
Saturday, September 23, 2023

Reddit AMA 9/24 11:30 -2:30 EDT r/psychopathy



  1. saw yu make fool of yuself over ther. yu ok? ive been reporting sum posts for yu if that fels bettr

    1. everyone has the right to define for themselves who they are. i find it a violation of someone's personhood and agency to tell them about themselves

  2. Hi ME. This blog has become awfully stagnant. I think there are 2 problems here. One, sociopathy/psychopathy is no longer the online vogue it was 10 years ago, and two, technology has also moved on, and with it the way people consume and interact with information. This blog is horrendously outdated and behind the times. Not only the content and information on it, but how it is presented.

    People get their information in bite-sized easily consumed and predominantly visual format nowadays through apps like tiktok. Autism is the new hot online otherness, especially if you have a zany take on it. I know you've been talking more about your autistic features lately, so this is probably a good entry point for you to stay relevant.

    A new book idea about the all too common misidentification of sociopathy vs Asperger's (ASD) by laypersons, be it self-diagnosis, or non-clinical assessment would be a great read. Especially from your autobiographical perspective. In all honesty a much better idea, sorry, than the dull proposal you've been talking about recently, and one which is far more saleable to the younger generation. You could release snippets and memes to promote over tiktok and via YouTube shorts. This archaic site can be a thing of the past. An evolving narrative like that I think has much broader appeal than this static nothingness you seem to be overly attached to.

    1. Why you being a dick?

    2. thats some good advice. can make a autistworld account or aspieworld or something like that on tiktok. i think lots of views

    3. everyone has the right to define for themselves who they are. i find it a violation of someone's personhood and agency to tell them about themselves

    4. tl;dr - if "People get their information in bite-sized easily consumed and predominantly visual format nowadays " .... then why did you submit such a tedious essay?

  3. What a fucking embarrassment.

    1. everyone has the right to define for themselves who they are. i find it a violation of someone's personhood and agency to tell them about themselves

  4. Imagine basing your WHOLE identity on being a psychopath, a label which you've assigned to yourself and then throwing a tantrum because a few people said something you disagree with and then demanding AMA on reddit be taken down because you made a fool of yourself and your feelings get hurt. Pathetic

    1. everyone has the right to define for themselves who they are. i find it a violation of someone's personhood and agency to tell them about themselves

    2. Yes, Indeed, imagine that densie the butthurt MOD Of r-psychopathy. Your whole entire identity is only this, and you attack (and ban) everybody who does not fit your mold or who refuses to simp in your echo chamber. And look, even little joeie weighed in, doinkity boink. This is such a load of, lets call it projection for lack of a fitting word that one would utter in polite society.

  5. I don't thnk I could eva show ma face in public again if that was me makin such a tit of maself for every1 to see. At least u give sum hope to all da simpletons and retards that they 2 can b just like u - a laughing stock, and an attention whore,desperate for praise and approval even if it means no1 will eva take u seriously. Cud neva b me

    1. How'd u think ud do on da inside luv? I'd luv 2 c u banged up on a cell wid da ova psychopaths. Pay gud money to c that I wud. Fuk I tink u shud go an offa sum of ur wisdom to sum of da guys and gals who been locked up. Yh I bet they'd luv that

    2. everyone has the right to define for themselves who they are. i find it a violation of someone's personhood and agency to tell them about themselves

  6. ouch that mustve stung lol

    1. everyone has the right to define for themselves who they are. i find it a violation of someone's personhood and agency to tell them about themselves

  7. Hi ME. I wasn't able to catch the q&a you did on Reddit but a few screen shots have been shared around on various mental health forums and discord servers.

    I'd love to ask a few questions here if you don't mind me asking.

    I saw from the report of your assessment that you so kindly shared, that you didn't actually receive a clinical diagnosis at all, particularly not one alluding to psychopathy which would be on the rather extreme end of ASPD but instead, and even by your own admission your diagnosis would most likely be personality disorder not otherwise specified. I know it listed you share some traits associated with psychopathy but so do people with NPD, BPD, HPD and even ADHD and ASD. So why have you latched on to this notion that you must be at the extreme end of ASPD, when there are far more likely alternatives.

    If the clinician doing your assessment truly believed that you were indeed a psychopath, then do you not think they would have had a duty of care to record this finding, which would then allow you to seek the correct help and treatment you need.

    You said the clinician chose to "sanitize" your report for confidentiality reasons and to avoid "internet gremlins". So you admit that the piece of paper you have is merely a dummy report that serves no real world purpose other than to push your own agenda? It's hard to believe any responsible clinician would be so blasé as to risk their medical license by putting together a fake report purely for a patient to gain some Internet notoriety and brownie points. Why would they do this?

    By your own admission, numerous professionals have told you that your thoughts, feelings and behaviors are indicative of autism spectrum disorder and various other, less exciting labels than ASPD. So why is it you chose to ignore this.

    You are right when you say that everyone deserves the autonomy to chose their own values, beliefs and identity, but then why seek a medical opinion if you are just going to discard anything and everything which doesn't align with your pre existing beliefs. It's one thing to be an advocate to yourself but when it comes at the expensive of seeking and taking on board medical advice and help, do you not think this could be dangerous, detrimental and pose a risk for your followers. Some of whom I'm sure have severe mental illness which needs significant intervention such as medication, therapy and input from cross agency services in order for them to function.

    As a lawyer, how would you defend a client who has been diagnosed with a mental health disorder which significantly impairs their ability to function but yet refuses to accept their diagnosis and any of the treatment on offer. Would your defence be that they have the right to choose for themselves who they are? What legal standing would this have in court?

    1. ME Thomas: trust me bruh, I'm a psycho
      Reddit: we don't believe you
      ME Thomas: here's the proof
      The Proof: trust me bruh

      Lol it literally said assessed based on this blog, XD

    2. Where is this shared? I didn't catch it either and just saw everything was gone.

    3. everyone has the right to define for themselves who they are. i find it a violation of someone's personhood and agency to tell them about themselves

    4. Fuck you @claire. ME is the real deal.

  8. I heard that the mod Dense Advisor has a breakdown over ME’s AMA.

    1. i thought they are the same person

    2. thinking the same

    3. I found ME's book very informative and it really helped me understand why I have felt so different my whole life. Thank you ME for sharing your story

    4. "i thought they are the same person"

      I thought so too, but now not so sure. They could be though.

    5. I have been reading that dense person's posts. There was agreement on discord to mass down vote them but I actually think they know a lot about stuff. ME's book was a good read, but I'm finding better info on reddit.

    6. I heard ME threatened to sue the sub. whichever story is true its all very dramatic. Rather than laughing at either of them we should feel sorry because its pretty tragic if you ask me. ME is a grown ass woman and her answers on that AMA made her look like an ignorant child. The mod was a bit aggressive in their questions but come on aren't these people supposed to be unemotional psychopaths?

    7. This wouldn't surprise me in the slightest, if it's true. Typical narc behavior.

    8. No they are not psychopaths. Disordered sure but not psychopaths.

    9. I found the AMA to be refreshing compared to the usual drivel we see on psychopath oriented subs.

    10. If by refreshing you mean a bunch of edgy attention seeking teenagers falling over themselves to be noticed then yes I can see how you would come to that conclusion. Not at all surprising ME wants to distance herself from such a dumpster fire when the popular comment was from a catfish mod who says they are a psychopathic sex crazed doctor who happen to be online 24/7. sums up the sub don't ya think. Doink

    11. Hey anon, lol, lots of anons on here. I just wanted to say I agree with you and know what you mean. ME's book was interesting but I always felt it tried to tell me rather than show me. Since following to that AMA and looking further on the sub, I'm actually shown what psychopathy is through research and sources and its a far more nuanced and complex thing than confessions tried to tell me it was. The more I read the less that book actually seems like psychopathy.

    12. haha LOLOLOL at catfish sexy psycho doc.

    13. can we get the mods to talk about it?

  9. love the book ME. great job

  10. Y'all who's here from discord?

  11. Is everyone here a r/psychopathy reject . We should make a snark sub and discord server. ME should be the MOD

    1. love it do it drop links here Tiny this gonna be the shit

    2. We can call it r/therealpsychopathy so that everyone knows we're not faking DOINK!

  12. 她的表演非常愚蠢。我希望她感觉好点

    1. everyone has the right to define for themselves who they are. i find it a violation of someone's personhood and agency to tell them about themselves

  13. Nice work ME you should have been an actress . Crazy the lengths some will go to to discredit others when they feel slighted

    1. You really should consider it if being a PsYcHoPaTh is no longer working out for you babes

    2. everyone has the right to define for themselves who they are. i find it a violation of someone's personhood and agency to tell them about themselves


    1. Why are we all pretending that isn't you? We've all seen your face and while the blur filter is a huge improvement it doesn't preserve your anonymity when you've splashed your face everywhere anyway and registered the sociopathworld domain publicly under your real name. Pretty mediocre genius.

    2. everyone has the right to define for themselves who they are. i find it a violation of someone's personhood and agency to tell them about themselves

    3. I don’t think this is the slam dunk on ME you think it is.

    4. and? everyone knows this already for years

    5. [ slam dunk on ME ]
      Dude, read the rest of the comments on this page. It's like the special Olympics. Don't expect too much.

  15. and? everyone knows this already for years

  16. anyone wondering why ME doesn't respond, she doesn't care

    1. i doubt it. i think half the fucking comments here are her

  17. Please M.E. could you do a series of videos or posts on how you cured yourself of your psychopathy. I'd love to know your technique. My son was diagnosed with conduct disorder (LPE) a few years ago. The doctors focus on us as parents. It's time consuming and a lot of effort with not a lot of improvement, but if you have a real treatment that works as well as it does in your case, I'd love to know.

    1. medical wonder cured her chronic disorder that she claims she was born with. i am a PsYcHoPaTh but i fixed my brain. she cracked the gay code and conditioned herself lesbo too. noble prize anyone?

    2. To the mom of the son with conduct disorder,

      I was diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder as a teen. I lied to my therapist a lot; it may have been conduct disorder. I grew out of it.

      Your child's desire will be for autonomy, respect and freedom, above all else.

      He will not tolerate any attempts to stymie his personal freedoms. Attempting to control/set boundaries will backfire. If he is younger than 15, try to manipulate him into thinking that setting healthy boundaries is his own idea. Do this by convincing him that self control and personal achievements will afford him a competitive edge. Help him to find a virtuous friend group dominated by males he is challenged by, and looks up to.

      If he is older than 14-16, he probably doesnt give a shit about anything you have to say. If he has completely devalued you and reached the IDGAF stage, all you can do is try to set a good example. Unfortunately, it isn't likely to make a difference.

      He needs peers who will exert a positive influence in his life, but this will only occur if he is part of a friend group where the dominant males are both virtuous and able to command respect. Tall order these days.

      If he is older than 14, your son is likely to have maneuvered himself into a dominant position, unless he is stupid and/or pathetically incompetent, in which case, watch him even more closely. His sense of inferiority, coupled with his narcissism, could lead to (excessively) dangerous behaviours.

      I would bet almost anything that he doesn't have a strong father, so I'm not even bothering to dispense advice along those lines.

      Emphasize his positive traits, and pray that he meets someone intelligent, shrewd and attractive who will challenge him and love him for who he is-- if he has any traits worth loving, that is. Perhaps someday he will mellow out, and learn the value of long term companionship, loyalty and committment. ​

      I'm a female, so this came about more easily for me. But you are quite possibly the mother of a male psychopath.
      Good fucking luck.

  18. I've always said she was autistic, what with that retarded grin constantly slapped across her deformed head

  19. I never heard of this M.E. person before reddit. Just read a bunch of posts and stuff on here and oh my Jesus, what a load of horse shit. Imagine being this desperate (or is it just stupid). No wonder she had a tantrum on the AMA if they called her out on her pathetic nonsense. M.E. from the bottom of my heart, I hope you grow up some day. 40 year old woman playing pretend. Funny but also very very sad.

    1. The travel pages are highlight in case anyone is wondering. The best cringe material you could hope for.

    2. Lol. @Dense_Advisor making all these comments with her friend zoned boy toy.

    3. You'd think people would have better things to do with their time

    4. I don't believe this is her. Dense would right uber autistic 30 paragraph comments XD bitch don't know when to shit up lol

  20. what the fuck are these comments. Lol. m.e you been drinking again sweetie? I remember when u used to pay people to write fake book reviews and comments on your blog posts years ago but this is something else. Lmfao


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