herrings and paranoia. Lol.

      Anonymous May 30, 2012 at 5:20 PM
      NO Way james and ciera mannion
      Mrs confirmed it. It is they but if they don't act like total jack asses, no one will bother them.

      Mɵᴅʊsa May 30, 2012 at 5:26 PM
      Nope. That was all me.

      Missus was just humoring you.

      Mɵᴅʊsa May 30, 2012 at 5:27 PM
      I like how the whole posse ran with it, though. I barely had to do anything but post some links.

      Anonymous May 30, 2012 at 5:27 PM
      UKan should not be talking to Monica about being molested by her mother in such a demeaning way.

      Anonymous May 30, 2012 at 5:28 PM
      NOPE it is they. Anyway, I hope that shit doesn't start up again.

      Mɵᴅʊsa May 30, 2012 at 5:29 PM
      Perhaps he shouldn't, according to whoever is the judge of that, but he will regardless.

      I don't think he deals with 'shoulds'. You 'should' know that by now.

      Mɵᴅʊsa May 30, 2012 at 5:30 PM
      Monica, I'm telling you... it's not. The fact you want to continue to believe it so much, despite what I'm telling you... well, you figure out what that's about.

      Eden May 30, 2012 at 5:35 PM
      Someone actually believed that was the real UKan and Mk? hahaha! Oh man.

    47. UKaNote:
      Well, seems like ME has been 'moderating' and deleting comments. Says it all. A could only prosper in a helpful environment.
      Enjoyed your scam BTW.
      Bored with ME's though.

    48. thats from 2012 when medusa fucked with everyone. funny thing is that falter is still falling for it. even that molested psychic bitch wasnt that stupid.

      m.e. doesnt mess with comments. she has some personal policy not to get involved

    49. Death threats shouldn't be taken lightly, Spaz. I read your comment.

      I say what I do openly about Islam. I am not afraid. But ME is publicly known. It was quite reasonable of her to delete that comment. She may well delete this one, too. It had nothing to do with me, and everything to do with the natire of your death threat. (I guess I really did get under that think skin, eh kat?) But then, you're too imbecilic to understand that.

      And kunt, you moron, the fact that you were compelled to dredge up old comments just to try to prove that you are not this James Mannion fella says volumes. You're probably lying, because that is your native language, after all.

      I never claimed to know who you are- just that your trying SO hard to deny it in the past naturally aroused suspicion, just as it does now.

      And nobody sent dildo pics to anyone, dumbass. YOU fell for that scam- hook, line and sinker, you gullible piece of shit. XD

    50. only i didnt post it. i was going to let this ride for as long as i could.

      falter whats funny about you is the fact that everytime you walk into a pile of shite you claim it was your plan all along to have shite all over your shoe because you wanted to stink up the place. typical narcissist.

    51. What pile of shite? You?

      I didn't make any claims whatsoever, other than the fact that an Irish drug dealer by the name of James Mannion was busted for smuggling heroin up his ass, and that the forum got spammed for days after his name was exposed.

      Meanwhile, you bragged incessantly about your drug dealing, and the fact that you did jail time because you were stupid enough to get caught. That's a pretty clear and simple deduction for anyone to make, regardless of all your protests and justifications to the contrary.

      Why would you do that if not to detract attention from yourself, hmm?

      I don't give a rat's ass who you are. You asked me, so I told you.

      Methinks it's *your* shit that stinks, Ubore.

    52. Interestingly, a certain James Mannion (there are several) locked down his social media account- and that, *before* anyone threatened to inundate it with dildos and dick pics.

      Gee. I wonder why? Curiouser and curiouser.~


    53. Before :

      He was doxed without a doubt, but UK would rather swallow a pile of cow dung laced with fire ants before admitting that I'm right about anything, or that he lost this game to me. :P


      I didn't make any claims whatsoever, other than the fact that an Irish drug dealer by the name of James Mannion was busted for smuggling heroin up his ass, and that the forum got spammed for days after his name was exposed.

      That's the mind of a delusional narcissist ladies and gentlemen. she sounds like donald fucking trump.

      now that have this behind us, can we go back to talking about you tugging on your fathers cock?

    54. There is no inconsistency there. I think you were doxed, I stated my reasons, and you're STILL trying *way* too hard to deny the obvious.

      can we go back to talking about you tugging on your fathers cock?

      You'd like that, wouldn't you, James?

      You sound like Joe fucking Biden. XD

    55. And a few choice others, whom I will refrain from naming, out of respect for ME.

      Anyone up for pizza? ;)

    56. Interestingly, a certain James Mannion (there are several) locked down his social media account- and that, *before* anyone threatened to inundate it with dildos and dick pics.

      Gee. I wonder why? Curiouser and curiouser.~


      ha ha ha ha ha. are you really combing the internet still trying to figure it out. my god falter. i honestly didnt think you were as thick as monica. i guess i have to admit i was wrong there.

      this is obviously the behaviour of someone who doesnt give a fuck about me.

      you know now that the posts are up there, its pretty easy to jump to where it all came from and see the entire joke. i bet that would be difficult for you to process, because its a nice big fat look at yourself falling for this exact same ploy in 2012 and the entire blog laughing at you. your mind cant process that kind of critisism. you had the biggest inauguration right falter?

      or maybe in your mind i was the entire blog back then. there must be some other reason other than the fact that you are a complete sucker. its fake news!

    57. Because "combing the internet"- i.e: entering your first and last name into a text field- is such an arduous task. As opposed to, say, spewing walls of text over many, many comments in order justify oneself.

      You're saying that you pretended to dox yourself in collusion with Medusa, then? That's the current narrative?

      S'funny. When I arrived, you and Medusa were at each others' throats.

      But maybe that was before my time. Whatever you say, mate. ;)

      The fact is, you’re still just a has-been fucking twerp on a blog, crowing about all the people you trolled, trying desperately to convince everyone you're not some random, small-time drug dealer, because the thought of anyone imagining the Great Ukunt with something up his ass is more than your fragile ego can bear.

      You see, WHO you are doesn't matter, UKant. I know WHAT you are, and therefore how to press your buttons. And you're dancing all kinds. Which essentially makes you my bitch.

      So bend over. You need someone to smack up your ass. Pun intended. XD

    58. Lol. You've both resorted to "I only said that to trick you into dong this" tactics.

    59. I'm just tuning in and thought ....

      Why is Ukan rolling over and playing nice. Hmm ;) too easy

      Trying to pull a fast one. Too easy to see right through that.

      Here's the thing Ukan, ur a father of four and in your forties now. it's time to smarten ur ass up for the sake of ur children watching you and for ur wife. Her perseverance with you has been strong but she's tired and you run the risk of loosing her entirely if she hasn't already gone packing. Which I wouldn't blame her, why keep subjecting yourself under that bullshit. But if you respect this women, act like the man she needs or let her go so she can have that. Lay off any dealings with drugs and clean yourself the fuck up. Ur children need to see an honourable and trustworthy man that they can keep coming home too or else you run the risk of your children in and out of jail like you. They need an anchor and that should be there own father. There's many programs in the system that will help you get there so utilize them if you haven't already done so. Think of the eyes always watching there own father and let that be your motivator. Staying clean means honouring others around you and thinking of the impact it has on others around you.

      Your just going to have to take all the dildos out of your ass and straighten and smarten up.

  24. M.E.-

    Are you familiar with Dr. Caroline Leaf?


  25. "Each of us is exactly as nature has created us; through genetic code and experience. An individual's nature is neither good nor evil. An individual's nature is merely working... It is how we survive and what we do to enable that survival. Social experiences or not, we are all raw nature."

    ~ The Song of The Ape

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. HOLY CRAP I missed out on this for 4 whole days?

    I must be slipping in my old age!!!!

    Hello Sociopathworld!!!!!!


  27. Damn theres some juicy conversation between Ukan and A


    1. They should just fuck already, it'd be cute :3

    2. No not cute. A
      probably wouldn't yield under this Ukan fellow. He has a twist of Adam spewing forth.

      Swop had way more class with her. The chemistry corresponded between them on this site was something to watch.

      Ukan seems to attract women like spazzy @ Kats.

    3. The last exchange she seemed pretty against that thought Anonymous. Also, Ukan dosent seem to keen on it either!
      From their original dialogue I thought they had dated and broken up already and like to hurt one another on Sociopathworld for fun/practice. lol

    4. God someone needs to write a history of this place, it's like trying to watch game of thrones from halfway through

    5. Damn, this whole time I thought Alterego and UKan were the same person, arguing with themselves.

    6. LOL now that would really be funny. Although they are caustic while arguing their various points I still cant say I dont enjoy reading it, its kinda fun!

    7. I really want the plot twist to be that this UKan character is actually A's husband trolling her this entire time. Idk how she'd react to it but I'd find that fucking funny


    8. Ukan can't compete with a powerhouse like A, because he ain't a man. Ukan, take the advice of those on here, let it be Jimmy boy, you're drowning, A has his size 14 on your head and is allowing you up for breath just so you can show how pathetic you are again.
      You're not even mentally stimulating her, sorry...him, and the way you're going on about her old man getting jiggy with her is all wrong...staring at the ceiling whilst being fucked by her dad? Come on Ukantpossiblybeserious, IncestualInterference101...always blindfold them first. Jeez.
      And anyway, if I were A's father, I'd probably still be bathing her.
      If she, ffs...he...met you in person, she'd give a derisive snort, probably spit in disgust and walk off laughing, leaving you the deflated ball of rage that you are on here, whereas his knees would struggle to hold his considerable bulk up in my presence, and, sigh, he, knows it, because I get her (I'm giving up the man stuff, it's too hard to keep on top of, A, you know you're a massive hairy male, do I need to keep the reminding up? No? Cheers fella), as much as she mocks my man abilities, she gets me too and it unsettles her.
      For you, I'd go back to your small pond of invented personas and make yourself feel better by stamping on your self styled creations.

      Kat, you're about as funny as a chair in the face. I used to write comments like your efforts to a girl when I was 9.
      She told to grow up.

      Superchick...cheers, I am pretty classy.

      Hey Vegas ;)

    9. Wow Swop! That was a very entertaining read!!!! Hope to see you post more!


    10. EmpathicRicardo, I'm here all week...please, try the veal

      Hey Vegas ;)


    12. Swop :D no veal for me. I'll take fillet mignon. Cheers.

  28. this is adams aunt here to tell you he's completely lost it and has start dressing up as a clown. he walks the streets with a pocket radio playing pet shop boys 'a new life' and claims he's BECOMING a god. last night he said 'i don't want to be a petty dictator or a fallable emperor i want to be an immortal god. only being a god can save me from my painful existence' when he comes home and after he spits in my soup, he watches nothing except gory suicide scene pictures. he loves this video

    I'm just a bad boy, (boy)
    All dressed up in fancy clothes
    I'm takin' the trouble
    To blow my bubbles away

    Bad boy (boy)
    Life is just a bowl of cherries
    I'm takin' the trouble
    To turn my nights into days

    1. Pay no attention to adam. It escaped from a francis bacon painting, killed the museum guards and scaled down the walls. We've been trying to put it back ever since

    2. Males together brothelFebruary 21, 2017 at 8:01 PM

      Ukan suck & Adams cock play candle

  29. Hey guys,
    I’m extremely happy that my broken Marriage has been restored and my husband is back after a breakup, After 12 years of marriege, i and my husband has been into one quarrel or the other until he finally left me and moved to Texas to be with another woman. i felt my life was over and my kids thought they would never see their father again. i tried to be strong just for the kids but i could not control the pains that torments my heart, my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because i was really in love with my husband. Every day and night i think of him and always wish he would come back to me, I was really upset and i needed help, so i searched for help online and I came across a website that suggested that Dr Unity can help get ex back fast. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he told me what to do and i did it then he did a (Love spell) for me. 28 hours later, my husband really called me and told me that he miss me and the kids so much, So Amazing!! So that was how he came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and he apologized for his mistake,and for the pain he caused me and the kids. Then from that day,our Marriage was now stronger than how it were before,All thanks to Dr Unity. he is so powerful and i decided to share my story on the internet that Dr Unity real and powerful spell caster who i will always pray to live long to help his children in the time of trouble, if you are here and you need your Ex back or your husband moved to another woman, do not cry anymore, contact this powerful spell caster now. Here’s his contact: Email him at: ,
    you can also call him or add him on Whats-app: +2348071622464 ,
    his website:
    Jessica Wanda, 26 years, Texas, USA.

    1. Is Dr. Unity an MD???? I dont wanna waste my money on a dumb spell but I need prescriptions for Methadone, Xanax, Temazepam, Oxycodone and Fentanyl if they are game to toss some scripts my way for a nice amount of $$$ please let me know!!!!!

      lol :)

  30. not related to the post but I'm amazed someone set this up:

    Deep Web Radio - http://76qugh5bey5gum7l.onion/

    Because sometimes you don't want anyone to know you listen to jazz. XD

    1. Especially not "progressive" jazz. :D

    2. there's a "DeepBanjo" channel... *shudder*



  32. Love to watch this video again and again. Thanks for sharing.

  33. Thanks for sharing the interesting video. It is inspiring us.


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