
Sunday, May 17, 2020

UPDATE!!! Time change again, sorry! Elsa interview link and Socio/Empath relationship invitation

Sorry about the timing mix-up for the last one, but see the recording here. Zoom messed up the recording a bit so it's just my head, sorry.

Here's the info for next week, also a Sunday morning in Los Angeles, European Sunday evening because our guests are a psychopath/empath couple, going to be on talking about relationship and other stuff.

M.E. Thomas is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Socio Empath relationship
Time: May 24, 2020 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 718 1228 4940
Password: 2PH7GT


  1. Timing change did catch me out. Will look at the video. Maybe pick a consistent timeslot. Also note this one means it two in the morning in the UK.

    1. Sorry, you're right, it's should actually be Sunday evening UK time.

    2. Thanks. Yes 1900 start. That was interesting discussion. The analogy with colours worked Emotionally colour blind. Have been called that in the past.

  2. In a tale a cat met strange women wearing monster costumes. "-Don´t tell me; it´s another trip into fantasyland, right?" the cat sighed. "-Yes, this morning I noticed my weird feet & I felt I couldn´t handle that!" one fanged octopus screamed.

    1. What's the moral to this story?

    2. It seems like the cat is telling the women that they should find themselves, perhaps they should take another look at those odd feet and say "-This is what nature gave me"..?

    3. Thankyou.

      But I still have no idea what this means in a practical sense. Ie in exactly what respect does the cat think the women / philosophers / scientists are being inauthentic?

      Thanks again.

    4. For example, should they simply hate the cat for being such a pain in the ass and for being an unfeeling, ruthless brute?

      I'm pretty sure the women / philosophers / scientists are acutely aware the cat is a master at making a bloody nuisance of itself. An expert!

    5. I can't say for sure why the women, scientists and philosophers aren't particularly perturbed by this. Perhaps it has to do with this song:

      Any ideas?

    6. In the tale the women blamed the cat, and the cat understood that this was a phase they had to go through to be able to look at their strange features in the mirror. "-First they will hate, then they will accept their wrinkled crane necks" the oracle on four paws said (it resembled a tiny Sphinx when it said it).

    7. I don't think the women and philosophers *like* the cat's shenanigans. Quite the contrary. They often shake their heads at the cat's haughty, spiteful or (frankly) randomly aggressive behaviours and say things like "for fuck's sake! Pesky cat!" But then they just wait until the strange animal deigns to grace them with his lovely presence again, because he has such a sleek coat, and fine fur and such an inexplicable manner. It's not anything more complicated than that. The scientists are awestruck at the cat's hypotheses of nefarious intent and the philosophers find this alternate conception of reality to be so phenomenologically bewildering as to be fascinating.

    8. The oracle on four paws! Tiny Sphinx! That's too much.

      Two to tango, baby.

      You might need to be more specific about these so called flaws / things the cat is not a fan of.

    9. Why won't the cat just let the philosopher sit alongside it, looking our at the world from the porch? That's all the philosopher wants. They won't ask the cat any personal questions, they just want to listen to it's fables and stroke it's fur from time to time.

    10. Oh, I see. You're just throwing back a broken mirror image of what I wrote to you on Viber today.

      Suit yourself. I'm spitting straight facts.

    11. I'm not going to stop being myself simply because you don't believe me. It's totally your loss.


    This is a survey (research study) to collect the "D score" of participants. Psychologists use the umbrella term "dark traits" to subsume personality traits that are linked to these classes of behavior — most prominently, Machiavellianism, Narcissism, and Psychopathy (among many others). The Dark Factor of Personality (D) specifies what all dark traits have in common, i.e., their common core.

    D is defined as the tendency to maximize one's individual utility — disregarding, accepting, or malevolently provoking disutility for others —, accompanied by beliefs that serve as justifications. Put simply, individuals high in D will ruthlessly pursue their own interests, even when it negatively affects others (or even for the sake of it), while having beliefs that justify these behaviors.

    I am a self-identified sociopath, female, in my late 20s and I got a D score of 4.21 and rank 100%. I am curious what other sociopaths would get.

    1. Well, that was fun.

      I got 3.7 and 93%.
      Ranked close to 0% on Greed
      40% on Narcissism
      90%+ on Machiavellianism, Spitefulness, Moral Disengagement, Sadism, etc.

      Then again, if someone desperately wanted to see themselves in a certain light, then they would tend to select (subconsciously or not) the answers that would be true for the personality they wish to identify with, no?
      The biggest narcissist in the room would most likely be keen to be seen as the baddest wolf, especially if they are about as wolfie as a chihuahua.
      So I would take these scores with a bag of salt, never mind a grain.

      Still, fun.

    2. I did it back in December. I got 4.43/100%. I remember being in a bad mood when I did it so who knows what my real score would be. Salt and all that.

    3. Interesting that I scored as high as I did, considering I tried not to lean heavy on one side or the other. I was however thoughtful in each question. I guess that’s why I have 4 different shrinks that smile through their self righteous vomit box.


      Looked like a giant circle, like life.

    4. In a podcast about sociopaths I listed to a while ago they said that you had to commit 6 different violent felonies to get a 2 for "criminal versatility". Maybe self-administering these tests isn't that helpful.

    5. a 2 on the PCL-R

    6. Quite irritated me to be honest, as I decided to play against the easiness of dictating your outcome and just went with being honest with it...
      4.23 98%

  4. Long ago there was a cat, that swallowed a ball of yarn; and when the cat had kittens, they all had sweaters on.

    1. Well, yes, the cat is like that.

      The milk is still in the fridge.


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