It hasn’t been long since the Coronavirus cases in India started to fall after several people died. Researchers have issued a warning about a new strain of the virus that might cause severe symptoms. In Pune, the National Institute of Virology discovered the novel SARS-CoV-2 variant in genome sequencing samples gathered from international travellers from the United Kingdom and Brazil
The 2008 Nobel Laureate, Prof. Luc Montagnier,winner of 20 science prizes, (please verify his stellar quality of research) stated publically, the covid-19 injections are "creating the variants".
In India, a novel Coronavirus variant has been discovered
It hasn’t been long since the Coronavirus cases in India started to fall after several people died. Researchers have issued a warning about a new strain of the virus that might cause severe symptoms. In Pune, the National Institute of Virology discovered the novel SARS-CoV-2 variant in genome sequencing samples gathered from international travellers from the United Kingdom and Brazil
The 2008 Nobel Laureate, Prof. Luc Montagnier,winner of 20 science prizes, (please verify his stellar quality of research) stated publically, the covid-19 injections are "creating the variants".