
Friday, November 3, 2017

Anyone from Australia/etc. or New York?

Hey friends,
I'm thinking about scheduling trips to meet people. If you're interested, please write me. The first trip, I will definitely be in or around Malaysia for two weeks in November.

I'll be in the Bay Area the first weekend of December.

I also hope to be in or around Australia for two weeks in December.

I also hope to be in or around Russia in March.

And of course I live on the west coast of the United States, if you're in or around there.

Let me know if you're into it, especially if you are sociopathic or have extensive experiences with one.

Also!!! If you're in the greater New York area and are sociopathic, a journalist has contacted me regarding possibly interviewing you.



  1. What did you have in mind?

    Meet up at a lounge for Moloko Plus's and conversation and then see where that takes things?

  2. What dates will you be in Australia? Always wanted to meet you

  3. I'm in Aus, would be cool to meet ya

  4. North county near Oceanside; if you have the time, I'd like to meet and talk. Is the trip research related or just for fun? I know I'd love another book. I go through so many audiobooks. Your writing style is really enjoyable.

    1. I'm also in the North County San Diego area and would jump at a chance for discussion, or attend any talks you're giving.

  5. NYC here. I haven't been coming to this blog but I wouldn't mind meeting you & discussing some things. You should have my email in your inbox.

  6. What exactly did you have in mind for a meeting? And who is wanting to interview someone in new york?

  7. Baaahahahaha....yeah, Jinny would be a blast for you (Jinny...that's not a suicide bomber dig, easy now big fella, you know what you're like when you get on a crusade)
    Alciabides? Who the fuck apart from BellEnd gives a flying fuck what you've got to say you insipid twat. Good to see your followers and book reviews have flown up...oh, sorry, must've mixed you up with some other desperado.
    Take North up on her offer, though you probably already know this.
    Jinny will just tell you Mormonism is wrong.
    Or, failing that, get you skinny ass over to the UK and I'll find lots of ways to call you fat.
    We'll have a laugh.
    Fuck the interviewer, in the words of a wiseman...Disco Stu doesn't advertise.
    I look forward to you ignoring this as you have the other tossers above.
    Ah, I've actually quite missed it here, apart from Anonymous, JinnAid and Alciabides of course.
    Yes, I've missed me.
    Fuck you all. Except you North, and A of course.

    Hey Vegas [waves excitedly...M.E. Is coming to Wales baby yeah!] ;)

  8. I would love to meet for some drinks ;)

  9. Oh ffs [rolls eyes]

    Hey Vegas ;)

    1. Missed you too swop, traffic, anon lolol

    2. Well Bell, I'm seriously impressed...that's the first time I've ever seen someone manage a typo...on a one letter name. *A.
      You still got it girl

      Help Vegas

    3. Yeah, nice to see you guys again

  10. HUH? lolol. Well I wonder how long it took you to come up with that one and second initials are initials. Put the drink down and maybe next time you can come up with something more witty. Hi North! ~waves~

  11. Urgh, well it was fun while it lasted.
    M.E...please, please meet BellEnd.
    Final nail and all that like.
    "So, like, ya know...these are like my tits yeah?"
    'Cheque please'

    Keep the faith brothers.

    Hey Vegas (BellEnd is trying to steal my sign off, truth be told, she can have it) ;)

    1. Stealing your sign off? LOL yeah because you're just so cool. I so want to be you when I grow up.

  12. I'm in the Seattle area. I've read your blog for years and sometimes quote you on my blog (see also here). I am currently listening to your book.

    My best friend (for a time) was probably a sociopath. Had I read your blog and your book prior to meeting him the relationship could have been more beneficial to both of us.

    Thank you for your insights and sharing with us.

    If you are interested in meeting and talking sometime I would like that.

  13. Hi from Russia, would like to meet you

  14. Hello I'm from upstate new York I'd be interested in talking to this person won't get into any detail on a public post

  15. In Texas, DFW area would be great to meet you.


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