
Sunday, May 24, 2020

UPDATE! Time and date for Part 2 Alex and George Sociopath/Empath relationship interview

Here's the link for today's interview with a couple, one of which is a self-identified psychopath and one of which is not.

I had so many follow up questions that I asked if George and Alex could do a follow up interview, and they graciously agreed. Same time and day.

M.E. Thomas is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Alex and George Part 2
Time: May 31, 2020 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 745 2648 9985
Password: 0wiCtU


  1. Why is "self weak" persons still so determined and forceful? Their will has not been erased (and psychopathy makes a person more basic, concerned with survival) Why is not every psycho in prison? Because people can have strong morals (convictions) without having much conscience.

    1. I have strong convictions and a weak conscience.

      Do you know what that means?

      It means that I can easily shelve any strong moral or philosophical convictions which oppose my self-interests, and then return to my position, without experiencing any guilt or cognitive dissonance whatsoever.

      I have become 100% myself. I have never been more content or fulfilled, because I am free.

  2. Ah, the paradox of pro-social anti-socials...

    1. Stop trying to be profound. There is no fucking spoon.

  3. This is interesting.

    1. "However, scientists also point out it’s highly unlikely their country will fall prey to the likes of Mitch McConnell or Donald Trump."

      I think this point could have been elaborated upon in the article. Societies are collectively responsible for standards of behaviour.

      I think they'd be better off defining conduct standards for elected and non-elected officials, including sanctions, and these should be in line with current social norms.

      Trust is not a control; neither is mistrust. Trust, but verify. Build checks and measures into the system.

    2. "Interesting"? It's satire.

      Never trust. Always verify.

      #MAGA, bitches XD

  4. We hit the 40 minute limit.

    Fascinating discussion however. Learned
    alot from Alex and George. New relationship types have been much more accepted now. For sociopathic personalities this would however have been far more difficult without your book M.E As ground breaking as "The female eunuch" was for feminism.

    The sociopath lack of identity labling makes for wide range of partner options. Though you are correct the weak sense of self can be unnerving in such a empath based society. Perhaps e even the source of all the negative portrayals we see in fiction.



    1. Hahaha!

      So... Do you buy in at support, and sell out at resistance?


    2. There is no safety zone. We're always volatile.

    3. Hypo arousal is sometimes labelled as rigidity, and hyper arousal as chaos.

      I think it's a great model for understanding human behaviour generally. Your second comment interests me.

    4. I'm using market jargon, because your comment literally highlights an important principle.

      In order to turn a profit, you must take risks. This is true for every aspect of life.

    5. So true. As my career progresses, I've find many situations entail an unavoidable loss and one must play a long term, strategic game. Some pawns must fall.

    6. The bigger the risk the bigger the reward. Just make sure that the risk isn't so big that if you lose you're out of the game.

    7. @North 12:37

      frequency vs. magnitude

    8. Agree Damaged. Actually, that's probably something I could think about a little more clearly. I'm not very patient.

    9. "the frequency of correctness does not matter; it is the magnitude of correctness that matters"

      the article gets the point across I think

  6. "too much arousal"? There's no such thing.


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