
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Trickster's path

A reader has published a book, with this description:

About the Author

Alcibiades Anon is the pseudonym for a highly functioning sociopath that likes to hear himself speak even while remaining silent.  Anon has spent a lifetime exerting his influence over the world and now, as he gets older, he had a whim to teach his thoughts to the young sociopaths around him.  The ongoing knowledge and tools he wishes to impart are his last great gift to humankind.  Anon often rambles and dreams and loves a good tangent but the quality of his lessons are apparent for those that can see them.   Anon dreams of a world where he and those like him do not need to hide what they are, while believing even in that world he would likely remain hidden.

Description of the Book.

The Trickster’s Path is one sociopath’s attempt to understand himself and others like him.  The Trickster’s Path uses the theories of experts and other sociopaths to describe what exactly a sociopath is.  The Trickster’s Path goes further to break the different areas of sociopathic tendencies into attributes.  Anon uses those attributes to describe how he has remained functioning in the world he finds so alien.  The book rambles and takes multiple tangents as Anon self discovers what he and those like him are.  The Trickster’s Path is an honest portrayal of one person’s attempt to understand himself and deal with the world around him.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.


      “Vy don’t you pitch into her, Sarah?”

      Fact or Fiction? Though Amadeus enjoyed the taste of success throughout his career, it was not until “later in his not-so-long life” that he gained significant recognition. That is, the type of recognition that we would comprehend as “bounteous” in today’s contemporary life. When my time comes, I would like to gift mine – all originals. [“Take this to Mr. Darcy - at the Children’s Hospital on Apricot’s Heart Street. He’ll know what to do with it. And I hope all those coins stay put.”] :)

      “My music! They’ve started without me.”


    2. "There are simply too many notes. That is all. Just cut a few and it will be perfect!"

      "Which ones did you have in mind?"

    3. “Anon often rambles and dreams and loves a good tangent, but the quality of his lessons are apparent for those that can see them.”

      Whim. On─a─whim.

      Sometimes, you just need to cross through a door.

      “Laughing doesn’t make bad things worse any more than crying makes them better.” Ransom R.

      Who giggled!?

    4. Fucking retarded!

    5. ToTheViktorBelong....May 13, 2017 at 9:06 AM

      "By my count, that's 21."


  2. Does Einstein reign supreme in this particular theory? The future has yet to unveil its true answer.

    However, I still love you, Albert, is correct. Then, view and grasp the video from the start.

    "Who the dickens 'Boz' could be
    Puzzled many a learned elf,
    Till time unveiled the mystery,
    And 'Boz' appeared as Dickens' self."

    And a breath of the wild seems to be upon us…

    So, who else devours the daily section of the newspaper obituaries? I do. Obsessively! Consistently.

    Yes, you get me. I have an off-the-record, twisted “thing” for the deadly dicken.

    Who giggled?


  3. This is the information I am looking for. This article is clear and easy to understand. I'm learning more about this. Hope you bring more things related to it. Thanks a lot!

  4. Much has been happening.

    **-* and I have been talking about things.

    He explained that coldness was part of his personality - he told me his mother recently called him cold for not calling her*.

    I explained what it was about him that catalysed all the changes in my life:
    - he accepted me for who I was, I didn't have to argue my own existence
    - I had previously known my own existence in relation to the environment through physical extremes (risk, collision, pain). With him, I learnt to know myself through physical pleasure.

    I even cried while telling him these things, these realisations that were a long time in the coming for me. The course of my life changed after meeting him, and definitely for the better.

    There was a lot of self-disclosure on both sides. We even talked about our fears being legacies of our own personal histories rather than a true reflection of the other person's intentions.

    So I think you are right, WEtch. He doesn't want to leave me. I've given him ample reasons and he still hasn't left. Although I might not receive the particular signals I'm looking for, he is sending equivalent signals nonetheless.

    I've asked him to let me know if practical ways I can protect his interests where they might intersect with our relationship.

    *He has only mentioned the word psychopath once (he pronounced it "sickopath") in describing a Jack Nicholson character. We've discussed his "different paradigm", and when I first guessed he was a psychopath, he said "you can call me that, but don't tell anyone." I guess he finally believes I am not attempting to "blame" him.

    1. “He explained that coldness was part of his personality - he told me his mother recently called him cold for not calling her*.”

      He has his own peculiarities, which relate to the comments of Boz and Anonymous for this post. In an effort to develop this idea of understanding and acceptance, I would say that some of what you have described falls into this link:

      “I explained what it was about him that catalysed all the changes in my life:
      - he accepted me for who I was, I didn't have to argue my own existence”

      Surviving or existing as a whole being to another is powerfully precious and invigorating. If you look deeper, this whole is “the practical protection of the loop,” I believe.

      “- I had previously known my own existence in relation to the environment through physical extremes (risk, collision, pain). With him, I learnt to know myself through physical pleasure.”

      Physical extremes and pleasure, but then, pleasure can be so ephemeral. Your words at this point are taking on an offbeat quality, which is thought-provoking to my mind. What’s more, are you referring to ways in which he actually makes you feel physically, as though these signals, feelings and sensations come to you through other, unconventional or atypical routes? It is not that they come with difficulty; instead, it has more to do with finding their fitting and continuing key.

      “Although I might not receive the particular signals I'm looking for, he is sending equivalent signals nonetheless.”

      What particular signals do you want to receive? Also, is this specific aspect tied to the practical ways that you have asked about above?

      “…he told me his mother recently called him cold for not calling her*.”

      I found these peculiar lines online a few years ago. The poster was anonymous, so, most likely, there is no issue with posting them in this atypical adobe. Although they were there, this moment in time and sending them to you seems more fitting. Would his mother think the following?

      “Two erect bodies, our bodies
      Stand on each edge of a
      Hyperbolic paraboloid.

      You, Hyperbolian being
      Unite your plane with mine
      And let me in…
      Your polar stare
      Holds me captive,
      Forever remembering
      Your sharply intricate face.

      Paint and brushes
      Don’t do you justice;
      Too motionless.
      Aloofness becomes you.
      Hyperborean being?
      Impossible to paint!”

    2. WEtch,

      Your replies are so interesting. You seem fascinated by the peculiar. What is it that draws you? I like to be taken beyond my own perspective so I can develop and integrate new lenses as they are useful to me.

      He is the strangest of creatures, an untamed bundling of dichotomies that need not be resolved. The softest and the most firm. The most tender and the ice cold. The most lucid and the most mysterious.

      He reached a part of me so deeply hidden from my conscious mind it's been three years in the discovering. He reached it for the reasons I mentioned, but even he has said it wasn't by his design. The lost part of me found something to trust in him, or some kinship, some shared heritage. The channel is physical; he is a sensuous creature. I am physical too, and going directly through my body, my practiced cognitive defences were utterly bypassed. He reached me effortlessly, by virtue of his own being and not via the mask. And I think this has allowed me to see behind his mask too. Through our bodies.

      It's only in this last week that lost part of me has come to trust my whole self more than it trusts him: a significant milestone. Tonight, I asked my father to comfort me - the me that was lost. That old narcissist, who cannot bear any emotion but joy, actually held me.

      The Love Song for a Psychopath is indeed an impossible painting. Thankyou for sharing that.

      I don't know what happens next; I never do. But I am aware now that loving him is a practical exercise. It means acting to protect his interests without compromising mine, and asking for practical steps to support my goals in reasonable ways that don't impinge on him or engulf means being aware that my fears, dragged with me from childhood, are not his genesis or automatic responsibility to soothe, and vice versa. It's about offering safety, and being safe. It is appreciation and space enough for mystery and independence. It is reasonable disclosure.

    3. Hello North,

      What is it that draws me to the peculiar? It is one of my primary preoccupations. Of all individuals, the peculiar and the unprecedented are possibly most themselves. Finding themselves in the presence of other peculiars, they wear no masks whatsoever, in order to be known while feeling at home.
      Although they seem highly guarded, it is only by their own hands, which is understandable to me. When encountering a peculiar, don't you ever for one minute believe they are wicked, because they have faced the worst “demons” and survived the hardships of these crossings or outings to guide you through yours. It really isn't an easy task they have been called to do, but then neither was standing “on the front line.”

      “He is the strangest of creatures, an untamed bundling of dichotomies that need not be resolved. The softest and the most firm. The most tender and the ice cold. The most lucid and the most mysterious.”

      Your observations remind me of these words by J. Richardson, namely, “You have two kinds of secrets. The ones only you know. The ones only you don't.” How do you see it?

      “He reached me effortlessly, by virtue of his own being and not via the mask. And I think this has allowed me to see behind his mask too. Through our bodies.”

      Does he ever remind you of Peter Cushing from “The Skull”? He is a somewhat older Enoch, only that Enoch takes it a step further in animating the dead and “the-possibly-perilous.” Enoch gives heart, extra time and enchantment. He takes risks. It spans beyond a mere study of such undertakings or endeavors. Yes, it does sound unsafe and extreme, but, at the same time, it is death-defying, and I respect that in my own way. This is yet another psychological preoccupation that I have been developing.

      “Tonight, I asked my father to comfort me - the me that was lost. That old narcissist, who cannot bear any emotion but joy, actually held me.”

      I understand. Building onto this concept, he sounds like a true Abraham Portman.

      “But I am aware now that loving him is a practical exercise. It means acting to protect his interests without compromising mine, and asking for practical steps to support my goals in reasonable ways that don't impinge on him or engulf means being aware that my fears, dragged with me from childhood, are not his genesis or automatic responsibility to soothe, and vice versa. It's about offering safety, and being safe. It is appreciation and space enough for mystery and independence. It is reasonable disclosure.”

      I would say that he loves you, too, facing these fears and forging ahead. Mystery, independence and reasonable disclosure sound absolutely inviting.

      “I don't know what happens next; I never do.”

      Anything is possible. :)

      But, the real question is, are you comfortable with not knowing?

  5. Well, he *is* the Power Director. :)

    Years ahead, when they are older. Peregrine always stays the same, though.

    One never really understands another until things are considered from their - albeit divergent - point of view.

  6. I've read your book and I enjoyed it for the most part, but I find your conclusions faulted. Instead of preserving an objecting position about your condition, you adopt a self centred one, which is probably related with your particular psychological profile. You can say about sociopathy that is a natural occurrence as a natural occurrence is any disease out there. The differentiation here is not between a divergence within an arbitrary norm in society, but between healthy and ill, sane and disturbed, whole and crippled. "What is a sexual deviation?" It's a sexual behaviour which deviates the sexual pulsion from its goal. What is the goal of the sexual pulsion? It's the perpetuation of the specie. Sexual perversions are sterile and so they are called deviated not from a social norm but from an objective principle.
    That being said, I don't think you should ever come public with your affliction. Society has to preserve its health and not to accommodate diseases so to become diseased with the rest of you. This principle starting to crack in matters like paedophilia, transsexuals and all kinds of psycho-sexual dysfuctionalities is a dreadful picture to behold today.
    On the other hand, I am completely opposed to any punitive action being arbitrary taken against sociopaths as long as they don't represent a threat to personal or public safety. They should be judge with the same measure as everybody else. Their condition is not their fault, although I disagree with the concept of genetic determination, which, as with the concept of "chemical unbalance" which opened a new market for the health industrial complex, making actors at Hollywood drop like flies, it's just a regression to the belief in "somatic" cause of mental disorders which we thought was completely abandoned after the Freudian revolution in psychiatry. Unable or unwilling to study and cure our "sick, sad world", the academia today uses technology the way Hollywood uses special effects to mask the completely lack of soul in the story. The most ridiculous example in this case is the concept of in-born homosexuality which gives new born babies a sexual orientation before them having a sexual function. The list of these contradictions is endless in the public space today: unity in diversity, freedom and equality, multiculturalism, multinationals etc. We don't need another craziness to push as further over the edge of the abyss.
    With that being said, I wish you all well.

    1. Yeah, I couldn't wait until alt-right rhetoric pervades even the blog of a book.

      How about you goose-step out of here?

    2. 6, 2017 at 1:52 PM

      What do we have here? Nothing but an insufferable episode of “The Return of the Orc.” Here is an hour of listening for each denigrating, Natterjack subject you’ve croaked in your comment. Of course, the rest of us will be unharmed and secured “in the loop.”

      Anon at 12:01 is right. On your mark, get set…

    3. What unity can we have without diversity? Unity in uniformity? lol :)

    4. I have nothing against the sociopath in him/herself, unless he/she damages me, that's why it doesn't make sense to criminalize the gay in himself, unless pushing that desire on you, but historical record show the opposite is much more likely, you have no reason to worry about the gay and think for yourself. They also don't break any community, it's just another limited criteria for ingroups and outgroup, which serves to "divide et impera" and has no real use.

    5. Mood (contemplative):

      Do these sound like the letters of a sociopath? Hide and Seek can be a double-edged game, especially when one does not want to be found.

      “Anon dreams of a world where he and those like him do not need to hide what they are, while believing even in that world he would likely remain hidden.”

      And yet he feels - and how much… The overwhelming intensity of his climbs or crescendos seem to overtake, word after word…

      6 July, Morning

      My angel, my all, my own self — only a few words today, and that too with pencil (with yours) — only till tomorrow is my lodging definitely fixed. What abominable waste of time in such things — why this deep grief, where necessity speaks

      Can our love persist otherwise than through sacrifices, than by not demanding everything? Canst thou change it, that thou are not entirely mine, I not entirely thine? Oh, God, look into beautiful Nature and compose your mind to the inevitable. Love demands everything and is quite right, so it is for me with you, for you with me — only you forget so easily, that I must live for you and for me — were we quite united, you would notice this painful feeling as little as I should . . .

      . . . We shall probably soon meet, even today I cannot communicate my remarks to you, which during these days I made about my life — were our hearts close together, I should probably not make any such remarks. My bosom is full, to tell you much — there are moments when I find that speech is nothing at all. Brighten up — remain my true and only treasure, my all, as I to you. The rest the gods must send, what must be for us and shall.

      Your faithful,

      Monday evening, 6 July

      You suffer, you, my dearest creature. Just now I perceive that letters must be posted first thing early. Mondays — Thursdays — the only days, when the post goes from here to K.

      Good morning, on 7 July

      Even in bed my ideas yearn towards you, my Immortal Beloved, here and there joyfully, then again sadly, awaiting from Fate, whether it will listen to us. I can only live, either altogether with you or not at all. Yes, I have determined to wander about for so long far away, until I can fly into your arms and call myself quite at home with you, can send my soul enveloped by yours into the realm of spirits — yes, I regret, it must be. You will get over it all the more as you know my faithfulness to you; never another one can own my heart, never — never! O God, why must one go away from what one loves so, and yet my life in W. as it is now is a miserable life. Your love made me the happiest and unhappiest at the same time. At my actual age I should need some continuity, sameness of life — can that exist under our circumstances? Angel, I just hear that the post goes out every day — and must close therefore, so that you get the L. at once. Be calm — love me — today — yesterday.



    6. "Do put some clothes on, Millard. We do not dine in the nude."

      Millard did not seem to understand why he had to put on clothes. I suppose he did this a lot, as he was invisible. He seemed to catch on, eventually, as a chair scraped and the door closed. A fully clothed Millard came back five minutes later, our faces matching in colour.

      He decided to wear a collared white shirt, black trousers, and a colorful sweatervest to keep himself warm. Millard's room was on the second floor, which had always been occupied. In fact, it had never been rented or leased to anyone throughout the years. Besides, even if it had been, who would have known, really? He was not required to pay a single coin. Ever. :)

    7. "Do *put on* some clothes, Millard. We do not dine in the nude."

      “Fictions, whoppers, paradiddles—whatever terminology you like."

  7. That's interesting! Are sociopaths conservative or rather liberal?

    1. All the sociopaths I know are liberal and I know quite a few.

  8. Where would letters to Sherlock/Peregrine go?

    Aptly, it’s not quite as simple as “there’s this person who gets them.” There is a power struggle involved. If you were hoping Benedict Cumberbatch would write back to you, forget it.

    But as we learn, responses of a sort are not entirely out of the question. What kind?

    Loop: Simply turning off the lights would not cause it to glow in the dark.

    After he identifies the perfume she is wearing, he stops pointing his harpoon at her, however when the camera is facing back at her, the tip of the harpoon is seen pointed at her again even though Sherlock is holding it upright.

    And they were still alive, saying, “United we stand.”

    1. “Look, I am living. On what?
      Neither childhood nor future lessens…
      Superabundant existence wells in my heart.” Rainer Maria Rilke

  9. News-worthy: “That’s our job – to strap rockets onto everything.” Adam Savage

    1. Hips! Hips, I say! I vote for hips. "Please," let it be hips."

    2. Apparently, some screen names/URLs don’t work. (“By any other name would smell as sweet.” Bard of Avon)

      This issue needs to be looked into.

  10. Chin Up.

    1. Wrong?

      Au contraire, I am just reporting haute couture news.
      And, yes, there is a source:

    2. Naturally. :)

  11. So from what amazon allowed me to read this is what he's saying in the beginning.
    The main theme is very similar to this blogs theme, extremely similar: sociopaths should not have to hide+ they are superior and control the world.
    "Anon dreams of a world where he and those like him do not need to hide what they are"
    Here I think: Good dont hide but then dont whine when there arent any people who want to be your victims or friends because they know how manipulative and abusive you can be. Actually it would be a pleasure for us non sociopaths to know who you are, do whatever you want we dont care if you arent harming anyone but we'll all stay away.
    And then he makes this illogical syllogism:
    1. Empaths are terrible because they hate us
    2. We are manipulative better than them and abusive
    3. They shouldnt hate us !! But since they do be angry at them, now lets talk about how we can be more manipulative.
    My thoughts: Of course empaths dont like psychopaths. No one wants to be abused. Gee what a surprise. Sorry that they dont like you so you can have more power. But ofcourse not considering others peoples benefit is part of your disorder.
    Also there is no proof that sociopaths are more intelligent overall, and we would need to define intelligence for that. Sociopaths just dont have the same tools as neurotypicals when they are young, so they develop charm and other ways to contol situations earlier than neurotypicals because they dont have empathy. Its a matter of having repeatedly used a skill from earlier on, and how good they will be in the end on that skill compared to other sociopaths depends on their intelligence which could be high or low. I'm not saying that they are disabled but heres a metaphor. A person who was born blind will obviously develop his other abilities much more than people who can see. But yes, narcissism is also a symptom of sociopathy, so they think that they are better anyways. And they only care about the skills they do have so thats pretty much their definition. But this means that they cannot impose it on a neurotypical, because they will have a different definition of intelligence. They can only compare themselves with other sociopaths(if they did care of making sense and could let go of their narcissism).

    1. You are the embodiment of hate and bilious bitterness, outwardly abusing this page and this blog with your stupidity and venom. Evidenced by your execrable judgment, you most likely hate yourself. There are so many like you out there.


      "Let's hope we never find out."

    3. URL failure possibility. It might have failed to post due its size.

    4. Minor blast of *to* above, though.

    5. Hi Uglys Return. Thanks for the input, it was eye opening, now I understand that you sociopaths cannot even hold a proper discussion with arguments.

    6. Although they are peculiar or markedly atypical, Peregrine and the rest of the characters are not what you call sociopaths/psychopaths. I would not want people to stigmatize and ostracize them because of this fatalistic label.

      According to the weight of evidence that is beyond a reasonable doubt, it is unadvisable and pointless to engage in an argument with a hollow. It has a one-track mind.

    7. Some of us do live openly Anon. Like e and many of my friends. We do not hide what we are. It started as a bit of a social experiment some years back. I personally have suffered no blowback from it. No loss of freinds or social standing. Several of my best freinds are empaths and they actually have a preference for socio/psychopathic friendships since we require so little of them emotionally. However my group/social circle is a bit off the norm as we set ground rules for acceptable behavior among the group. The sociopaths protect the empaths and Aspergers among us. Several of us are high functioning many are not. We teach each other and learn from all. The only thing holding back most sociopath from going public is thier own fears. I live quite openly and have really never had any negative consequences from it. That said I do follow a strict spiritual path wherein I protect others instead of using them. I think most people can spot the narcissistic personality quite readily and the only person most sociopaths are fooling is themselves.

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  13. Anon uses those attributes to describe how he has remained functioning in the world he finds so alien. The book rambles and takes multiple tangents as Anon self discovers what he and those like him are

  14. Heston’s Ingenious Chocolate Factory -!

    Although Heston has several “Slugworths” as assistants and guests reacting to his innovative creations, to my mind, “Bill the store owner” is just that metaphorical competitor or boorish “naysayer” out there - a gloomy Gus who has always wanted Heston as far away as possible from any ingenious creations or conjectural chocolate factories. Bill the lying competitor and selfish man would never give Heston a winning ticket. Never.

    I thought of this similarity after reading a new article about “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.” I am a daily reader of the Huffington Post. The article mentions a Reddit user who *erroneously* claims that, like Slugworth, Bill is also Willy’s employee, and that he knowingly and purposefully gives Charlie the fifth winning ticket. The only truth is that he does not, and Charlie discovers *absolutely everything* on his own. Although Charlie asks questions, Bill never answers any of them.

    So, it was a pure find in all possible aspects for both – Willy Wonka and Charlie.

    Making this vital point has been crucial to me. No one should be hoodwinked. To put it lightly, distorted information bothers me.

    However, going back to Heston, what could he be? Is he a madman as many have claimed… is he a sociopath… or is Heston an individual aiming to accomplish things “just for the quirk of it,” so to speak? Apparently, there are so many theories in the tangled web of doohickeys.

    I, for one, believe there is a specific point to everything that Heston prepares and presents, and the need for innovation is in his blood – seeking to bubble to the surface and attain things that have not been done before. Just like Wonka the Genius. Novelty in the making!

    My reason for picking Heston is that I truly love what he does. For all that I know, he could be from Paraguay or speak Mandarin to his audience. It does not matter. His daring creations, along with their bizarre spiritedness, lifts him above the rest. Heston puts his glowing heart into them, followed by his dazzling mind.

    “Then you will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” It must come to light, and ugly lies have short, crooked legs that are always caught.

    1. ...lift him above the thingamabobs - the whatchamacallit rest.

    2. Not only does Heston base this particular experiment on real data from NASA, but also becomes attached to it. Ultimately, he does not cook it.

      I was moved.

      "Mission Impossible: Cineworld" is also a favorite of mine. For "Perfume, The Story of a Murderer," he adds a fishy smell into the auditorium, and gets exactly what he had hoped for from the start. And then, he recreates his personal version of Sweeney Todd, The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, and Mrs. Lovett. Real culinary deeds... Fantastic!

      Above all, he really knows how to advance his plot. The man has a distinct, peculiar knack for it. :)

    3. Dear EnochEd,

      The potato incident reminded me of the twins. I know, bizarre.

      There is no boiling, frying or roasting it. Ever. :)
      It's a keeper.

    4. Spraying the fishy smell into the auditorium... and a bit more murderer perfume...

  15. Mother’s Day - fifty shades of grey darker than expected or even foreseeable. What do I mean by darker, opaquer? Well, a phenomenon is happening to a peculiar mother figure in one’s private world, but she does not know exactly where all of it is stemming from. To my mind, the mystery and ongoing riddle of its unpredictable manifestation fuels its darker component. It is tantamount to what we have heard of the obscurer, secret sayings, embedded in “tears of the mother.”

    The film “Stigmata” is about an atheist who suddenly experiences Christ-like bleeding wounds and strange thoughts. Unspeakable things happen to her on a daily and nightly basis. She cannot understand them. Even doctors cannot come to her aid, and at the moment of one of her enigmatic episodes, a chance encounter with a local priest changes everything.

    Scientists and doctors alike are baffled by the appearance of stigmata. There have been many theories, sans any conclusive or absolute answers. From a psychoanalytical perspective, most believe that the wounds are psychosomatic. If this is true, it would explain the inconsistency of the striking marks, since the placement would correspond with the subconscious mind's understanding of the crucifixion.

    Another case, which could be viewed as an allusion to the sacrifices of Mother Theresa, relates how Theresa Neumann’s stigmata bled periodically and, at such times, she would usually have visions. On Fridays, she would enter a trance and re-enact the entire Passion as though she were witnessing the event. At these times, blood would flow from her hands, feet, shoulder, forehead, and eyes in such quantities that bandages were used to soak it up. These ecstasies became quite common in her life. Konnersreuth.

    In 1927, the woman had a vision in which she was told that she would no longer need to rely on earthly food. Over a period of fourteen days, she neither ate, nor drank anything. However, Theresa did not lose weight, and did not weaken but lived a normal, healthy life.

    Overall, it is quite difficult to explain the characteristics of stigmata.

    There is another song, as though swathing a whole wall. “Her name is Alice.”

    Today, being Mother’s Day, one can only wonder whether, by hook or by crook, the priest finds his mother in Frankie. He is, after all, within the realm of an intricate investigation. It has been found, however, that it is best to ask for guidance.

  16. Something Mother Day-ish for today. "Vice" discusses it, so…

    “Adult nursing relationships are considered by many to be a sexual perversion. However, upon removal of the social conditioning that makes it ‘taboo,’ I think one discovers that there is more of a fascination with adult breastfeeding relationships than most people are willing to admit.” – from

    “The two fetishes may seem related, but seldom play out in tandem. What's clear is that people in adult breastfeeding relationships get something out of their kink that trumps society's judgment. ‘I don't think there's another way to get [what I get out of breastfeeding],’ Kate told me. ‘It's unique’."

    The article mentions that “For many adult breastfeeders, traditional narratives of age or power play doesn't enter their kink. Those that I spoke to did not mention wanting to feel like a child, or conversely, wanting to feel like a mother. The desire to revert back to childhood—common in adult babies—is also rarely mentioned on any adult breastfeeding sites.”

    "Could this be something that remains unspoken between them?" - Freud

    “Kate started breastfeeding her husband in her 50s as part of their sex life. We find out what adult nursing is, and why the people involved aren't planning to wean themselves off the habit anytime soon.”

    “Twenty-seven-year-old Redditor Dan feels embarrassed by his interest in breastfeeding, and still hasn't been able to try it. ‘I'd just have no idea how to bring it up,’ he said. ‘I'm worried they'll think I'm gross or weird. I've never had the guts to raise the subject—maybe I never will’."

    Maybe he never will.

    1. Yet to be discussed on Vice:

      While keeping all of the BDSM elements in mind, how would Christian Grey raise this subject? Having found his mother in Anastasia's visage and personality, would he ask for it or impose himself at some point? Needless to say, his own personality is quite complex. Unlike the majority of dominant men, he is driven by an internal, dual need to adore and punish her.

      How could she say "No"? She never would. Not to this, I believe.

    2. Well, the article “Suck on This: Adult Breastfeeding Relationships and Those Who Love Them” mentions that it “is a lengthy and complicated process that can take up to three months to produce any results. One common tip is to stimulate the breasts around four times every day for 20 minutes at a time by using a low voltage TENS machine, which is commonly used to relieve muscle pain by passing small electrical currents through the skin.”

      A low voltage TENS machine. Some use pumps, which are effective. However, other articles say that lactation can also be induced naturally, which is closer to the actual process. It is a suckling-challenging possibility. I wonder, did it take Mommy Madelaine less than three months to produce any results?

      "Psychologically speaking it's way above my head," she writes, "but it works, and it works on a primal level that is engrained into who we are as people.”

  17. Taste of Cinema: What causes that feeling of being watched?

    Well, meet “Mister Foe.”

    - “Is there a love in your life?”
    - “She's dead. Would you like to meet her?”
    - “I like creepy guys.”

    Alternatively known as “Mister Foe” in the US, David Mackenzie’s film based on Peter Jinks’ novel follows Hallam Foe, who spends most of his time spying on others from his tree house that is decorated with a huge wall-to-wall photograph of his beautiful deceased mother.

    David is convinced that his unpleasant stepmother is somehow responsible for his mother’s death. Their hatred towards each other grows until it is suddenly diffused after they have sex, and replaced with confusion, angst and shame – leading him to move and abandon his childhood home.

    He soon finds work at a hotel. His boss, Kate, is a young woman who looks exactly like his late mother. After nights of watching her through her windows and stalking her, they begin a relationship that is based on misplaced desires and undealt-with-loss. His insecurity and anti-social nature soon shifts as his life begins to find a form. Until his stepmother finds him and discovers his mother’s doppelganger.

    With an angsty, hip soundtrack, and distinctive dialogue that somehow subtly highlights everybody’s dysfunctional thoughts and feelings, the movie is ultimately made by Jaime Bell’s unique portrayal of a disillusioned, confused character whose heart has been stolen and ripped apart.

  18. Gaku’s crafty carvings. All with a simple knife. Who would’ve thought?

    Gaku’s pristine photos barely show any sign of the dreaded oxidation. One of the most amazing elements of these designs is how quickly Gaku must work. Some enthusiastically await his next mukimono-style food carving.

    I've picked my favorite.

  19. I am not striving for consistency of self. I prioritise integration. My desires pop up before me in response to my internal and external environments: I regard them as precious signals and don’t chastise myself when they contradict.

    I asked a friend why would I go to the trouble of dwelling with my pain until the well of it runs dry. His answer was very simple: to learn with it. We walk to peace through the shocked energy, through the fear & through the disappointment and not by skirting those dark territories.

    To shed this rigid shell, that brittle exterior, I have only one task: to feel, and by feeling challenge every false command, every barren rule society has ever straitjacketed me with. Only then, once I have rejected a false construction of self which accords with others expectations can I walk in my own peace, without rabid cogitation, without affected pride. Only then will I flow at my full capacity, dauntless and natively adaptive.

    1. Your subject on integration has brought the following to the forefront of my mind. Although this particular motion picture has its abstract design, it also speaks to something that is less nonfigurative. In this exploration, “The Host” is the practical answer.

      Ian: “Wanda, I just want you to know that, uh... I trust you and I believe you're telling us the truth, but I... I must ask, what's it like for you and her, living in there together?”

      “It's... crowded.”

      Ian: “Is there any way Melanie can give us some... some privacy, look the other way a moment, step into the other room?”

      “You wish.”

      “I don't think that's possible *right now*.”

      Ian: “Her name is Wanda, not it.”

    2. “I regard them as precious signals and don’t chastise myself when they contradict.”

      By all means. “Let everything happen to you. Beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final.” R.M. Rilke

      The same heated lightning that flushes your blood with fervor - simmers down your fears with serenity. Also, risk and reward are native twins.

      You know what they say, "I’ve been there, I’ve done that." However, I, for one, have never gotten the straitjacket. In reality, I don’t believe that you have, either.

      When the ropes become too tight, follow your own design. There is a technique to it, an art of living that interlaces every step of the way.

      “Only then, once I have rejected a false construction of self which accords with others expectations can I walk in my own peace, without rabid cogitation, without affected pride. Only then will I flow at my full capacity, dauntless and natively adaptive.”

      Affected pride is a ruthless slayer. It is never indigenous to the human heart.

    3. Thanks Memon. That Rilke quote is fantastic - I tried an experiment with it today.

    4. Thanks Memon. I used that Rilke quote to conduct a little experiment yesterday.

      My comments haven't been appearing.

    5. “Which animal do you see when you hold me and close your eyes and think of animals?”

      My answer? I could not do it. Sure, I read the entire book, and saw the film – scene by scene. All through this trek, however, I replaced Hanna’s other image and obliterated her ill-fated part. I kept only what I wanted, setting my eyes on an altered draft. I was lost in thought, and at that time, I had wished that she were on the other side of the barbed wire.

      Besides the obvious, I had my reasons. Here are a few as encountered:

      “Why? Why does what was beautiful suddenly shatter in hindsight because it concealed dark truths?

      I took all the blame. I admitted mistakes I hadn't made, intentions I'd never had. Whenever she turned cold and hard, I begged her to be good to me again, to forgive me and love me. Sometimes I had the feeling that she hurt herself when she turned cold and rigid. As if what she was yearning for was the warmth of my apologies, protestations, and entreaties. Sometimes I thought she just bullied me. But either way, I had no choice.

      Desires, memories, fears, passions form labyrinths in which we lose and find and then lose ourselves again.

      In the past, I had particularly loved her smell. She always smelled fresh, freshly washed or of fresh laundry or fresh sweat or freshly loved.
      But then she was not awkward, she was slow-flowing, graceful, seductive - an invitation to forget the world in the recesses of the body.

      I had to point at Hanna. But the finger I had pointed at her turned back to me. I had loved her. Not only had I loved her, I had chosen her. I tried to tell myself that I had known nothing of what she had done when I chose her. I tried to talk myself into the state of innocence in which children love their parents. But love of our parents is the only for which we are not responsible. And perhaps we are responsible even for the love we feel for our parents. I envied other students back then who had dissociated themselves from their parents and thus from the entire generation of perpetrators, voyeurs, and the willfully blind, accommodators and accepters, thereby overcoming perhaps not their shame, but at least their suffering because of the shame. But what gave rise to the swaggering self-righteousness I so often encountered among these students? How could one feel guilt and shame and at the same time parade one's self-righteousness? Was their dissociation of themselves from their parents rhetoric: sounds and noise that were supposed to drown out the fact that their love for their parents made them irrevocably complicit in their crimes? These thoughts did not come until later, and even later they brought no comfort. How could it be a comfort that the pain I went through because of my love for Hanna, was, in a way, the fate of my generation.” Bernhard Schlink, The Reader

      Have you ever read to another? What voice would you choose?

      (Your mind’s eye is now picturing these as visible images. Besides size or scale, their intensity also ranges from medium to large.)

  20. Well, this is exactly where I was. This fits so much better than codependence or any other variant I've come across so far.

    Childhood Emotional Neglect

  21. more unrelated...

    6 Scary Realities Of Working With Actual Psychopaths

    Fallon is clearly someone I want to go to Africa with.

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  23. M.E., Some comments are not posting. Is this because of the 14-day rule? Will you post new information soon?

  24. Your replies are so interesting. You seem fascinated by the peculiar. What is it that draws you? I like to be taken beyond my own perspective so I can develop and integrate new lenses as they are useful to me.


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