
Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Socially inept

A sociopathic reader sent this as good advice for sociopath leaning individuals who may not always be great at picking up on social cues.


  1. Hahaha. Psychopaths are amazing at socializing you idiot. They are better than most. What's ironic is the fact that you have a blog called sociopathworld but don't know the first thing about sociopaths.

    1. Are you a sociopath?

    2. I dunno, I mean theyre not all the same. There's some commonality, but then some differences too. There was this one I really liked on another site. She described herself as a sociopath with high narc traits. I really liked her. We had a lot in common. Then one day she got all mean. It huwt my feewing : / I hate when people with personality disorders start playing the dominance game with me. I jus cut em loose. Its jus how it has to be.

    3. Lol the person who made this blog is a sociopathic lawyer. She wrote a book too, you’re just a dumb one so you cant get that theres a pretty deep psychological understanding of us, we’re not always good at picking up on hints. Unless we’re ignorning them on purpose to make people uncomfortable.

    4. Whats better is when you beat them at the dominance game lol it mostly works on stupid ones like this guy, the smart ones wont give themselves away that easily like this dummy

    5. Butt, you remind me of the annoying orange

    6. Haha such cringe

    7. I am not sure if I am a sociopath, psychopath or even a sadist. I threw a cat down my banister when I was 10 and I thought it was funny (I still do.) and when I was 14-15 I put my cats by the dog cage because I knew the dog would try to rip the cats tail of lmaoooo… maybe I’m just evil but I found it entertaining. Also, according to the family I murdered the cat. I mean it’s just a pathetic worthless creature anyway, they don’t have souls. Who cares?
      I am pretty fake with people. I smile and I’m “happy” around them. But in reality, I don’t think they like me but I don’t care, they think I’m nice and funny so I just stay that way so they keep being my friends. I mean I do sort of like them but they think they’re funnier than me. And I get annoyed easily. I usually don’t talk to them because I am socially awkward and people say I say the most random out of line things… for example I saw someone who posted a photo of there dad and it was a sticker filter on instagram it said “u and ur dad”, when you hit the button you could share the same thing. So I clicked the button but I don’t have a dad, he got stabbed by his sister. So I put that my dad was dead. I thought it was funny, others thought it wasn’t. I don’t care, they can think whatever they want. It’s not like he took care of me anyway, he gave us up for adoption because he was a horrible alcoholic. Enough of about that.
      I always think about hurting people though. Not like I’m going to do it, I used to care about people. What’s the point when no one gives a damn about you? So now I don’t care about anyone. I mean why should I? I have dreams of me killing someone, going back to the body and bearing them… Apparently that’s not normal and I might internally think about killing or something. I do have anger issues and ADHD and a family with horrible impulsive genetic disorders. So maybe I am crazy and I don’t care.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I've heard of malignant narcissism, maybe malignant autism is also a thing lol.

  4. never had an issue picking up on social cues...I do get awkward when people cry because I feel like I should hug them as others do but don't really want to haha..

  5. This isn't sociopath world, its fucking faggots who want to be cool so they call themselves sociopath land. Look at the cute little 'sociopaths'sharing their feelings!! HAHAHA... I'd cut any one of your heads off before you got to the world 'path' you all come across as ultimate weeklings in search of an identity. Ooh I have an idea, lets all get together for a sociopath pot-luck where we can get to know each other and share recipes!!

    1. "I'd cut any one of your heads off before you got to the world 'path'"
      Even though I would agree that this post was kind of odd, and I doubt the majority of people here have aspd, the way you write is cringeworthy. It makes you sound like the identity seeking people you are describing.Tone down the edginess if you dont want to sound retarded. I'm sure there are other ways to sound spontaneous if that's what you wanted.

    2. Except for Butt, I don't think anyone else was claiming to be a sociopath were they? Well except for the author of course

    3. I love how all these authorities drop their various versions of sociopathy. Look, personally I like being socio. I tried my whole damned life to fit some alien parameter that always ended with me putting myself out there because I wanted so badly to be 'good'. Ultimately I found my every action was entirely self absorbed to the point that once exposed was so alienating that my whole family more or less disowned me. No one should want this at all. It's horrible. But. I'll say this, in my infinite self absorption... I think we are far far faaaaar superior. We get to shut it off. Humanity. Additionally, I think this is really quite romantic in a masochistic sense, we get to see the real humanity, the reality of the human condition, and if we so chose to exist in their games act as gods. Lol.

    4. Anyone who has to put themselves up on such a pedestal is just a douche with territorial display issues. Why care about what other people post, why come on here to trash talk?

      Additionally, you're stupid, of course sociopaths have feelings we only care about ourselves, so we can care, we aren't robots dipshit, just wired differently. And clinically speaking, sociopathic traits can be acquired from abuse and neglect... So.... Shut the fuck up?


    5. It seems like sociopaths often contradict themselves. On the one hand you say no one should want it because it's horrible, but then you also say you love being a sociopath. I dunno, wish I could be a sociopath for a day just to better understand it. I don't think I'll ever really understand it. I think a sociopath should just let me pick their brain alllllllll day. I tried to work for the prison system and may have learned more there, but never did get hired. Personally I think they passed up a good candidate.

    6. Ooh I have an idea, lets all get together for a sociopath pot-luck where we can get to know each other and share recipes!!

      Do you have any for Instant Pots?

    7. "Ooh I have an idea, lets all get together for a sociopath pot-luck where we can get to know each other and share recipes!!" This reminds me of the vegan extremists. They always say in kind of a denigrating tone, oh let's get together, have a potluck, and exchange vegan recipes. It's their way of throwin shade to the "welfarists". They actually make these kinds of distinctions in their little subculture as if it all looks any different to anyone on the outside. That's probably how people see personality disorders. On the inside, we're all making these little distinctions between each personality type, but from the outside it all looks the same to everyone. It's kind of like the cold virus. There are 200 different strains, but do you ever really care which strain of cold virus you really have? All you know is something horrible has taken over your body.

    8. I don't think I'll ever really understand it. I think a sociopath should just let me pick their brain alllllllll day

      I get this. Metaphorical microscope, prod, poke. Almost an insatiable desire sometimes.

      Then other times, I simply think there’s nothing there but coldness and so there’s less incentive to inquisitiveness. But now I’m thinking about it, how very fascinating. He doesn’t want me here right now but still gave me a glass of wine to be polite. Why? Who the fuck knows. He won’t give me dinner.

    9. Actually, sometimes I can almost visualise his perspective. I mean that I perceive its coherence. I’ve experienced it often enough and tested the angles.

      Last night, I actually knocked on his head. Knock, knock, knock. Nothing in there. And he had some electrodes lying around. I strung them up over his head, imagined testing out his amygdala, his pre-frontal cortex. All the metaphors I’ve had playing in my brain for four years.

      He just sat there, coding away. Talking at the screen like a happy child. “Tok” he says. Blows up his cheeks as though playing the trumpet. Whale sounds. French mutterings. The strangest of creatures.

      No connection, though. Zip.

      Only twice did he get angry. Told me if I distracted him, he would never see me again. I couldn’t resist my imaginary experiments. He surely can focus.

      And then “get out. I never want to see you again.” Accent-heavy. But I didn’t go. I was deliberately petulant yesterday. Not petulant enough as a child... have to start somewhere. Being reasonable isn’t sufficient; that has to come as the wrapper, the interface once one meets their own needs. I’ve had it inside out. Time to switch that up.

      When he’s like this, he tells me he’s a monster. Went to Monsters University, graduated as a laureate. Was born a monster.

      But Kat has the right word: unaccommodating. I think insular is another good one.

      Incidentally, I was reading Sapolsky through his epic performance and stumbled on this pearler:

      “The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference”


      And back again to advice from the Cirkle:

      “If you want someone to appreciate your love, find a neurotypical.”

      I don’t know. Maybe I need to test under other conditions. I have to ask all the questions I have because the answers I need are about myself and not him.

      I knew from the first minute he would be my lab rat. I can’t resist the impulse any longer. Sorry babe. I wonder if he might kill me if I keep this up. He told some whacky story the other week about a jealous wife shouting her husband. I asked if he thought i’d shoot him... “I’d shoot you first” he says. As if. These are all fantasies.

    10. Monsters University eh? I went to Hogwarts. Well, at least the things I have been taught makes me feel like I went to Hogwarts. I feel like magical spells have been passed on to me. Sometimes I'm fascinated with sociopathy just because they think so differently from other people, but other times I just think it all looks so stupid. Depends on my mood. I'm definitely not as infatuated with it all like I was in the past. The honeymoon period is definitely over. It looks like it must be though for a lot of people because this blog used to be blowin up.

    11. Magic, fantasy... sometimes the dreams are almost tangible, I think.

      What do your magic spells do?

      Quora seems somewhat popular for these discussions. Maybe M.E. is writing a new book. There’s always a fascination with different ways of seeing the world. We’re forensically curious.

    12. My magic spells control human behavior :D

    13. I've been trying to find my ilk. I feel like Goldie Locks; this one is too hot, this one too cold. I've tried on lots of things to see what works best. What is the best fit. Tried borderline; too hot. Tried sociopathy; too cold. Animal rights terrorism wasn't a good fit. I don't really have a category I fit nice and neatly in to.

    14. A label is like an explanation. That can help.

      INTJ, somewhat schizoid-style fits best for me. I’m sick of my cloak of invisibility, though. That bloody thing has to go.

    15. Ima entj, but I heard that instrument doesn't really have good reliability. There was this one little entp I adored...She was pure evil. I wanted to kidnap her, lock her up in a dungeon, and keep her forever.

    16. The author should write a book about how she was cured of psychopathy, and everyone will love her again.

    17. Sociopaths evil is different from mine. I've always wondered in what ways it's different. I don't do anything wrong though. I'm pretty vanilla. It's fuckin pathetic. In my world, behaving pays better. That's the contingency I'm under. Behave, and you make a lot of money. It works. It's powerful. I behave.

    18. ENTPs are exciting and infuriating all at once. I love them. Tell us more about your little ENTP.

      **-* is ISFP. Same function pairs as me, different order. My mind was well guarded; he snuck in at my weakest point and his strongest, goddamn Fi-Se. His body made me feel. As for his Fi, that guy is always talking about values and there’s me staring blankly at him like a robot with commentary on how it doesn’t work like that. Well, sometimes I just listen in absolute awe at the strangeness of what comes out of his mouth.

      I like MBTI as it’s practically useful. Gives me a map for how to deal with a person. Yikes, my ENFP client - MBTI was our only clue to dealing with her. Now I get her and her cloud fairy approach to work.

    19. Yea I luv the ENTPs :D She was fun, liked darker things like moi, liked violence. I like to study violence. I'm not a violent person I said, I'm boring :/

    20. Sociopaths evil is different from mine. I've always wondered in what ways it's different. I don't do anything wrong though. I'm pretty vanilla. It's fuckin pathetic. In my world, behaving pays better. That's the contingency I'm under. Behave, and you make a lot of money. It works. It's powerful. I behave.

      What’s good or evil? Effective v ineffective is my preferred lens. Fair vs unfair is another native human consideration, playing into calculations in the former dimension.

      Dark things. What’s the appeal for you? What’s the fascination with evil?

    21. I feel like evil is the subterranean route to efficacy, agency.

    22. haha yea what is good and evil. Sometimes people like to say that I'm evil, or call me Dr. Mengele, all this crap. Then I ask them to define evil, and it's usually defined in behavioral terms so then I point out by their very definition, I'm not evil.

    23. I have a lot of destructive thoughts. Beauty in destruction. I'm not pure evil though...jus have alotta shitty thoughts.

    24. Oh, by the way, regarding my comment about animal rights putting vegans down who have potlucks, and throwin shade to welfarists; not that anyone gives a f*ck on this blog, but still feel like I need to correct myself. It's been so long since I've been involved in the animal rights crap that I forgot how it really goes. Ok, so they make mean and nasty comments about vegans who have pot lucks because they deem them ineffective activists, not because they are welfarists. They still hate welfarists. Personally, I think animal rights people are insane. I'm scared to tell them tho cuz I don't wanna walk to my car, and get Lefty Rosenthaled. I don't wanna walk to my car, open the car door, and BOOM!

    25. Creative destruction? You remind me of an old INTJ friend I had, who took private delight in observing chaos, and in subtle provocations.

    26. oh yes, I can get very creative :)

  6. What do you guys think of Michael Alig, and the club kids story? A little dated, but still kind of an interesting story. He had a lot of power in his little microcosm.

  7. This is a good example of any cluster b disorder. Originally I thought it was a bit of fluff since you're supposed to post on Monday and I look forward to that but I kind of got irritated by the other posts. I don't think its an inappropriate context to have an intellectual talk.

  8. Being a sociopath would be a coincidence of visiting this blog, not a prerequisite. I want to talk about the post and discuss personality disorders including ASPD. It would be nice to read and respond to some comments that were thought out. It irritates me because I liked the book and I appreciate the goal to dispel the stigma attached to mental disorders, so I thought the blog would inspire more of that.

    1. I dunno that the goal should necessarily be to dispel stigma attached to personality disorders. It's a well earned reputation, let's just be honest. The person with the personality disorder really needs to change themselves. This comes from someone with a shitty psychology so I'm not bein judgey, just bein realistic. I've even been fired from a couple of places because of it. As interested in power as a lot of people with personality disorders might be, really it's the normal people that have all the power. They're the ones who make the rules so adhere to their rules or suffer the consequences.

  9. After reading your book within the flash of few days, it has rilled up questions about myself. I am questioning whether several tendencies I have throughout my life has a connection with sociopathy.

    I have always been an antisocial child, my mother would smother me knewing that I was the youngest and only daughter. My father on the other hand is aloof. This way I could get away with anything between my siblings. The first out of the normative behavior that I have developed since childhood is stealing. I had a particular sense of thrill in devising how to steal from my mother's purses, classmates, even up to scam reimbursements at my workplace. I do not feel a particular sense of guilt from committing my petty crimes. The only ruling concisence that aligned me from committing greater harm is a surface belief of karma - that this would all end up bitting back at me some day.

    In regards to intelligence, I was not the brightest in class but one of the few top tiers. During my college years, I have to managed to haul several promising points to beautiful my resume. Such as landing an internship in a Big 4 firm, student ambassador titles here and there. As I was always incentified to climb up a ladder whether be it a layer within a student organization, once I've gotten into the position I wanted I would soon loose interest.

    As for relationship with people, when I was young I gravitated to aim to be one of the cool kids because I thought that it would give me the position of power. However, I was never successful in attaining that position. As life goes on, I struggled at the workplace due to my inability to relate to people's emotional cues. Of course I managed to climbed the get promoted into a senior exec. position by clinging on to my supervisor and eventually dated her (dismantling her years worth of relationship with another man). With my new found relationship, I have triggered an unhealthy jealousy towards her previous relationship. I would hack into her phone, emails, even documents to find out about her relationship with this man. Furthermore, it did not help that she was still very much attached to this person. As I continue to drown in my love for her but was also soiled with plans of revenge towards her ex. In ended up with my neverending tantrums, interrupting my professional drive. At the end of it all, I made a decision to resign from my workplace. Thid all too accompanied with my gender dysphoria that has been heightening. Now, I am unemployed and ongoing gender transition from female-to-male.

    Dear author, if this caught your attention do reply me an email. It would be great to console with you, as the details of my story is far to long to rant here.

    1. probly another personality disorder. Psychos know they're psychos. They don't usually hit like middle age and go, oh Ima psycho! That's what's been wrong with me all this time! I mean if you really feel like you need to be fucked up, and desperately wanna label yourself with something, there's a few other disorders you could choose from. You have options. Some of them kind of lack a conscience. Probly not as much as a sociopath but.....

  10. Does anyone else like Eartha Kitt?

    I Want to Be Evil

  11. Negan from The Walking Dead is the most realistic psychopath that's ever been portrayed on TV of all time. Anyone who wants to know how psychopaths work needs to watch season 7.

  12. People, I’m keen to hear your thoughts on this passage:

    “ They’re more interested in outcomes than in their underlying emotional motives, punishing someone who accidentally kills but not one who tried to kill but failed, because, after all, no one died in the second case.”

    Does this resonate with you?

    1. North, I don't really get the schizoid vibe from you. Do you actually have a diagnosis? Mental health professionals hardly ever see schizoids. They are these strange mysterious creatures that very few know anything about. They don't really suffer emotionally so they hardly ever seek out services. I came across one tho on the net, and he was mad about being pathologized by a psych, and even more upset that psychologists have little understanding of him, and kept telling him what he is rather than asking, and listening to what the person had to say. I appreciate that you had something different tho rather than usual stuff that graces this page; wierdos that think they're psychos, BPDs, "narcissists" (whatever that is, still haven't figured it out...what the people on the net call NPD isn't what I was taught it is in school),13 years olds, etc.

    2. “ They’re more interested in outcomes than in their underlying emotional motives, punishing someone who accidentally kills but not one who tried to kill but failed, because, after all, no one died in the second case.”

      My thoughts are if the person killed no matter the intent they killed so yes trial by jury....someone who tried to kill failed..well, they didn't do any harm so what is the problem? why did they try to kill the other person? was it self defense or pre-meditated? Maybe good reasoning...

    3. Biology of humans hmmm maybe I should read it...

    4. Hi Anon 5:43,

      No diagnosis, just those online tests where I score pretty close, hence the term schizoid-style. This description on Quora is pretty reflective of my experience.

      This description of childhood emotional neglect hits the target on why I am like this. Narc parents who both incorporated me into their identity, basically.

      One of the key things I've learnt from **-* is that I can negotiate. I've had growing success with this at work, funnily enough my biggest success was closing a sale with a psychopath client. I have no idea why I've been able to learn these things with psychopaths; perhaps because I can comfortably relate to them cerebrally. Work has been very helpful for me too because I do take pleasure in my own competence and in many cases, to be competent has required me to develop social skills. I've learnt to connect and build mutually beneficial relationships... having a contract between myself and the client gives the structure I need to do this. I think that's it.

    5. Hi B,

      Thanks for your thoughts, really interesting.

      The passage I quoted was from Robert Sapolsky's Behave: The Biology of Humans at our Best and Worst. Super interesting and very readable.

      Here, he's talking about the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), which "is all about the impact of emotion on decision-making." He goes on to say vmPFC patients are highly utilitarian, and also don't shift behaviour based on negative feedback. "... you know the meaning of negative feedback, but you don't know the feeling of it in your gut and thus don't shift behaviour."

      So those were a few passages that jumped out at me. I had always wondered why **-* reported me to the police for sending him a text message at what turned out to be an inopportune moment. I suppose in his mind I was culpable for the impact, even though it was in no way intended. Often stuff like that.

    6. Probably...he shot first asked questions later I suppose...I lack fear so I never involve the law...I mean I am very aware of what J is capable of but I am also aware of what I am capable of as well so I do not deem anything as a threat rather a war..

    7. Yeah, he jumped on the trigger of my action... but to be honest it was revenge for him rather than fear. He took the opportunity for epic payback.

      Oh, what's J like?

      I think sometimes we need to test a little bit to see where the stakes are for the other person.

    8. yea, i had a screwy childhood too. prolly most did on this site, but i dont live in my past. jus not my style i guess. it probably contributed to me becoming a relentless, unforgiving satirist though

    9. Yeah, good point. I've been thinking this week it's time I get fucken angry and then let it all go.

      At least you're entertaining ;)

    10. awwww ok now I get it..damn that is fucked up..I do agree about will see where they are in regards to how they feel about you, how important or unimportant you are to them..

      J is highly intelligent, educated, highly analytical, and successful. He has the most patience I have ever seen in anybody that I admire..His self control is also very good..These are two things I myself need to work on and I admire those qualities about him..I adore him..Never met anyone like him before.

    11. North, I did tell J about this place maybe he will visit soon or already has ;) he loves his games...

    12. We came out of that situation on equal terms, though. That's always how it winds up: a draw.

      About the testing - well, his son is more important than I am to him and so is his work. That's very clear. Reflecting on Tuesday night, though, he did say I wouldn't have to look after him for long - meaning in his retirement - i.e. that he would die relatively young. Weird because he won't even admit to a formal relationship let alone spending our final years together. I think I was a bit mean in response to him, but to be honest, I kinda had that plan too.

      Watching his coldness on Tuesday, wow. That was something to behold. No way a neurotypical could have done that. He was working for 8 hours straight, despite my distractions. He says he's a monster, but actually, I don't think he is. He was concentrating on the highest priority for him at that moment. He just didn't give a fuck about the impacts of that on me... except enough to tolerate my presence. I'm glad I annoyed him though. There's something important about that.

      Lovely! Hi J :)

    13. hahahaa yes you being able to annoy him implies control :) I do this sometimes to get a rise out of J..Sometimes I need to see him jealous to make sure I still "have" him. Kids will always be more important I feel the same about mine and so does he. We had a good laugh today as we watched some true crime the people were idiots and I remarked how pissed I would be if someone stupid killed me. I would actually be disappointed in myself..He laughed so hard he cried hahahahaha

  13. Whatever happened to that one whackjob psych nurse, Green Eyes? She was kinda rapey. A female rapist...that's kinda cool. I wonder if the author hates that other personality disorders visit this blog. Wasn't this designed for sociopaths? Sociopath safe space. I bet law enforcement is all over this site. I wonder if any of them are provocaturds. I know, I know, it's provocateur, but I call them provocaturds.

  14. Evil autists may have to remember to change socks now & then. But are these really psychopaths? Morally unsane folk often are VERY tidy & picky eaters that do not appreciate getting a table beside some smelly peasant making slurping sounds, according to folklore.

  15. Howcome sociopaths pop up only once in awhile, post a couple comments, and then leave? This site is for you guys. Is it because there is mostly people on here that aren't sociopaths? Would you hang out longer if it was all sociopaths? Or this site just not your thing? BTW, Im not talking about people that always contact the author asking her if theyre a dat makes me waugh

    1. Maybe the author could create a site where she screens people, and only lets sociopaths in

  16. Does anyone else feel like this blog is like confessional? I say all kindsa wierd sh*t on here that I would never say to anyone else, but it's a wierd blog where anything goes. For example, I wouldn't say I'm necessarily amoral, just have questionable ethics however, when I'm in a revolutionary state of mind I become completely amoral, and understand the mindset of...welll.....what I guess this blog is ultimately about :D That is something I would never go and tell anyone else.

    1. I do like this element. I like that sometimes you have a bunch of people on here saying all sorts of strange stuff, talking at cross purposes in a sometimes no rhythm at all. It's a valuable forum for otherwise-repressed self-expression.

    2. haha me too! Its like all anarchic and chaotic..i feel at home

  17. Many have a hard time trying to accept that socios are MORE rational than non-socios & more advanced when it comes to "reading" others. That anti-craziness & polished social interaction somehow is not allowed! It cannot be like that. But is. Another taboo most likely is ordinary psychopaths law-abiding behaviour (really rational people don´t break the law, it will only lead them to bad places).

    1. Yep, jail terrifies me...loss of freedom no ty. I am a very logical person and I always tell people I am a realist. I tend to have to explain my behavior in that way because some people have said that I seem unemotional with a lot of situations. Truth is I am emotional with people I care about and love...This year I have had two very stressful situations arise and instead of being looked at as wow you are handling it very well I was looked at and my family member said "wow what is wrong with you, you are not even bothered" stressful situations I am very calm, logical, rational...she on the other hand was acting like a fucking raging lunatic...the irony hahahaha

    2. The "classic" scene with unemotional psychopaths at funerals is another example of nonsocios not understanding psychopathy. Socios can get slightly psychotic(!) from grief (yes, this has mostly to do with THEIR loss). But still: depths unknown to most non-socios.

    3. Yes, exactly. I attribute that to a loss of control. I love him soooooo much if I lost him out of the blue and it wasn't on my terms I would get angry and feel like I was losing my mind...not a good mindset for me..

    4. youre a sociopath? if so, you guys are all so different....psychs should focus on all the differences and complexities of people rather than tryin to shove them in to categories

    5. I am a psych grad and I agree with you. The reason is because shrinks need a guideline on which to "help" you or make you better in their eyes. So they can go look up the recommended treatment. I was speaking with someone yesterday about this. Some shrinks aren't very intelligent. Basically, they have no insight of people and aren't very analytical. They need to be able to label you and help you based on what their education has taught them. This in my opinion is why they need their labels. I do not believe every soc/psychopath fits into any one label and certainly not the label that has been created. IDK if I am a soc/psych some may say yes others may say not. I certainly have tendencies but I spoke with someone who claims to be a psych and I asked her what a soc is in her opinion and I nearly laughed when she said "oh they are serial killers with absolutely no feelings"...Surely, I hope she was kidding...or she is simply lying about who she is...

    6. oh ok, so maybe not a sociopath...well, whatevs i jus like people that are different...petsonally i like studying little anarchic forces of pure pathological destruction

    7. mm hmm yea, f*ck mental health in my opinion. I love what I do. I feel like it's real psychology unlike mental health....sorry, no offense if you work in it. It all just looks so silly to me now. You can go and talk to a friend and it will accomplish the same goal as talking to a therapist. It turns out it's the therapeutic relationship between the client and the therapist that really helps people to get better rather than so called evidence-based practice. Plus I hate getting pathologized by psychologists/LCSWs/MFTs/MSW's/CPCs etc. I guess I'm just the typical nut, and in denial about my mental illness lol :D but seriously, I don't feel mentally ill ( don't the schizos always say that?)

    8. Yeah, healing is in relationship. And in getting what you want. Connectedness and agency are what humans need.

  18. Movies have probably made ordinary socios "coming out" impossible. But the socio is just like any other human being with morals & choices & ideals & convictions. The condition makes them more self-centered than others, sure; but is that EVIL? No. If people DO good things they are decent folks, even if their motives for doing so perhaps are not angelic.

  19. I was thinking of changing my fake online name but....i guess this works for this site. Does anyone here like to violate social norms? I read a really fun list I wanted to try. One was taste testing at a buffet. I don't think I could get through this one without laughing and choking to death, but if anyone is willing to do one at say like a vegas buffet, please call me :D

    1. Speaking of fun lists, 101 Ways to Make Everyone's Day Weirder from Principia is a good one.

      We could run a challenge.

    2. ok yes let's do a challenge. I'm starting with #4.

    3. lol ok go do it lolol

    4. Waiting for target to return...

    5. lol what happened?

    6. He demanded to know who had been at his desk. My colleague said "no one mate." There were more demanding questions, no answers. The cup and muffin (half eaten by me) are still sitting on his desk. I think he's politely waiting for the owner to return. He's good like that.

      I haven't shown any interest, but it really was very funny for no particular reason.

    7. lol omg this is so funny

    8. I will do some of these tonight hahahahahaha

  20. Oh, also a lot of people on this site seem to be in to psychology. There is an instrument sometimes used in psychological research called the disgust scales. Look it up, and tell me what ya think. Were you disgusted by it?

  21. I knew a psychopath and he was a coward. He got intimidated by someone and got his phone stolen. He said he would kill the guy but then he called the police on the person. He was afraid of someone alot smaller than he was as well.

  22. Only a few socios are violent: the stupid ones. Sociopaths often don´t argue in situations where non-socios would spend hours in drunken debates (just to tell others things nobody remembers the day after). Some psychos don´t even defend themselves if attacked, they only use their legs. Why? Because super-rational people see street brawls with mindless idiots as situation where there´s nothing to win, even if they successfully use their (legal) right to defend themselves..

    1. Sociopaths only use their legs to fight. Something tells me a lot of sociopaths would disagree with this. This is the problem with making generalized statements about personality disorders. Maybe instead the person should state their diagnosis/personality type, etc, and then say "For me, my experience with this disorder has been...." "Symptoms I have are...." rather than speaking for everyone.

    2. The core of sociopathy is a void. Nothing rather then something. Not aggression, not greed, not hatred, not pride etc. To look away, walk away, shrug, not playing a hero, do things that cause little friction etc is real-life psychopath behaviour.

    3. "not pride"....omg and I envy you guys so much on that. I, unfortunately, do have some pride, and it prevents me from doing some of the things I think would be...well...rather useful lol

    4. Quite frankly, I come here to separate the genuine articles (as far as people go) from the try-hards. I have to admit with disappointment that I've seen more of the latter than the former.

      Despite whatever definitions or ideas that the some may cling to, sociopathy comes in many different varieties as do people; One size does not fit all folks. I would be, what you consider, the violent type. Am I stupid? Not all. Please allow me to elaborate.

      What I agree on (as I am sure others of our ilk could) is the total indifference towards social cues and certain social interactions all together, especially where emotional appeals are involved. To me, social grooming is for chimps and the last I checked when I looked in the mirror, I was a human animal. Whatever the case, I subscribe to the idea that social cues are and of themselves a type of an unspoken manipulation. I frequently ignore most emotionally charged social cues or situations unless there's I could get out of it... or perhaps if I'm bored and I'm seeking some form of amusement. This brings me to my next point: Pleasure.

      I adore violence. This, however, doesn't make me a chainsaw wielding hockey-mask looking for any and every reason to cut someone down. Fighting, to me, is as pleasurable as sex. I love the tight, sore, aching feeling of a well placed contusion as well sharp, linger pain of a torn muscle. To me, pain is a flavor and there's so many out there. I find the color of blood an aesthetically magnificent shade of red and the feel of it on my skin refreshing. To me, this is a form of physical self-expression.

      Now, this being established, I wouldn't go on to say that there's "nothing to win" nor would I even go out of my way to even say "super-rational" either. For me, someone giving me to opportunity to indulge in these pleasures is like being offered a sip of fine wine you only get during the holidays. Being within my legal right, knowing the law, and adding fuel to the emotional situation to bring about this outcome is far from "stupid".

      What this requires is the understanding of the situation the law is attempting to define where violence is deemed acceptable and possessing enough understanding of human psychology to emotionally manipulate and bait someone into it. It's even easier to do if the individual is a personality type you don't care for and/or has inconvenienced you.

      One may ask if we may feel any sort've responsibility for our assailant's actions. Especially if we egged them on into doing it. I can only speak for myself when I say: "No." I am, by no means, responsible for anyone else's incompetence, lack of emotional control, or intelligence.
      Bottom line: They had a choice. They chose poorly. The moment they touched me, they had committed assault, the moment I decided to fight back, I defended myself. We had both, through our actions, consented to this course of action.

      In short, we may find much in common with other sociopaths in regards to our views and disregard for social cues and even some social interactions. However, the way we express ourselves is as varied as anyone how anyone else would.

      P.S. Having fought a few myself, I also do find that most psychopaths are indeed cowardly. I also do find that most DO feel fear. >:- )

    5. What is sociopathy? Indifference. Many sociopaths are motivated by other things, their inner psychopath sits "in the backseat", so to speak. Passive psychopaths most likely are the real items: people finding it hard to accomplish much due to lack of greed & consumer fantasies. Infamous socios like the evil prison specimens or the money hamsters climbing career-ladders are "driven" by other vehicles than pure psychopathy.

    6. That was an interesting comment....not the bland one that followed yours about money hamsters or whatever..

    7. A handsome granddad strutted around
      olde Narcissus himself came into town
      he said he came from a Scorpio place
      age had not wrinkled his pretty face..

    8. Thats just his botox.

  23. Shameless behaviour is a socio special. To ignore major events where people are supposed to come together and really spend time with each other one evening, for example. The socio may eat pizza alone with his own thoughs instead, thankful that he did not have to endure them again..

  24. Will you have classes on campus next year?

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I miss the woman who posted this on SW a couple years ago.. I have been away, This site has changed a lot- seems like ME handed it over to someone. Miss the old crew.

    Not vulnerable at all, huh? No such thing. Everyone has weaknesses, vulnerabilities, that can be exploited. You are not nearly as special a snowflake as you think you are.

    As for love, how can you have love if it is based on lies and half-truths?
    You can't. Because then they don't love YOU and you are a slave to them.
    Constantly putting on masks, trying to manipulate and keep track of all the lies you told.
    It's exhausting. And at the end of the day, what did you do it all for? To have someone love something you are not?

    And then what happens if the mask starts to slip?
    They will likely be angry, hurt, disappointed. Trust will be eroded, and that fucker is not easy to rebuild.

    Maybe they will still love you because they were so in love with the illusion? Lol! Then you are dealing with a desperate, codependent person with little self respect. What a catch!

    In order to have real love, you have to let them know YOU.
    And no, I don't mean confessing absolutely everything to every person you date. Pick someone real. Not just a pretty face or big cock. Someone you feel you can really talk to.
    Try to let go of the idea of showing them what they want to see and be yourself as much as you can.

    Build and maintain trust by being real and honest with them. Even if the truth seems very unpalatable. You would be surprised what people can deal with.
    You need to be able to bare your jugular to them, even if it goes against every instinct you have.
    Yes, there is always the risk that they might turn around and use it against you. They might rip your throat out. You never know... part of the thrill.

    Or they might become the best friend, lover, partner in crime and confidante you could ever hope for. Someone who sees YOU as you are and loves YOU anyway. Because they know you, they can challenge you, fascinate you, support you, help make you a better person.

    I also found that if you are really honest, the sex can also become unbe-fucking-lievable. They will know exactly how to make you purr ;)


    1. Hey Green Eyes,

      Nice to see you. How's it going?

    2. I agree GE but when there are trust issues that can make for a difficult relationship..yes the sex and everything else is amazing.

    3. Are we gonna bust out Good Housekeeping, and talk about cleaning products? WTF is this shit about trust and relationships on a site called S-O-C-I-O-P-A-T-H-W-O-R-L-D?!?!?!

  27. oh gawd, we got in trouble...the comments have to be approved now

  28. oh that one went through!

  29. Alterego, I'll have you know that I had a threesome with UKan and his wife and he's certainly not impotent.

  30. Psychopaths never get credit for making interesting dinner conversation. It´s like such things just are part of an "evil package". But surely that is unfair, how many interesting folks do people meet during a week? If somebody has "mysterious allure", surely this cannot be so bad? If somebody bores other like a tedious fiend and makes the clock on the wall yawn, isn´t THAT rather "monstrous"?

  31. I really doubt any of you can credibly define what "evil" is.

    P.S. Thanks, Paint. I found the hamster comment boring as well.

  32. The money-hamsters running in the Wheel of Illusion perhaps are the most fooled socio category? They think this gives them control. They imagine this makes them the person with the hand on the steering wheel. Ant-like creatures doing what ants do. Evil is just just "shortage". Lack of imagination, refinement etc, often stupids sister. Where are those sophisticated, latin-speaking villains from the movies in the real world?

  33. *groans*

    Following up on my Dec 26th remark, looks like I'm going to have to lay down the concepts of "evil" is, Morty.

    Evil could be thought of as directly living at the expense of others with no regard of their health, safety, or emotional well-being: Taking with no regards of others to benefit yourself.

    Good could thought of as the opposite, giving with the benefit of others in mind with no regard to self.


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